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JESUS System Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the Best Way For All And The Norm as All Hoped For Best Perfect and then Better. So JESUS The Norm, the Best Standard, is not to tall nor too short, not too wide not too narrow (see previous in this Series on ergonomics). JESUS Christ Spirit is disciplined though not a cruel taskmaster for His Way [singular Loyally In His Highest Purpose, and in lower levels as Souls apply to Given situations plurally: His Ways in lower levels of Maintenance Responsibilities Over Miracles] is Good and Better, such as to Heal suicidal depression tendencies and to replace with a Joyful Soul In All.

As JESUS Christ said as written as in John 5:20 New American Standard Bible "For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will be amazed" and Do Likewise.

Not to be scary, JESUS Christ Gives Greater than shown here symbolically [likely fake gif] (though see below "rates apply").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Oneness Already Spirit Prophesies according to the norm, JESUS Christ, as to what Church Members Will Be Doing in Sacred Ascending With The Improving Work that has been secret as the Public opted since the world began with how the New Distributing Way applies with how rates apply with Ambassadors Presidents Bosses and Trainees current and in the future apply for Fulfilling the 5th Testament over the Stars Of Heaven, involving 4 Blood Moons Rosewell Artifact New Language with Timeline Situations illustrated graphed Bible End Time Bible Formulas, lightning from hands, Presidents Ambassadors Church Members


JESUS Christ Precepting fits the System parts properly together. Rather than about former worldly Supply And Demand, as JESUS Christ The Creator Gives the Good "Supply", as JESUS Christ The Host Invites We can rather be in Control Over Distribution. JESUS Christ Kind Good For All Best Control alleviates any "Demand" concerns, the historic automatic [knee jerk] responses for lower levels of strayed and fallen former ways things that resulted in worse instead of Better, such as any addictions, though rates apply.

We have the Standard, JESUS Christ, though rates apply. We have Good Best Way Success For All, though rates apply.

The Best Rate applies, to be Loyal in JESUS Christ Best Way hence to be Righteously Reliable yet also not cruel is the Best Way Guide of the Ambassador in charge per se, in control and Best Way Managing the System for the Better Plan Fulfillment, on course and on schedule, on time yet rather concerning timing. For instance a load of wheat might be scheduled and delivered daily though if not consumed as imagined then to systematically oversupply and cause problems. So the System as JESUS Christ Gives applies for the Worthy Ones, individual groups for instance already Excellent Over such [as with Trainees],

so for instance having Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Legally the evident Best Way (as very often Proven in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series pertinent now and also as in the Bible pertinent now if Righteously interpreted for now) is for Ambassadors, rather than for me to attempt (see above "Trainees" at such positions). Likewise the Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law is Your Loyal Responsibility: see below "50% 50%", 50 50, half the time a Trainee half the time Leading, as JESUS Christ Leads Continually Eternally. Like unto a Trainee watching the Boss then Working Likewise yet the Boss Overrides if any vital flaw.

3 Nephi 13:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.".

3 Nephi 20:40 "And then shall they say: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings unto them, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth! When was "Zion" Broadcast in front of Ambassadors?, according to the "Four Blood Moons of Prophet John Hagee" that something great would happen, see such as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Ancient Aliens Coming Sermon at and in many specific Prophesies in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series.

And with "Ancient Aliens Coming" is it Good to be aware of "Ancient Aliens"' Language?, see as JESUS Christ Spirit Gave Guidance For JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirit All Seeing Eye Sermon with "This New Language" having interpreted the Rosewell Artifact at with subsequent Sermons having many specific details and applications values.

JESUS Christ said as stated above "all these things shall be added unto you" and in JESUS Spirit i Prayerfully Thankfully now just realized while typing this Sermon concerning the "World" [repeated big yellow illustrations] at the above "Ancient Aliens Coming Sermon" [as much as Timeline applies (yet rather see previous Sermons on Situations rather than about Eternal time)] as repeatedly explained "End Time" Anewly Of JESUS Christ Enlightening Now Symbolize the 4 Pertinent Testaments with this 5th Living Testament

SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU AMBASSADOR?: as the Pertinent Soul starts the subsequent Testament interpreted as a JESUS Christ USA Broadcasting President, [while All continue to be Invited To Broadcast JESUS Christ UN] then this 5th Testament is Fulfilled [even though if to continue as currently planned (Exodus 17:12)]. Note the Second Coming Comes Prior to End Time!

