JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Statute Advice Sermon.

JESUS Christ Lifts the Standard Of The Church again for the Better For All, as this Grace Liberty advises to continue the Holy Trend including the secular Maintenance levels as in the past as much as for the better, and specific to this point. After the Garden Of Eden this civilization struggled to survive such as in works for a prized cave that large carnivores competed to possess. And more to this point of secular works the caveman type individuals and groups, such as Paleolithic Neanderthals (wiki), worked hard as the secular story goes to gather fruits and vegetables, and then in works to make tools for hunting and fishing, then to net fish and trap animals toward ranching.

Paleolithic Neanderthal Caveman Stone Age Family.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, caveman, Paleolithic Neanderthal Family Clan Tribe struggled to survive Stone Age start of this civilization out of the Garden Of Eden


This point is, if to go home after work and collapse from exhaustion, then hardly time for to Praise JESUS Christ. Each advancement improved secular values technologically, such as with agriculture producing better yields increasingly. Even with all those technological advancements through generations with better value per time amount, for each ascending level, the farmer for instance has tended to work from dawn to dusk, as do many other people. Yet in recent generations the machines have automated the process giving People a little more liberty.

Giving the Self including as with Tithing the Christian Church for Thankful Praise of JESUS Christ, is more important than the latest technological advancement. The JESUS Christ Designer is Best.

Civilization in secular works of hands went from before dawn works with hands until exhaustion, and with technology and grace full pay with some days off with holidays, vacation time, and sick leave benefits, and all together generally the 40 hour work week plus mandatory or opted overtime, concerning many employees. JESUS Christ did Maintenance work with hands and vessel such as about sandals and opening scrolls and eating and climbing stairs. When eating and drinking for instance JESUS did not necessarily tramp the grapes then wait months until drinking wine, He rather entered into the technological works of others even though secular [Maintenance amount, for to automate to minimize].

Of JESUS Spirit is this new Statute Advice from Grace: Civilization went from all works of hands until exhaustion, to better with less works of hands yet with "full pay", and now Anewly this Advice is for to plan a normal week for the "many" of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday not at secular employee type work, so time off for to Worship JESUS Christ [Strongly Recommended In Grace for Best For All], and 6 hours of work each of these following days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday [People have a lot of things chores to do besides merely for the employers, such as Responsibilities Over Children, transportation, housing, banking, tax forms, loads of other forms to complete, and so on.

The "6 hours" comes from the Bible as with this JESUS Christ example such as written in Matthew 14:25 Berean Study Bible "During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea.": in the Bible "day" was in the daytime, and "Day" with a capital letter was 24 hours, and there were 4 watches, Midnight to 06:00 was the first watch (the Sermon in this Series that more details and specifics concerning time was censored).

Workers that love their job, not merely because it is plush and simple for the lazy, are Workers that tend to be anxious to Help Employers rather than such as steal from Employers. A happy loyal worker tends to make others at work happy and loyal, and such affects customers: please to do business with such: the goodness shows. Workers that are not overly worked nor exhausted tend to improve production and more importantly to improve the production process and perhaps including bringing things such as a spare fitting from home needed at work.

For instance on a government submarine construction job the Christian Customer asked why the workers weren't working as assigned and the Christians Workers' response was due to an improvement the typical full week of work was done in one day. The high pressure production job became a far more pleasant place to work.

JESUS Christ, including in the secular levels is able to Raise the Standard of Grace Lifting the Employers for to be Exemplar with Lifting the Employees, though the Employees do not have to wait for the Employers to be Exemplar.

Concerning time off, rather than excess straying is as stated in Leviticus 23:21 "On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly, and you must not do any regular work. This is to be a permanent statute wherever you live for the generations to come.", so if to post such things such as in the break room [with clarifying this concerns what Employees might consider during Their time off such as how Heavenly Guidance verses apply to the job], then a positive creative Holy influence.

This applies for visiting Customers and Dignitaries, such as with a monitor with Customer products looping,

and this can apply for training centers and in schools as in classrooms now that JESUS Christ UN Law exists.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, signs wonders, posters, classrooms, training centers Bible verses pertinent to the job


John 12:36 " 'While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of light.' After Jesus had spoken these things, He went away and was hidden from them.".

Revelation 21:5 "And the One seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new.' Then He said, 'Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.' ".

Anewly is as this time with JESUS Christ UN Grace as written in 4 Nephi 1 verses 1 through 19 with how it came to be that:

this includes ..."there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God." (from 4 Nephi 1:16).

15 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Brings new Hope for schools and businesses, shorter work week and better pay and profitability, JESUS Christ UN paves the Way in this New Statute explaining how to improve classrooms and break rooms, better designing innovating planning and implementation, government submarine construction, Paleolithic Neanderthal Caveman Stone Age Clans x Nations = JESUS Christ UN Grace "there could not be a happier people".

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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