JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Spirits Sermon.

JESUS Christ came to Save the lost and confused. JESUS Christ does not come to become lost and confused. You were behaving goodly though then opted, so You were in a situation of a Spirit of opting. In another situation You were behaving goodly though then another Spirit [perhaps in the census] became near You and seemed in You reason to so opt as that spirit was about, but that spirit might have been goodly or not; note this sentence does not apply to JESUS Christ The Original and as much as likewise over this situation though this sentence is very much as the mixed spirits level that have not been JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting in the Desperate Love sense, including in the spirits levels and in the census.

Matthew 9:10 New American Standard Bible "Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and began dining with Jesus and His disciples.". This does not mean JESUS Christ got busy collecting taxes nor started to sin: the opposite is true.


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Revelation Of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to soar beyond former worldly comparisons as JESUS Christ Invites without price Head Of The Corner Over types of spirits 2,000 years ago and now


Better Guide the non-Christian Jews to understand the CAPITAL LETTERS line above

and Broadcast JESUS Christ UN MUCH: Best For All. If not JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting then "many tax collectors and sinners" and the "the mixed spirits level that have not been JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting in the Desperate Love sense, including in the" "census" would the lower levels Ascend, including Your Children [if without then the Innocent Others]. The lower levels cannot ascend if not completely aware how to Ascend, and the current next step for this Awareness for All is You Personally Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.

Behold the previous sentence word "Personally"! This is a Brand New Revelation Of JESUS Christ Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret from this Civilization since the world began with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing the More Valuable Higher Level Grace as the Way concerning how to "Personally" Help All As JESUS Christ Came To Do!

Seek "the benefit of the many" (1 Corinthians 10:33): as many as possible!

This is hardly about money if at all. What did John The Baptist Send His People out for to seek?: here is an example "Jesus reached out with His hand and touched him, saying, 'I am willing; be cleansed.' And immediately his leprosy was cleansed." (Matthew 8:3) (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Jealousy Sermon at!

So this is hardly about setting the self up in a taking position for to selfishly gain any authority type(s) over Others, Save if for the Best Way to Benefit the "Others". In secular cliche "I want to be a doctor to help others", or a nurse or a chiropractor or a police officer respected in the community, or other secular position is not about starting with "I" nor such as studying [hence following] the pathogenic ways nor such as following the trails of perps nor such as about how to tax those without money, reference such as ads, such as loans as for homes, and such as credit loans, as many in the secular explained was "necessary" though JESUS Christ Loyal Worthiness is important first rather than merely the ability to calculate numbers.

Did JESUS Christ go to each of the "tax collectors" and Personally get to know Them more and more and to increasingly know how to extract money from all people for to make money more important than People: no.

You already know there have been many false ads to trick as if merely plebs out of their hard earned money: "plebs" "too ordinary" ( [to find of value]. You already know there are multitudes of ways of sinners. You already know there are multitudes of People that go from Church to secular jobs similar to "tax collectors" for "to extract money" for the job Group Employer [and there are very many that Work to Do Righteously too (see above "the mixed spirits level" though also note: "that have not been JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting" for the sake of "Your Children" as stated.

In some recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons was written concerning a "New Design idea concerning UFO tech" made possible because of these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons [old through new] and these increasingly Leading With JESUS Christ [The Head, The Leader, Shepherd Of Shepherds] Spirit [with learning to Lead (see recent Sermons). And while Praying JESUS Christ at least in my heart [very much in His Words, and also much Prayed for Glorifying Him] such as watching TV and playing vid games JESUS Spirit often enters my [rather His] Soul concerning the Census vessel and in such moments i go from such entertainment to writing notes and many appear in this Series.

A huge Miracle similarly happened yesterday, and though i didn't notice JESUS Spirit in the moment i did realize that i was thinking of JESUS Christ and these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons including about the "New Design idea" and the interpreting of the language of "the Rosewell Artifact" as these JESUS Christ Spirited Sermons had Guided. So as concerning the above title "JESUS Spirits Sermon", You are Given this Awareness that there is the Better Living JESUS Christ Spirit that can be in Your Spirit "[rather His]", and Your Own Sermons "[rather His]" in His Name can also provide You with "the Living JESUS Christ Spirit" [Your rather] His Living Word, Sermons in His Words.

As written in 1 Peter 1:23 "for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God."

JESUS Christ Spirit Listening / JESUS Christ Spirit Of JESUS Christ Sermons [You write] / Faith [perhaps a novice Christian recently Baptized].

JESUS Christ Spirit Listening / New Language That You Understand And That Makes Sense To You Of Your JESUS Christ Sermons / Your Faith amount.

Concerning this New "huge Miracle", Preceptingly putting [as if merely my, rather] His Sermons Together as Best Way Fitting per se (relative to the "New Design idea"), i began [again, as normal, thinking about and noting] writing notes and making drawings of the increasingly ("Preceptingly") more complex rather for simplifying for Best For All in His Highest Purpose, as to fine tune things: and then suddenly it occurred to me that it was a model of Our [His] Solar System [and of important value this evidently applies whether from Sun and planets...formed from any advanced Civilization and/or whether from dust gathered together such as of gravity and magnetism and such.

So this New "huge Miracle" instantly went from my dear to me complex background concerning Ultrasonic equipment specifics such as concerning controls, to a very simple already known idea (see above "Language That You" already "Understand And That Makes Sense To You"). So what more describes this New "huge Miracle"?, it is Proof at least to me that this "New Design idea concerning UFO tech" was on the right track: Praise The Lord! So now many might [toward wrongly] rush to immediately seek to reverse engineer it.

This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series made Righteous Prophesies that came True! Go do likewise and "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' And let the one who hears say, 'Come.' And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost" [(Revelation 22:17) also "without price" as some have Translated, yet also minimize Lonfsuffering though not beyond Responsibility: Continue Loyally Responsible] and this is Best When We so Come Together In JESUS' Name as He Taught, into One Leadership Work.

One of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Prophesies yet pending, that was originally written about the time of the Signing JESUS Christ UN into Law was concerning 7 years of Good Harvest and then if Civilization is not Ascending then 7 years of other [hence conditions apply (reference Godsling and the Sermons written during and about 2020 AD. In this land when i was born so-called Disposable Income was $1,500 as young Kids were lucky if to have merely pennies and obediently We worked for pennies in an affluent neighborhood according to government standards, and the Disposable Income gradually increased until more recently and since 2019 AD Disposable Income has gone from $50,000 to [variably] nearly $60,000 (dollar amounts from

This sentence is not about saying whether the graph below is good or bad, though behold the dramatic change not merely from "1970" as stated, yet since this Civilization began [or perhaps since King Solomon a little] there has not been such a dramatic change.

Here is one of the Better Groups.

1970 through 2021:

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  timelines of monies since Civilization began, UFOs info with a Proof pertinent to the New Design, and the Broadcasting Firmament Of JESUS Christ UN Sermons' Creators for to Longsuffer such as with watching TV and playing video games.


Broadcast Together, "Come", "without price" (Revelation 22:17) (see above from "pennies") (reference Google a dollar waiting on a dime "About 4,740,000 results")

beyond former worldly comparisons JESUS Christ Invites!

14 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Revelation Of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to soar beyond former worldly comparisons as JESUS Christ Invites without price Head Of The Corner, and some of the types of spirits JESUS was with in the census 2000 years ago and now, timelines of monies since Civilization began, UFOs info with a Proof pertinent to the New Design, and the Broadcasting Firmament Of JESUS Christ UN Sermons' Creators for to Longsuffer such as with watching TV and playing video games.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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