Here are some Pertinent Specifics of above stated 3 Nephi 20:40 "publisheth peace" is this above stated "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN", with You [Us] Broadcasting then 3 Nephi 20:40 "them" so to be with "them" x 3 Nephi 20:40 "good" continuing through JESUS Christ Best Way 3 Nephi 20:40 "peace" then 3 Nephi 20:40 "salvation".

Peace = Good x Them [Us, We The Broadcasters With some Pertinent Specific Souls].

Peace / Good / Them.

Salvation = Peace x Good x Them [You].

Salvation / Peace / Good / Them [We].

"[You]" and "[We]" are as many as Faithfully Ascending for "Them" for "Good" for "Peace" for "Salvation" and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way.

JESUS Christ is the Highest Purpose Best Way norm, rather than about normal conforming to a standard as the world had expected (Luke 2:51). The world Hoped for Better than the world understood. So rather JESUS Christ is the norm Leader, the Best Standard [Writing, Preaching, Broadcasting] Leader (with Doing: John 10:38) even as We Lead Likewise. What is the Leader, the Boss with the Trainees?, it is like seeing a flock of birds with many feeding though 1 [at least one though Loyal Worthiness in JESUS Christ applies] on watch concerning threats with it's head above heads for to see and better hear.

In this sentence Verse 9 happened in 2020AD, and the next Precept verse as in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Best Way Leading is the Call for the Worthy JESUS Christ hence for His Second Coming: "From one of these horns a little horn emerged and grew extensively toward the south and the east and toward the Beautiful Land" [interpreted as Given above: the Land Bountiful / 4th Testament]. "It grew as high as the host of heaven, and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the earth, and trampled them." ( under foot

such as fusion and fission and similar reactors, and in current days such as "how to snap molecules together 'like Legos' " as in ancient history though now as to form new molecules They "didn't know existed" like unto stars: see related JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How to travel across the Known Universe Sermon on Page 19 List Of Sermons at

"trampled" "under foot" yet not to be cruel and rather Anewly Better For All is why this JESUS System Sermon was started in the first place. Precept On Precept, just as the Member of a Church is in a pew and yet becomes the Preacher (see above "rates apply"), likewise there is a reason in JESUS Christ for that Soul to Ascend to be Preacher Level. Just as a foot has a functional goodly purpose in You and rather in JESUS Christ such as to travel to Minister the foot "Member" Righteously Prophesyingly Will Travel to Minister, and the Mouth "Member" Will Preach, and the Light Shining Heart Will Star (of "some of the stars" reference previous Sermon).

[Beyond the Tube Parameter (Main Page Definitions)] Broad have been the lower levels ways and there have been very many worldly false paths as written in Ecclesiastes 12:12 "But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive study is wearying to the body.", for instance my body failed late yesterday from typing JESUS Christ Sermons daily and from Maintenance [yet Before The Fact (see previous on this and on if to be with Righteous Prophecy then to Work accordingly)] yet since for Broadcasting JESUS Christ Sermons JESUS Christ opted to Do His Will as i Invite and As We Agreed (50% 50%, to learn His Leading Way, see previous in this Series) as happened i was largely Healed of such problems, though with reminders to not work excessively hard: hence JESUS Christ You One Broadcasting His Best For All first applies.

Stray beliefs [not the norm of life] followed cruel leaders, that resulted in false prophets' hopes that didn't pan out.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Oneness Already Spirit Prophesies according to the norm, JESUS Christ, as to what Church Members Will Be Doing in Sacred Ascending With The Improving Work that has been secret as the Public opted since the world began with how the New Distributing Way applies with how rates apply with Ambassadors Presidents Bosses and Trainees current and in the future apply for Fulfilling the 5th Testament over the Stars Of Heaven, involving 4 Blood Moons Rosewell Artifact New Language with Timeline Situations illustrated graphed Bible End Time Bible Formulas unseen JESUS Watching His Flock.


6 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Oneness Already Spirit Prophesies according to the norm, JESUS Christ, as to what Church Members Will Be Doing in Sacred Ascending With The Improving Work that has been secret as the Public opted since the world began with how the New Distributing Way applies with how rates apply with Ambassadors Presidents Bosses and Trainees current and in the future apply for Fulfilling the 5th Testament over the Stars Of Heaven, involving 4 Blood Moons Rosewell Artifact New Language with Timeline Situations illustrated graphed Bible End Time Bible Formulas.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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