JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Christ Lifted As Promised Sermon.

JESUS Christ Lifted As Promised so as Thanked And Praised Today In The Name Of JESUS Christ, as Yesterday JESUS Christ Proved In JESUS Spirit One Victory: The New Standard Was Lifted Over the former lower level standard of the Church (see previous: JESUS Attackers Sermon at

As written in Isaiah 59:19 Berean Study Bible "So shall they fear the name of the LORD where the sun sets, and His glory where it rises. For He will come like a raging flood, driven by the breath of the LORD." and yesterday the JESUS Attackers Sermon solved that age old mystery comprehensively. The pertinent points were covered of JESUS Spirit for to not kill any Person.

In the form of a dove is written of JESUS Christ With John The Baptist. And of a bird and it's toes there are "typically three facing forward and one pointing backward" (wiki).

The Crown Of JESUS with the dove foot toes Peace Symbol.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptism of JESUS Christ Dove, JESUS Spirit, John the Baptist, Peace


The JESUS Spirit points the Best Way, reference as written in 1 Peter 1:11 Berean Study Bible "trying to determine the time and setting to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow." [note the Lexicon is with the word "beforehand" hence Prophesying applies according to Faith amount, likewise in the whole of this civilization the JESUS Loyalty amount applies.

1 Corinthians 4:5 Berean Study "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God." hence the "Lord" is JESUS Christ as stated in including "Treasury of Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:".

This previous version helps guide and explain the Aramaic version of 1 Corinthians 4:5 "Therefore you should judge nothing before the time until THE LORD JEHOVAH will come, who shall illuminate the secrets of darkness and reveal the imaginations of the hearts, and then there shall be praise to each one from God.", also for instance:

"Definitions of JHVH. a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH. synonyms: Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah, Wahvey, YHVH, YHWH, Yahve, Yahveh, Yahwe, Yahweh. example of: God, Supreme Being." (

As Promised, JESUS Christ Lifted, and the bottom at least of the living census of this generation census was Lifted of the previous Sermon previously linked, so in this sense the Spirit of Christ JESUS is a Victory, yet the JESUS Spirit continues ("Loyally" as stated in that Sermon) as a breath of fresh air, like a newborn starting to breathe, and like unto the Baptism Ascendingly. So this is no longer about the trampling on piles of dead bodies as mainly in the past ideas. One aspect is JESUS Christ UN Grace Spirit is Bring Better.

Just as the name of God is now known legally because of JESUS Christ UN, so too the now known rather than the lower level Holy Spirit is now JESUS Spirit Authorized, having set aside lower levels' strayed ways as the More Perfect Is Come. Behold! More Proof! The JESUS Christ Second Coming Is Already Happening as never before known of this civilization Save of the Righteous Prophets so Prophesying and Likewise. The eyes of the Born Again are becoming open as JESUS Spirit One Enlightens.

What does it mean to be "Authorized" per se?, it is like unto a fully repentant person visiting a Church and told come back for the next Service for Baptism, and then when the next Service situation is becoming due the fully repentant person opts whether to such as golf or go to the Service [this is not against golf per se]. While hardly about the secular, JESUS Direction is similar to a Captain steering a straight course while training others, and while the "others" are not the leader, they too travel the "straight course".

Many JESUS Experts are Better than no JESUS awareness.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptism of JESUS Christ Dove, JESUS Spirit, Admirals, Admiralty, JESUS Spirit International Defense, Peace


It has been said in cliche "Too many cooks in the kitchen" though so many goodly parents teach their children in kitchens. So rank has value, such as for instance there can be many Admirals and many Cooks in one room. The previous Sermon was about no longer killing people, and this Series has been counted as for love not bad and peace not bickerings; so this Gift for the Military minded: there is a story of a jeep and various similar ranks of various officers of various allegiances and to wonder which is in charge, so this Sermon states: at least They were trying. So "They were trying" not to start conflict, rather to respect [direction] rank value.

The JESUS Spirit points the Best Way as increasingly proven Best For All ( [Faith then Proofs as Miracles]) as the higher level then mere Faith, the higher level Loyalty applies such as "Psalm 106:7 Our fathers in Egypt did not grasp Your wonders or remember Your abundant kindness; ... ... , they failed to remember your many acts of loyal love, and they rebelled at the sea ... in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses ..." ( [note search results have sometimes changed]).

So this Sermon Gave a Gift of Respect And a Gift of Appreciation: for in each whether Captain or Cook [as seen in situations in many movies] or other rank, yet also these Gifts apply for All even becoming born can be with Respectful Appreciation.

So this next sentence is hardly about ranks nor levels of positions of any, and rather for all to consider what JESUS Spirit Would Prefer per se [such as for Best For All Praying {considering might rather be opted of some}, Preparing, Leading, Planning, and such]. Many spirits have come against me concerning protecting JESUS Christ And Best For All, such as to speak of the Holy Spirit but against the JESUS Spirit, so i mentioned such should tell [consider, mention, discuss with] Mother Mary in her first trimester.

Some slow to ascend have proffered "JESUS Christ is not the Holy Spirit"

yet in the first trimester JESUS One Mother Mary applied, and so as written in Luke 21:15

"For I will give you speech and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.", applied.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the first trimester of Mother Mary, Baptism of JESUS Christ Dove, JESUS Spirit, John the Baptist, Peace


People and spirits in lower ranks have often not appreciated the higher levels,

seek to Be With the JESUS Spirit Pointing the Best Way For All.

9 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, the first trimester of Mother Mary, Baptism Spirit Dove, new Better Standard arrived JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, name of Christ: JESUS, and in Heavenly with many vowels, and in consonants JHVH, YHVH; descriptions Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah, Wahvey, YHVH, YHWH, Yahve, Yahveh, Yahwe, Yahweh, loyal love for better Miracles, Admiralty, Admirals, Captain, Cook, military favors.

Jesus Christ

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