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JESUS Spirit To Be With You Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit To Be With You is as in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series for to be Best Guiding Leaders Eternally, including Desperate Love Prayerfully, Good Loyalty Integrity, Ascending Better Preceptingly Fittingly for Creator JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Of His Original Plan the Best Way hence Best For All, and including Giving Joy in JESUS Spirit Work Together minimizing lower levels Maintenance Miracles that follow JESUS Christ One Faithful Leadership though not leaving the lower levels left undone.

JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty Best For Worthy Good JESUS Christ Oneness / JESUS Spirit Ascending Preceptingly Fittingly Guiding Faithfully / Miracles Exemplar for the lower levels.

JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty Best For Worthy Good JESUS Christ Oneness = JESUS Spirit Ascending Preceptingly Fittingly Guiding Faithfully x Miracles Exemplar for the lower levels.

So to Edify, if to fix the hole in the boat floor, then to consider JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty Best options Comprehensively (JESUS Christ ICCDBB "PCS" Sermon) for [Praying in Heart and] to Best Way Prioritize Creating the "JESUS Christ ICCDBB" [as is often in this Series, and likewise how the Righteous in the Bible Edifyingly built cases Edifyingly: hence the not missing link from the Higher Flow to the lower level Flow], as the lower levels as JESUS Christ explained in New American Standard Bible "Then Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.' " with "simply" explained as "to have faith, i.e. Credit; by implication, to entrust" hence as JESUS Christ explained as this Civilization opts an amount of "faith" for to be credible and trustworthy for to become entrusted with the Better More Important Higher Level Positions JESUS Christ Offers Without price.

If the sliding boards are clean, i like this stuff so much [Thank You JESUS Christ, and for such Planners and Workers Likewise.

Though many NEED Help, having opted to slide down in fun, and slide down farther, and at greater risk freefall from perhaps hot air balloons for kicks.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Spirit Loyally Giving The Best Spirit Anewly Better Over the missing link kept secret since the world began with how to solve the lower levels that are Your beartrapped foot Responsibility through NEEDFUL JESUS CHRIST UN BROADCASTING, with Advanced Bible Formulas Systematic Pertinence Better Over Better, Best For All for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose hence to compliment JESUS Christ The Best Way, including NDT info Anewly Better concerning NDE Immersion Ultrasonics  Ultrasonics Testing equation v=λf, velocity = wavelength x frequency.


Am i a flamethrower for telling the clear truth plain and simple. Previous Sermons in this Series told of so many of this Civilization doing flip-of-coin things for risk or fun, but to lose such as use of hands for a momentary thrill can be a lifespan warning sign to improve and not stray anymore, as more important thrills are coming so prepare Giving The JESUS Christ Better Way Before The Fact.

This "JESUS Spirit To Be With You Sermon" is A Function Of, Agreeing With, and In JESUS Christ Spirit Contingently Preceptingly For Better For All To as written in 3 Nephi 18:11 with Sermon Pertinent Words in Bold as JESUS Christ for this JESUS Christ UN Civilization clearly plainly and simply explained for All: "And this shall ye always do to those who repent and are baptized in my name; and ye shall do it in remembrance of my blood, which I have shed for you, that ye may witness unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.

And "my Spirit to be with you" is JESUS Christ Leadership One Inviting Spirit: JESUS Christ Spirit Giving All the Invitation as He Hosts Best For All. Now this above stated Missing Link is rather than merely Ascending As JESUS One, this includes for Their Sake [for All Civilization], and so the Missing Link through JESUS Christ Spirit [From His Oneness to His Oneness if already One, though if other then Ascending to His Highest Level hence Continuing Leading Better], is solving "to fix the hole in the boat floor" made by us as much as lacking faith as naysayers and disbelievers, similarly perhaps as one foot follows the lead foot while walking [though pertinent Best JESUS Christ Spirit Righteous Recordkeeping is of Value for Precepting]:

so the amount of Faith missing, is solved in JESUS Christ Faith One Victory as this Civilization finds the "missing" part, the missing link JESUS Christ Spirit Way. In other words Edifyingly if to be anything less than Perfect Creator Of All including Self, then lacking ["missing"] faith amount. In Our Search hardly about missing Children [Desperate Love Exceeding Importance] selfishly as Parents for Their Children [Parents are Responsible, though the Children belong to JESUS Christ Creator Of His Original Plan], nor merely about missing funds [also very important],..., rather All Of This Civilization is "missing" JESUS Christ an amount, since if to be enabled of Him to catch up so to speak, momentarily, then His Worthiness is recognized at that Level and Continuing to Better Give He Leads Better hence Joyfully Ascends for Your Sake, rather for the sake of this Entire Civilization therefore this Entier Civilization Ascends though hardly if not JESUS Christ Spirit One [such as part, and amount].

