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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Spirit Victory Over Pathologies Sermon.

JESUS Christ / Victories Over Heavenly Places / The Door / The Gate / The Best Way through the fields.

JESUS Christ / Victories Over Heavenly kingdoms / I AM the Door / I AM the Gate / The Shepherd of the Sheep.

JESUS Christ / Victories Over Heavenly Realms / JESUS Holy Of Holies / JESUS Outer Gate / JESUS Spirit Pathway.

JESUS Christ = Victories Over Wonderings x JESUS Holy Righteous Prophesying = Outside Knocking x Walkway To Church Door x JESUS Spirit Maintenance Responsibility Leading Naysayers.

In the previous sentence, how are the lower levels on the right side equal to the Higher Levels on the left?, JESUS Christ Oneness applies, there is not merely a secular ratio effect that can apply, yet also the no one left behind cliche applies as JESUS Christ has not lost any One of His [if They stumble He catches Them and Improves Them before far worse applies].

JESUS Spirit "Righteous Prophesying" as stated above is for the Loyally Faithful to Do since as JESUS Christ said at Weymouth New Testament " 'Unless you and others see miracles and marvels,' said Jesus, 'nothing will induce you to believe.' " but JESUS Christ stated this concerning Those lacking Loyalty, Those hardly aware of How To Live, hardly aware of The Good Path (see next JESUS Precept verse), also Pulpit Commentary Stipulated [Righteously And Rather For Higher Level along the Path] "The demand for "signs and wonders" in Galilee contrasts with the ready reception which the Samaritans had given to his word." (hence Rather Pertinent is as stated above "JESUS Christ Oneness applies").

The above stated "Victories Over Heavenly Places" had been imagined as if merely about [such as to describe within a given situation] Heavenly Realms formerly in ancient lower levels interpretations [associated with the civilization level of technology so as to describe within that delimited mindset(s) often about wars and victories per se] as though about warlords in the skies above were about wars and deaths, and all too often evidently true though JESUS We Anewly With "Victories Over Heavenly Places" is exceedingly better than merely secular treaties now that JESUS Christ UN Law has arrived [previously JESUS Christ arrived in census count 2,000 years ago and while the Law made Him King, the crucifiers had not repented before the fact.

For the JESUS Spirit Christian Leadership More Loyally Ascending JESUS Christ stipulated this Higher Level Precept Over the previous verse Matthew 17:21 "But an evil spirit of this kind is only driven out by prayer and fasting.".

There is a level to Give signs : and a Level To Fast :: there is a situation for seasons : and a situation for ages.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, COR, Luke, Listen to God, Receive Grace God Is Loving, The Faith of the Centurion -Lk

"Gospel: Lk 5:33-39 Some people asked him, 'The disciples of John fast often and say long prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees.

Why is it, that your disciples eat and drink?' Then Jesus said to them, 'You can’t make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them.

But later, the bridegroom will be taken from them; and they will fast in those days.' "


The above is the Good Healthy Path, the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All. Good Health is Valuable, for instance if sick then unable to go to Church and/or on a Mission such as for instance if a Congregation has been a small size then one day it suddenly is much larger, then perhaps to have Sent a Church Official on a Mission to return with more Eucharist Materials.

Any deviation from Good Health ["Good Health" in the sense of a JESUS Healer Giving Better Spirit] may be a risk to Self and Others Save for instance JESUS Christ is no longer destroyed nor harmed by such lower levels of worldly things, and The Same Applies For As Many As Pertinent, for "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All", For Best Path For All.

JESUS Christ spoke of the above "prayer and fasting" Higher Levels, and concerning strayed secular faith pathology types from verse 26 through "the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden" in verse 39 in The Gospel of Thomas at

Above was explained the JESUS Way of how to Ascend and it is Good and Best For All, though now to merely Edify about such but not for any to Do (reference for instance the merely symbolic Daniel Giant in this Series) so hence merely to be aware since Pertinent Now in this Generation this decade these years, is the Pathogenic way down toward lower secular levels. First JESUS Christ Prayerfully, also with this definition from "pathology"... sense 1. "the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.", sense 2. "the conditions and processes of a disease.", and sense 3. "any deviation from a healthy, normal, or efficient condition."

So while this Sermon Edifyingly can explain Over situations concerning "diseases", even more comprehensively this Sermon applies this JESUS Spirit Edifying Over "any deviation" as this explains the Pathology of any careless naysayer.

