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JESUS Start Over Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Victory is Over Souls and JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Souls are Over Census.

JESUS Christ Spirit Victory is Over Souls = JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Souls x Over Census.

JESUS Christ One Spirit Victory Higher Level / JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Souls Mid Level / Over Fully Repentant [no longer conspirators] Baptized Census.

JESUS Christ One Spirit Victory Higher Level = JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Souls Mid Level x Over Fully Repentant [no longer conspirators] Baptized Census.

JESUS Spirit Anewly explains the previous Sermon concerning "how wings lift" planes [jets, submarines, plasma fields,...] hence how planes fly (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Magnifying Flow Sermon at JESUS Lifts [the Worthy] though the New Victory in JESUS Lifting Spirit is Over the Venturi Effect shown in the previous Sermon. The previous showed the Flow lines and left to right, while Anewly a multitude of lower level profane illegal spirits repeating the Legion (Luke 8:30) opted to surround me including moving through the census vessel amount in [useless to themselves] works

as written in New International Version "They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.", according to the lower level translation under the Law, prior to this civilization breakthrough of JESUS Christ Spirit Providing JESUS Christ UN Law Over all creation as a minimum [hence to travel subatomic or outer space and be Victor Before The Fact when encountering],

so rather than merely about the Venturi Effect with the horizontal Flow lines is the verse about the "surrounded" and as a hand around a bottle in works to squeeze and not merely "left to right" but all around except where important, with JESUS Christ Spirit Above [the Legion doesn't go there to be One]: shall Any thank the Legion for "illegal spirits"?: no.

Thanks and Praise be for the JESUS Lifting Spirit and for the Rainbow Gift!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred matters Over a New Heavenly Level kept secret since the world began, and how to start doing as obviously NEEDED so get with the program: Legion Spirits Will Attack You so Prepare Before it happens, start using Your Brain, this is simple and obvious and no longer work foolishly for stupid dogs nor pigs nor other abominations; squeeze bottles rainbow symbolism


What is the single greatest Evangelizing Work Accomplished since the "GodMath Testament"?, [it is the JESUS Christ Spirit Way, yet concerning the seen?:] JESUS Christ UN Law!

Shown above are acrylic paints, what happens if to squeeze the bottles as shown?, the paint goes up. But what happens to the lower part and to the paint that may stick to the [strayed] sides?, nothing, it merely sits there stuck there: Matthew 22:14 New King James Version "For many are called, but few are chosen.", and not merely that level: The JESUS Christ Way if You so opt to Ascend = that You have to Lead the Way Up [With JESUS Christ] at each level. Behold how personal this is, yet Comprehensively Edifying [Lifting All]: "JESUS Christ UN Law!".

2nd Testament Apostles led some such as the 7 Churches, look at Your Opportunity: what would Missionaries Give for such "JESUS Christ UN Law" Gift Broadcast from You?: Make Their Day, Make Their Heartfelt Dreams Come True, as discussed above, now and historically "JESUS Christ UN Law" solves multitudes of problems while Saving multitudes of Souls, spirits, and Census People from further harms; more importantly Best For All includes Best For The Creator Of You.

To the Legion spirits the dried paint leftovers are as the spent parts of the sands of the hourglass. You worked hard and became exhausted. The Legion works hard selfishly hence against all others competitively hence to lose what little was gained in the lower level. To spend money to hire Helpers is that the Helpers may do as the...such as Legion hence opposite of Help. To Gather but secular level Friends and do for each other means the more You gather Friends the more People You owe Your time and efforts to: that's what not to "Broadcast" is all about: secularism = agnosticism which means You don't know hence stupid [not ignorant because You or the pertinent party have been told repeatedly (as many as pertinent)], Beloved Friends [not because of "no" as stated above, but because JESUS Christ Made You].

