JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Thank You JESUS Sermon.

JESUS Christ explains how to create Heaven One Earth to create Better Heaven In The Spirits. Fellowshipping with spirits [naysayer spirits: in this situation against being in the name JESUS the Christ] was with to Guide them better, as with the JESUS Cross hung on the tree ( Lexicon includes "wood") so to Best Way Help them become no longer often as the Legion, as the census has been (reference such as TV menus Titles of shows and descriptions...), and so describing Biblically (which they also often hate).

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


The JESUS Cross wood explains mourningly about the worldly secular census and the created under JESUS Christ UN Law, while the Pure census body of JESUS Christ is symbolic of the Living Love Giving, so from created under dominion Ascending to the JESUS Christ Creator. This is the Tube Parameter symbol (see previous in this Series). This horizontal Tube Parameter Agrees with the vertical Ascending at the JESUS Christ Cross, the intersection.

From the dust was created the person and later such as JESUS Christ in the census [and in JESUS Spirit]. Note the previous Sermon at explained "overlaps and gaps".

Ascending from the foot of the wooden [of tree parts: as one cross] JESUS Cross from the uncursed land [at least in the sense we have air, water, land,...and so this civilization lives], to the bottom of the cross bar to hold the arms has been under law [under the JESUS feet about the uncivilized not even tribes such as clans or individuals, such as cannibals as on TV yesterday].

JESUS Christ UN Law is at the bottom of the cross bar, and at the top is the JESUS Christ Grace as so recognized. The wood [and computers all to much though Christ Love is penetrating] can hardly recognize the Higher Grace even though in the wood above the cross bar. So the created census vessel merely ascended to the vicinity of the cross bar, and [as the J shape in JESUS (see older Sermons in this Series on the "purple line" including in many Drawings] through JESUS the Christ the disorderly is becoming Gracefully Best For All [hence not crucifiers, not conspirators, not the inquisition, not about following what the competitions did nor what they plan, and not so extreme as some parts of Blue Laws (reference cliche "breathing room", and Liberty; though see previous in this Series on freedom)].

For instance the wood hardly becomes a growing tree again (though see previous in this Series on cultivation but censored evidently applies) yet JESUS Lives Anewly Better Exemplarly.

As written in Deuteronomy 21:22 and 23 "If a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is executed, and you hang his body on a tree, you must not leave the body on the tree overnight, but you must be sure to bury him that day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse. You must not defile the land that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.". But JESUS Christ is innocent, and even declared "King" therefore not even Confucianism is over Him Save to put the Confucianism Crowns On Him.

This is as to more clearly specify for the Best For All such as Agreeing with the sign of the cross: from Head [JESUS Father] to Heart [JESUS Son (this Agrees with the above Hope as stated for "humble JESUS Christ" to start "Thanking Himself", see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on justifiable preceptingly Maintenance and rather on Grace Maintenance, with these under Faith under Loyalty under JESUS Christ}] to Shoulders [recently Anewly JESUS Spirit, formerly as though unknown name: We Worship JESUS Christ as stated in the Law rather than even though greats such as George Washington on the dollar for instance].

The Cross right and left are the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:33), spirit types such as about two mainstream parties and such as about flip-of-coin logic (reference such as computer ancestry "machine language"). In front of JESUS Christ On The Cross is the future and behind is the waste rather recycle rather new and improved better for all. This Agrees with above is the Best Way Plan, and below is of record: JESUS Christ Best Way Plan / record / recycle. For example what does government law giving including such as OSHA request?, traceability records, as for safety. And what does government plan for instance?, such as before the fact giving the rating system.

So to reference government, but pretending without JESUS Christ UN, has been unawares at best below the cross bar and behind; rather JESUS Christ Whole Living Continuously Loyally Ascendingly As Sent to from the Heart lifting All Other(s) [below the cross bar under census law] and so even under law is sufficient humble Heart Guiding Help for to repent. Read next two sentences as One Whole for the Better Meaning in JESUS Christ Best Way For All.

The Living JESUS Christ the Eucharist Hope Being Fulfilled "lord send the wheat, barley, oil, and wine to his servants as promised" (2 Chronicles 2:15) / "everlasting covenant" (Isaiah 55:3) / Groups [partial benefits] (Hebrews 11:14).

So to ascend from "Groups" to "everlasting covenant" is not enabled from below, as a gap over which to: in JESUS Christ Name Leap! So then to enter into the "everlasting covenant" and Ascend to the name JESUS the Christ again, as if looping as if failing and repeating yet as is stated above "Anewly"; Better and Better, not merely redundant repeating. Consider a path You have traveled and then on day to find a missed Friend, and perhaps together to momentarily stop to talk and notice things there as better talents are discussed and so to notice such as gold nuggets and ripe fruit and other typical values there (reference such as previous Sermon on Fatima).

Note as written in James 4:14 "You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.", and look at the above stormy disagreeing spirits of the clouds, each painted as a "mist": each spirit not Once For All Best through JESUS Christ Agreeingly Loyally has been "then vanishes" Save such as this Very Precious Defining Moment: Defining Your Soul As You opt.

JESUS Christ Prayed For You, let JESUS Christ Pray For JESUS Christ Anewly Best For All

and let us so Pray Together With Him for Together Our Preparing for the Second Coming!

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Preceptingly Praying for JESUS Christ to Pray for JESUS Christ Second Coming Bride Together Anewly


Pray With me that this "JESUS Thank You JESUS Sermon" [become(s) not any Jesus so rather JESUS Christ Thank You JESUS Christ Sermon and become(s)] humble JESUS Christ Thanking Himself, something He has not been anxious for to consider saying nor doing, since for to be humble as Sent, yet now Anewly that He may Anewly As Ascended Into Heaven Become So Exemplar for what was his meek and humble bride, of this New Exemplar Become His Everlasting Greater Gloriously Increasingly Bride for to fitly Glorify Each Other [Best For All] into the Second Coming and Beyond!

6 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Eucharist Hope Being Fulfilled, Bible Formulas how to create Better Heaven In The Spirits Fellowshipping with spirits, Specifications for Preparing Together for the Second Coming, the JESUS Spirit and Cross wood explained sign of the cross, INRI, ratings system, OSHA traceability.

Jesus Christ

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