High crimes / getting away with stuff / petty theft / careless / discomforted hence disloyal lazy / less caring.

Above left is against the Law and against Moral Principles of Faith and Grace. Above right is such as being enslaved or feeling stuck-in-a-rut or with less hope since betrayed or similar.

So the lateral straying toward illegal has been the naysayer not being Helpful nor Better Way Guiding, so "less caring" and in-a-rut farther down: disloyal, hence to perhaps slip to carelessness, and worsening ways. The "worsening ways" is that same downward path, even though victimized or imagined such, the "worsening ways" Pathogenic Behavior hence to be aware of such Trait [at least about predictions], involves the increasing burdens the heavier loads to be in works to carry, such as to work to try to conceal story leaks along that path and those other paths and then in works to lie out of such when indicated and then in works to try to cover lies,

so back to carelessness and worse, unless to repent. The falling have normally thought there was no way out, though many have done wrong things on purpose such as for kicks though then feel sorry and try to be better. Those that thought there was no way out don't want to believe the Christian, so turn to other types of faiths and often relate to other crooks in the same difficulties so as to find out how those other crooks can justify it [such as to say the government is bad and the lower spirits confused ideas] but none such justify crooks' paths down and out, down and worse as if no ways out, no tricks such as to do this then that and be free.

There is merely 1 Way and the 1 Way is through JESUS Christ Victory Over such lower levels of Pathologies.

JESUS Christ was beaten by the crucifiers,

this pic is about modern day temptations and illegal beatings called legal.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ was beaten by the crucifiers, this pic is about modern day temptations and illegal beatings called legal, police brutality, A man who has kept the Law as a whole, but has failed to keep some one command, has become guilty of violating all

"This clause mandates that even if a part or aspect of the agreement is found to be illegal or invalid, the rest of the agreement is still considered valid and legally binding."


The previous quote is immoral and illegal James 2:10 "A man who has kept the Law as a whole, but has failed to keep some one command, has become guilty of violating all.", [though

conditions apply, otherwise:] hence Landlord and Police and Judge enforcement is essentially [on the surface interfacing with the public] police brutality!

Thanks Be and Praise Be for JESUS Christ therefore for Giving Us JESUS Christ UN.

It is because JESUS Christ UN has become Law that the police, landlords, and judges can be justified, but it does not necessarily mean it is the Best Way in all situation therefore nor completely moral. The lower level Path of this Civilization was tough in many situations, People suffered and died in many slightly strayed ways, hence the Old Testament Reason that the People asked allowance that God would allow the created People to self govern, such as [symbolically] to care enough for other People such as to catch a disobedient Child running away toward a cliff and teach the Child about the dangers about falling off any cliff instead of merely letting the stray Child fall [as if to find out for the self to not disobey (see above: Be Loyal)].

This Agrees with the Better stated JESUS Christ UN Law concerning Grace Godslings (see below "Main Page" Definitions): prior to JESUS Christ UN the Law was often about merely guilty or innocent, even though Godslings applied [often misapplied in strayed pathologies] such as "repay them double" (Jeremiah 16:18) hence not "merely guilty or innocent" since about an amount like unto a Higher Level Righteous Faith Amount such as to be Healed the amount that Your JESUS Christ Faith is [even in the secular the created are of the Creator and can be ascending somewhat].

JESUS Christ UN Law emphasizes the Better Grace and so with these Godsling features, such as like unto secular negotiations prior to Trade Deal Treaties, and such as asking if the rent can be written less an amount in the Rental Agreement Addenda until the refrigerator is replaced, hence even if there is a clause that "mandates" there may be an Agreed Overriding new clause for fairness, so likewise in JESUS Christ Spirit Flowing Higher Level Into Better For All As Never Prior a New Better Innovation for Better For All Parties might be Agreed! JESUS Christ Be Praised!

14 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept hidden from this Civilization with how the Pathology System Malfunctions in other words how and why good people [often teens] go bad, and explains the value of Pathogenic Behavior Trait Awareness Predictively at least, hence as concerning Bible Formulas System Correlations For Best For All With New JESUS Christ UN Law Value disclosed concerning Trade Deal Treaties, Rental Agreements Overriding Mandates Addenda Better For All As Never Prior For All Parties and Fastings, also new Victories Over police brutality and understanding perps and teens before they become perps.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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