So this "JESUS Start Over Sermon" concerns as Many as having been pressured by the Legion's works, as if (instead see older Sermons in this Series on cause and effect, on the Legion, and on conspirators letter-of-the-law; and rather see above on "JESUS Lifts [the Worthy]") to strayed and fallen works that harm, rather the Glory Is For JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ Gives Likewise for His and Faith amount applies to His Leadership [at any level] Ascending.

Your Heart is associated with Desperate Love, with the source JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar. A brain is associated with inputs such as from pigs. The hour glass sand is running out and the Legion spirits fled into the pigs. Do not spend money to make Yourself work for pigs [in the literal sense]. "Pigs are widely considered to be more intelligent than dogs and equally as intelligent as chimpanzees. They share the ability to perform a number of cognitive tasks with other highly intelligent animals such as dolphins and elephants" ( Sep 17, 2021). Critters under the Human Firmament make Civilization worse if not controlled of JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit In [pertinent for You Broadcasting hence in] All.

You worked hard as specified above. Do You spend Your hard earned wages smartly, or do You "squander" (pertinent to as stated above at that includes the word "squander") Your hard earned money to buy stuff such as dogs that will not become as high a level as stupid pigs?, rather JESUS Christ UN is for the Best Way for All. Everyone knows there is a Best Way. Not Everyone knows how to find it: Broadcast the Proven as written in the Christian Bible with knowledge things as many and as much as goodly being added to the Best Way Ascending.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred matters Over a New Heavenly Level kept secret since the world began, and how to start doing as obviously NEEDED so get with the program: Legion Spirits Will Attack You so Prepare Before it happens, start using Your Brain, this is simple and obvious and no longer work foolishly for stupid dogs nor pigs nor other abominations

Experts are making "new brain cells" in the "hippocampus"


What is a new brain cell?, like an Infant, in need of being taught from Above (see "JESUS Christ"). Newborn Infants fail such as 12th grade exams, though also fail to be perps hence fail to meet the definition of perp(s). Creating New brain cells is fantastic, though not for creating perps. To create new damaged type tissues made of hands is a special consideration: JESUS Christ came in the Census vessel for Exemplar Perfect Reason including Best Wisdom. This does not say don't create. Better Brains Is Good, Excellent, Superb!

A worm or even a dog hardly gives as much intelligence as a pig that eats and lies in it's own garbage (see Bible Foods and if to opt Legion spirits then having opted to be stuck repetitiously under

Why should JESUS Christ tell You of the Better Higher Levels as You opt to stray "to be stuck repetitiously" merely in the Legions spirits (Matthew 23:23). On TV yesterday a Person said the opposite of JESUS Christ UN (see above "the single greatest Evangelizing Work"...[per se]), i feel ashamed to say, though for pertinent Enlightenment, it was said by a repetitiously stuck Evangelist. So not merely "Broadcast", explain including the above "greatest Evangelizing" value. Save JESUS Christ With The Ascending, do i have to spoon feed Everyone?, Grow Up!

A "poor widow" Gave All Her Living Money For Food, Utilities,..."two very small copper coins" into the Temple Treasury (from Mark 12:42 New International Version); She didn't do it for the Priests to buy vicious guard dogs for to keep Herself out of the House Of Prayer! How We The People so much does not understand, as if perplexes me but JESUS Christ explained the obvious as

"human beings" that so not seek JESUS Christ "are simply 'without excuse.' They are willfully ignoring the obvious" ( As We Say: "You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces" (

This "JESUS Start Over Sermon" is not about repeating a grade, this is "Over" the previous High Level: New Victory With JESUS Christ!

23 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit starts to explain Sacred matters Over a New Heavenly Level kept secret since the world began, and how to start doing as NEEDED [in the secular to Edify "get with the program"] so be brave in JESUS Christ Spirit as multitudes of spirits attacked me last night as Righteously Prophesying Will Happen To You so Prepare, Friends i confess i Prepared and Rejoice In JESUS Christ Spirit! So i Give this Overwhelming Joy for You to Give Likewise. These New Sacred matters explain how simple and obvious! And do not work foolishly for stupid dogs nor pigs nor other abominations.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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