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JESUS Temples Ideas Sermon.

JESUS Christ explained the Excellence of the His Father's House Of Prayer for all People. And this is Agreed.

Many newly Baptized [Bless Their Souls] Christians hardly feel any different, hardly feel Blessed, similar to a little better feeling after a shower, and Baptism is the cliche of the few moments of personal fame. The newly Baptized did as the Church instructed, but the next time in Church and Church School and such, many newly Baptized might feel perplexed, similar to a Person that joins a gym or a shooting range club; so rather than spend money on various stuff, a newly Baptized Person might want to start their own new Church that really helps People where needed, and while partly on track in such ideas, JESUS Christ this morning showed me a Better Way.

JESUS said to Host the feast meaning the food and drink served at the feast is JESUS As Much As In You And Your Preaching With Doing.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit shows Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began including how JESUS Christ Heavenly Spirit showed the Better Way for the newly Baptized that might want to start <b>their own</b> new Church, as well as Victory Likewise Over how a Group might want to splinter into another Denomination, shown here are 9 Kings Peacefully Gathered Together Peacefully though passed from the census Yet the King Of Kings


The Original Feast is the Birth Of JESUS Christ as written "For God so loved"

the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him

JESUS Christ "so loved" means "the world (morally)" as He Created Good and Guides and Helps Good Grow, Lexicon "monogenē" means "Himself" the same as "His only begotten Son" ( Berean Study Bible et alia with John 1:18).

Now here is how JESUS Christ In Heavenly Spirit this morning showed me a Better Way: i confess years ago i saw Churches not often Hosting Feasts for Others so my idea was to build a shed for such Feasts weekly, like unto the above stated "newly Baptized Person" though having Officiated Over Many Church Matters [so this also applies Over splintering ideas about denominations], like unto the feasts of ancient times (see the huge amounts of wine and such as the "5,000 from the flocks and 500 bulls" for the Holy Feast in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Covenant / New Logic Sermon at Drawing with caption).

So i hoped for Evangelizing the many that love booze and music, with a "shed" made for such and so i built not merely of wood yet also with amazing hidden steel parts enabling it to transform for gatherings for limited free beer and music, and even if interpreted as though naysaying, for the sake of government hence for Better acknowledging JESUS Christ Evangelically, with government levels authorizing agreeingly in writing, accepted the idea that was within government legal criteria, and so it was built and taxed and government made me tear it down or be heavily fined, and build a new one within 2 weeks [while i was working full time with overtime in another state for Federal Government], and so i complied.

What JESUS Christ showed me this morning was neither for my Christian ["shed"] Temple strayed some Feast Hosting idea nor for strayed some government.

The JESUS Christ Heavenly Guiding Spirit Better Way is this: my idea was as if to say to the not yet Baptized, that if You want free stuff become Christian, and more to the point i was conditionally descending to the level of Those "not yet Baptized", about worldly pleasures [though where to talk not merely a tavern yet focused on Christianity].

And the point that struck home in my Soul was that if a Gang murdered People, would i build an arena where i would allow Them to murder People?, not so. To selfishly get stuff from Others is not the JESUS Christ Best Way For All [neither is the murderings ways]. To build an expensive Christian Tavern even if with "free beer", is hardly as Good as the Holy Temple.

Here is some related info:

Leviticus 26:31 Berean Study Bible "I will reduce your cities to rubble and lay waste your sanctuaries, and I will refuse to smell the pleasing aroma of your sacrifices.".

A store sells unleavened bread, and such is acceptable, likewise a Christian Tavern can be great and Good and acceptable, though such are hardly the Holy Temple Of Most Respectable JESUS Christ Spirit.

A "Magi" in sense 1 is "a member of a priestly caste of ancient Persia." sense 2 "a sorcerer" (Google definition): so to some Souls "sense 1" is of Value [the JESUS Christ Way is Victory Over "caste" system as All are Desperately Lovingly Invited], to some "sense 2" has been Their risky playtime, to Others a mix has been Their risky playtime. You and We The People already Do Agree with this "sense 1" as much as Best For All We The People and Agree With Evangelism Likewise [examples include Churches Evangelizing, and such as "Vote for Me" in cliche, and such as look at the ROI you can make (see Sermons in this Series on Return On Investment, ROI], hence as written in Psalm 10:14 English Standard Version "But you do see, for you note mischief and vexation, that you may take it into your hands; to you the helpless commits himself; you have been the helper of the fatherless.".

Some were born in an area where a particular language was spoken, so concerning the "INRI" as often seen on the Cross and in other artworks in Latin per se "IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM" interpreted here (see previous Sermon first sentence quote): such as JESUS NAZARENE ROI JEWS, rather JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS. And ibid. proved JESUS Christ Was Made King, not merely Over Jews yet Over All [though not All yet have been convinced hence Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing The Better Guiding Grace.

Like unto the Church, JESUS Christ UN invites People to Meet, for Peace, and rather the Better More Excellent Way Best For All Guidingly. So if to meet for Peace then to invite the Leaders of the Groups, and if no leaders of some then to also invite the Individual(s). History has shown that many such "Leaders" have been Kings. Therefore a Law, symbolically such as "Constitution Article I Legislative Branch Section 9 Powers Denied Congress Clause 8 Titles of Nobility and Emoluments

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." does not forbid Kings from being in [formerly known as "United States"] JESUS Christ USA, as Agreed for "Peace" under JESUS Christ UN [since "under" applies, then not JESUS Christ UN under JESUS Christ USA, similar to how a Child grows and moves away and opts to no longer be under the criteria of that former Household (Matthew 19:5 is allowed, rather 1 Corinthians 7:1 Peace Unity) (in lower level yet also pertinent reference such as Federal Government yet with States Rights to opt).

Since such a Law as quoted above does not forbid any King, then JESUS Christ The King is invited as "JESUS Christ" Recognized in JESUS Christ UN Law. If a proposed law forbids such then it is an illegally idea. We The People can Proclaim as written in Daniel 2:37 New American Standard Bible "You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength, and the honor;" and while JESUS Christ is allowed to dwell ("Clause 8") and JESUS Christ UN Law recognizes [the King Of Grace And Peace, no longer merely a Prince Of Peace (see previous Sermon in this Series)] JESUS Christ, the lower level former legalese should be updated as Now Anewly Advised (reference such as secular cliche "continuous improvement").

Shown here are 9 Kings Peacefully Gathered Together, though passed from the Census.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, 9 Kings Peacefully Gathered Together Peacefully though passed from the census Yet the King Of Kings JESUS Christ this morning showed the Better Way For All and for Desperate Love rather than merely about free beer and music festivals


Yet the King Of Kings "JESUS Christ this morning" showed the Better Way.

16 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit shows Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began including how JESUS Christ Heavenly Spirit showed the Better Way for the newly Baptized that might want to start their own new Church, as well as Victory Likewise Over how a Group might want to splinter into another Denomination, shown here are 9 Kings Peacefully Gathered Together though passed from the census Yet the King Of Kings "JESUS Christ this morning" showed the Better Way For All and for Desperate Love rather than merely about free beer and music festivals.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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