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JESUS Spirit List Sermon.

Updated 8 July 2022 AD at bottom of this Sermon.

JESUS Christ said in New King James Version "I and My Father are one." (John 10:30).

In the Lexicon from the Greek the word "My" [formerly translated as the word "the"] "ὁ (ho)" in Hebrew means "ה" [like the letter "n" in English and pertinent for the word "name"] is also translated in free host Angelfire code of the gathering of this string of quoted characters "&" "#" "1492;" of Italian / Latin Christopher Columbus significance as formerly known as discoverer of America in 1492 AD yet bringing an improving more civilizing way [though secular worldly] than about tribes (Exodus) though many tribes were civil and peaceful (see Jarod of the first 5 civilizations map in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law Sermon at published April 5, 2019AD and In JESUS Name Righteously Prophetically came true in 2020 AD); as Greek word "ho" is Hebrew word meaning "הו" Agreeingly like the english word "in"

as written at including the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net [like You Preaching on the Internet...], like treasure hidden in a field, the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child (see recent Sermon in this Series on innocent as a Child yet Wise such as Over Baptism and Eucharist), like a mustard seed, and so the kingdom of heaven is like the King;

as Power and Force apply Save Matthew 18:14 With The More Powerful More Forceful JESUS Christ Eternal Good. Since the Kingdom of Heaven is within You as JESUS Christ explained as written in Luke 17:21 New King James Version "nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." though because many don't see, many lack such level of Faith [Faith Amount (such as applied in Matthew 9:29)] hence many have warred against Themselves wrongly such as many stated "You have murdered our women, and our children, and bombed our cities from afar" yet with JESUS Christ UN Law is the Better Way, better than merely: better than terrorists.

Better than "if to catch a terrorist 'you have to think like a' terrorist", is if to be JESUS Name Spirit Family And Work You have to be JESUS Name Spirit Family And Work (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon at

Also in the above stated John 10:30 Lexicon is the word "ἐσμεν" meaning "we were"; this is similar to the word "ἐσμεν" meaning "we are" and similar to "ἐσ μεν" meaning "you are" (Google Translate) and in JESUS Christ Spirit these Agree in One with the same word meaning: We Will Be [JESUS Christ Name Spirit Holy Eternal Righteously Prophetically Best For All In One JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Work, including Precepting].

The Father and Son can be as shown such as to be counted in the census if to so opt,

and the Father and Son can opt to walk inside Each Other [One] and also through Each Other.

jesusun, Father JESUS pic, JESUS Christ With Father pic, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Father and Son can be as shown such as to be counted in the census if to so opt, and the Father and Son can opt to walk inside Each Other [One] and also through Each Other, JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Signature Sermon at

Who is in JESUS Christ Spirit?, as many as Creator and as many as created though the created is hardly aware to so humbly confess [mainly about if illegal perp] rather full repentance and Christian Baptism in the Name JESUS Christ if to be aware of the "Name" of JESUS Christ Spirit With JESUS Christ Holy Father One.

So in JESUS Spirit is:

The Heavenly Father as shown above, standing, able to be counted in the census during such Transfiguring.

John The Baptist.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Father JESUS pic, JESUS Christ With Father pic, John The Baptist pic, Righteous Prophet Joseph Smith pic

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Signature Sermon at

John The Baptist invited and Hosted The Baptism of JESUS Christ including Serving In JESUS Spirit.

Moses was in JESUS Spirit but didn't know the name yet now is Better More Aware (Matthew 17:3).

Peter is in JESUS Spirit

John is in JESUS Spirit

Andrew is in JESUS Spirit

Philip is in JESUS Spirit

Thomas is in JESUS Spirit

Bartholomew is in JESUS Spirit

Matthew is in JESUS Spirit

Jeremiah is in JESUS Spirit

Kumenonhi is in JESUS Spirit

Zedekiah is in JESUS Spirit

Kumen is in JESUS Spirit

Isaiah is in JESUS Spirit

and Many More are in JESUS Christ Spirit too.

Update 8 July 2022 AD: how time flies as they say back to the future: as linked toward the top of this Sermon as Righteously Prophesied including without awareness of how it would come to be [hence Faith in JESUS Christ The Original] the next sentence should already read: over 3 years ago.

Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law that Passed 2 years ago Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace Above The Law for to Best Guide All [including minorities and individuals and larger groups even All, for Every Sake For GOOD and] For Better as Each Hoped And Prayed. Importantly and Key is that in the JESUS Spirit One Name And One Work Is One JESUS Christ.

7 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Proves Righteous Prophecy Of This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Grace and explains Sacred Definitions "In" One Spirit Over concerns kept secret since the world began including revealing in context code gathering Internet [TV, texting,...] string Thread Of Life characters Highest Pertinence as concerning how the Father and Son can be counted in the census can opt to walk inside Each Other [One] and also through Each Other, concluding how Urgently Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law that Passed 2 years ago Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace as "Each Hoped And Prayed" is for minorities, individuals, larger groups, and All is NEEDFUL, with the significance of English, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin as with Christopher Columbus Biblically.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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