As written in the previous Sermon "The Word Of JESUS Christ With New Power" is like unto considering how "A large wave of energy can pass through Earth and Mars simultaneously from the Creator" JESUS Christ and so "A stone might slide on Earth the same moment a stone slides on Mars: from the Creator" Original Plan: All Things Known In Advance. Known is that You Will Opt, this is the Righteous Prophesy In JESUS Christ Spirit, this Civilization Will Opt because of You, including You. Including You hence including JESUS Christ Desperate Love For Better For You, For Best For You Personally Each and rather All One Best Joyful!

You are included in His Creation, to disgrace is to dis thyself, to depart from value. To dis concerns the symbolic "hole in the boat floor" though JESUS Christ Original Plan is Victory!: the "hole" appears to the departed: an emergency condition to the struggling in strayed works, to late for the departed Save not suffering through JESUS Christ Spirit. The "Ascending" are with Joy! So this Civilization is with Joy and sorrows, purgatory level, while [all too often struggling as evidenced] in Desperate NEED to Love JESUS Christ and then Prayerfully Better Guiding All

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Spirit Better Guiding All / Observing any not Ascending hence New Victories Over lower level reasons / the fallen through "hole" naysyaers works to hide selfishness.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Spirit Better Guiding All + Observing any not Ascending hence New Victories Over lower level reasons x the fallen through "hole" naysyaers works to hide selfishness.

So JESUS Christ Desperate Love Spirit reveals this key, that the above negative [about "selfishness" of "naysayers"] becomes a positive because of "New Victories" having solved in JESUS Spirit hence in Joy(s) of such Solvers: so to JESUS Christ and His Loyal Solvers Solving is One Joy, while to the struggling to survive in works to conceal "selfishness" Their opted reasons to remain fallen disappear as the Sun that evaporates the morning dew.

The Agreed and so Doing Good are as Exodus 16:13 "So it came about at evening that the quails came up and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.", while the as opted Others Ascend [According to You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Currently Pertinent And NEEDFUL] from such as written in Hosea 13:3 "Therefore they will be like the morning cloud And like dew which soon disappears, Like chaff which is blown away from the threshing floor, And like smoke from a chimney.".

So after the realization of stumbling blocks and how to Better Way Overcome such then applies as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 9:5 "For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?".

So the temporary People opted to stray, hence to Test God (reference pertinence concerning explaining "under the fig tree" John 1:50), so suffered the temporary "selfishness" so with You Broadcasting "Currently Pertinent" [increasingly, magnifyingly] All Ascend Into not merely eras of Joy yet Eternal Joy as written: John 9:3 "Jesus answered, 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.' ": this All for the Glory Of God JESUS Christ Spirit One!

In more recent years such as on TV as written [Sermon yesterday included secular] " 'Magnetic portals' open every 8 minutes between Sun and Earth flowing chemicals [toward the maximum speed of light] to each other" yet prior JESUS Christ had already provided in this Sermons Series this type of info and with pertinent specific details such as in the Drawings the "Big Pulse" of the Heart Of JESUS Christ Desperately Loving hence humbly Hosting All The Members His Blood, with record in the "Great Pyramid" [small relative to others Pyramids on Earth] of Ancient Egypt the pulsing interstellar and intrastellar power plant example, and the Drawing with this Series Pulse Pertinent Anewly Now "transfer of DNA pattern into water" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: King JESUS Sermon at

"but prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for those who believe" (from 1 Corinthians 14:22).

An Adult does not want to be treated as a child. So such a Person does not agree to any higher level step so does not go up stairs according to Their opted way if consistent: not so. JESUS Christ Words In The Christian Bible Are Arranged Best Way For All, no exceptions, whether to go up levels or slide down or fall out a window from works to climb into Heaven some other selfish way with pistols though the Original Creation includes as written in Amos 9:2 New Living Translation "“Even if they dig down to the place of the dead, I will reach down and pull them up. Even if they climb up into the heavens, I will bring them down.":

what is the Current Pertinent "place of the dead": in recent decades nations have raced to the regions to dig up Advanced Civilizations' [often misleading discarded garbage (consider incorrect info piled into garbage dumps as though future treasures)] artifacts, and the race to the Moon and Mars and such similarly. What were the curses of the "dead" in ancient Egypt for instance: the "dead" due to diseases for instance: the nations anewly spreading diseases that had been buried. When to find a cure, many sought the DNA strand prior to the disease to see how to solve, but to dig the ancient might predictably mean to dig that much farther into the "dead" (see above verse Amos 9:2). Better than to do such, is of JESUS Christ Spirit to first be with Much Giving Of Healing Capabilities and Experience (see in this Series on "Baptizing" per se, hence on "Ascending").

An embryo becomes aware of a crib: every step is the same: through JESUS Christ. To Ascend from cave clans to outer space Colonizing, ever step is the same in JESUS Christ Spirit, in JESUS Christ, "through JESUS Christ", One With Leader JESUS Christ: He Steps Up and the Loyal Agree and Do. A cave clan Child grew and became Clan Leader and made cave drawings, and passed from the census and the next Leader began considering the drawings more seriously and began drawing more seriously, hence future helpfully toward JESUS Christ Living Bible Righteous Prophesying hence new found Joy Spirit Likewise, for Their sakes, Best Way For All.

This Civilization can merely leave garbage or rather as the previous in this Series explained leave pertinent values for future Them [even if hardly cost if any to Us]. If to carelessly enjoy a level though allow strayed and fallen to suffer then this Civilization is as with a foot in a trap, as a ship with a powerful motor tied to dock and anchored. The prisons are such an example, and the unemployed as many as anxious for legal employment: solve the lower levels systematically and to start as stated above "According to You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Currently Pertinent And NEEDFUL". If You do not Broadcast then hardly would Your trapped foot ascend. You NEED to be the JESUS Christ Spirit Exemplar Prayerfully Likewise Doing First.

Yesterday was 11 September 2022 AD, a secular 911 moment. And after yesterday's Sermon JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness Loyalty [even if involving merely an amount] Gave a tremendous Victory Over what experts had wondered all Their [and Our] lives, concerning a fundamental beginner secular precept of the Ultrasonics Testing equation v=λf, velocity = wavelength x frequency; shown below are a normal bell wave "Signal" [Power similarly such as to move things such as water and steel] with amperage gain control modulation "AM" [radio] with frequency sweep modulation "FM" [radio]. If to change the Ultrasonic Unit controls that control wavelength and similarly if to change the controls concerning frequency, the test material should change (see linked Einstein Drawing of yesterday's Sermon).

Yet of Precepting Sermon On Sermon hence "Broadcasting" on "Broadcasting" JESUS Christ Spirit Better for All [(see above Joy discussion and "for those who believe") even if All do not agree] the JESUS Spirit In These Sermons Flow so that secular "equation" did not represent the Whole Flow (of the Whole Creation Plan). So this explains it's former limitations ["former" if to Be Ascending With JESUS Spirit to Flow "Comprehensively" (as stated above)] as All Becomes Enlightened Of JESUS Christ in JESUS One Ascending.

So for instance an Ultrasonic Wave entered water and if too powerful the water separated, cavitated, air whirlpooled, so the energy transfigured of JESUS Christ Exemplar Creator Physics. Also a material does change with changing the controls per se, though such as often tiny amounts [as the secular has been aware]. So the "equation" is merely a part of the Flow of JESUS Christ Best Way. And note Ultrasonics are big on resonant harmonics [hence value pure sounding like unto JESUS Christ Holy Word pertinent then, pertinent now, pertinent in this situation, pertinent in that perhaps yet unseen future situation (see above)]. And with this Immersion Ultrasonics example the Tuning Fork plasma between tines applies (recent Sermons).

So with JESUS Word Spirit water spirit energy can become air spirit energy, as part of the Whole JESUS Christ Unifying [Better on Better] Unification Continuum Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Spirit Loyally Giving The Best Spirit Anewly Better Over the missing link kept secret since the world began with how to solve the lower levels that are Your beartrapped foot Responsibility through NEEDFUL JESUS CHRIST UN BROADCASTING, with Advanced Bible Formulas Systematic Pertinence Better Over Better, Best For All for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose hence to compliment JESUS Christ The Best Way, including NDT info Anewly Better concerning NDE Immersion Ultrasonics  Ultrasonics Testing equation v=λf, velocity = wavelength x frequency.


12 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Spirit Loyally Giving The Best Spirit Anewly Better Over the missing link kept secret since the world began with how to solve the lower levels that are Your beartrapped foot Responsibility through NEEDFUL JESUS CHRIST UN BROADCASTING, with Advanced Bible Formulas Systematic Pertinence Better Over Better, Best For All for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose hence to compliment JESUS Christ The Best Way, including NDT info Anewly Better concerning NDE Immersion Ultrasonics Ultrasonics Testing equation v=λf, velocity = wavelength x frequency, Signal Power able to move things such as steel and such as water as with Moses and Chosen People Exodus hence 2 lines of cavitation separating in the secular sense.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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