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JESUS Timing Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives For You Timing, rather than for You to be about time, in the sense of such as about merely as written: see the original "Hebrew" at the lower part of the webpage that does not match the many translations at "100 years" lifespan not until "120 years"; "others" also said "only of 100 years, instead of 120". Also for instance Google Translate from original Hebrew agrees: מֵאָ֥ה = century.

So rather than such as putting off work to do it tomorrow according to Given Lifespan time, is the more immediate Loyalty In JESUS Christ including the Good and Best Way Practical Miracles Maintenance Work Before The Fact such as the previous Sermon explained in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS System Sermon at including concerning when "this 5th Testament is Fulfilled" like unto stepping stones as to cross a stream, to step and catch balance then the continue to the next stone, with the catching of balance the solved Precept prior to the next Precept, Save if it starts to flood then to Leap More Rapidly, also be aware it is often Better Balance to move faster such as on a bicycle and such as piloting a jet.

Simply stated, a car has a lifespan that hardly effects the car relative to

if the car is not with proper timing then it may break hence without normal car lifespan.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Exposes Creation Faith Over Sacred Current Concerns hidden from worldly strayed knowledge options since the Beginning of this Civilization with how to Control Miracles Before The Fact through JESUS Christ Spirit Precepting Loyalty Solving and Flowing Best including in the Practical sense as for Your Family, Your Group, and rather for All such as answering how to fit the Czar Of Propaganda into JESUS Christ Anewly Best For All since if the car is not with proper timing then it may break hence without normal car lifespan


Car timing warning signs are software malfunctions, won't start, stalls, backfires, and the car jerks,

from point to point, from stepping stone Precept to next moment Precept; when supposed to be

Flowing Along With The JESUS Spirit Best Way Traffic Flow [Ascending In Levels].

This for You is JESUS Christ Giving Us Broadcasting Righteously New Victory For You Over merely being "as dust in the wind" as written in Psalm 18:42 New Living Translation "I ground them as fine as dust in the wind. I swept them into the gutter like dirt" translated as "mud" ( And Likewise JESUS Christ Spirit Gives New Victory For You Over merely being as "chaff in the wind" (Psalm 35:5). From lifespan end the chaff become dust and the dust becomes new food for plants, then Bible Food so entering the Good Spirit.

But if not repentant and Baptized the plants go into not Bible Food but into such as written in Leviticus 11:7 "The pig has evenly split hooves but does not chew the cud, so it is unclean" and the word "split" in the sense of evenly divided and flip-of-a-coin has been as knowledge not led from above [the JESUS Christ Grace Above Best Way Guiding]. The pig would chews, that means pains, and that would be repeated, and repeated. But if to repent and Ascend They shall be numbered [as One among my People (JESUS Christ explained, 3 Nephi 16:13). Behold Convincing Power Given From JESUS Christ.

Not merely the naysayers but also the lazy idlers that opt to not Broadcast JESUS Christ UN. The sick and tired idlers and naysayers against the system, rather than fixing the system the best way, opt for death as if to remove sufferings as if worthy of in cliche "dreamless sleep" not found in the Bible yet many can attest (see previous on the selfish Perdition level, and such as due to exhaustion, and about not remembering any dreams). Though another point about "repeated, and repeated" "pains": the unrepentant [Save JESUS Christ and Likewise such as the Children] opted to cause more "pains" to others so JESUS Christ Tube Parameters apply around all levels for future protection of the innocent, that the selfishly opting to harm become as reflected energies against themselves.

Consider for a moment the pertinence of strayed ways with results such as suddenly awaking from a nightmare, daydreaming, insomnia, and narcolepsy. And JESUS Christ rather Edified in John 10:1 "I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!"! With this being the "JESUS Timing Sermon" notice the word "timing" in the following definition.

"Sleep disorders (or sleep-wake disorders) involve problems with the quality, timing, and amount of sleep, which result in daytime distress and impairment in functioning." ( hence "amount" of "quality" is tied to "quality" of living and good health as related to JESUS Christ Way Of Making Better And Healing. In JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Distinguish the Goodness to see [of levels] such as Family passed from Census yet Heavenly in Appearance, rather than merely in stray attempts to communicate with evil spirits and dead people.

How might a person consider their soul going into a plant such as into a tree?, it is reasonably such as to awaken and find the self in a confined space wooden coffin (for Good: this is JESUS Christ Convincing Power Now in addition to as stated above). Situations change therefore though in secular level cliche "timing is everything The success of something is often related to when it happens" ( First in the Morning [when starting the day] Pray JESUS Christ and Broadcast to and For All JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace and the meaning of it! While Awake today, for the situation later may change and interfere, to Plan Strategically Ahead and rather in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Righteously Prophesy Ahead so that Before The Fact You are Better Aware of what to Pray [Thanksgiving] and what to Broadcast.

What to Broadcast involves Better Preparing All for what JESUS Christ has timed, in other words JESUS Christ is Aware of the Best Way through Righteous Prophecies hence the Best Way through coming situations that Will Be Encountered. A person walks over stepping stones at a rate, another person at another rate; a person moves through a given situation at a rate, another person does likewise or faster or slower or strays and falls.

Like unto "how to snap molecules together" as explained in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS System Sermon at, JESUS Christ Edified Preceptingly, yet rather than merely about Bible Foods as told, consider the new things that are not necessarily Bible Food being put into foods such as "Artificial sugar" (hard to read in the center of (, reference such as "Saccharin is a sulfonamide compound which can cause allergic reactions in" some "people" including such as "breathing difficulties" (

Rather JESUS Christ Precepting is for All To Best Fit Together Civilization Now And In The Future including such as the above stated "how to snap molecules together" becoming rather: how to Best snap molecules together through JESUS Christ Precepting as in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series. Now concerning People and Positions, for instance how to fit the Czar Of Propaganda into JESUS Christ Anewly Best For All?: Lift the Czar Of Propaganda to the Higher Level of JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting. The Czar Of Propaganda already knew how to broadcast, hence the Higher Level per se is a very light burden (John 8:11 with Matthew 11:30).

So the timing is now that the Czar Of Propaganda be Uplifted (see recent Sermon on whether worthy or not, yet importantly is "worthy" and the norm is often merely the "worthy" though see previous Sermon on the great "NEED" as in the High Priority current "Desperate" emergency situation, and also reference how often Teamwork may Accomplish Better In JESUS Christ Spirit And Faster than otherwise: such as merely an individual and perhaps as stated above "lazy"...).

JESUS Christ Timing is hardly about after the fact such as passed from Census (as many have said "dead") prior to Ascending, for instance in a timing situation a person having lost all but a handful of teeth due to lack of dental hygiene is likely motivated to becoming more dentally hygienic: rather the timing Before The Fact Through Best Together Whole Civilization Way Hence Before The Fact.

So such as concerning a timing belt then Be Best Way Prepared With Pertinent Best Way Work such as if to drive then Precept Over the missing link Through JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Exposes Creation Faith Over Sacred Current Concerns hidden from worldly strayed knowledge options since the Beginning of this Civilization with how to Control Miracles Before The Fact through JESUS Christ Spirit Precepting Loyalty Solving and Flowing Best including in the Practical sense as for Your Family, Your Group, and rather for All such as answering how to fit the Czar Of Propaganda into JESUS Christ Anewly Best For All and who the missing link is


7 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Exposes Creation Faith Over Sacred Current Concerns hidden from worldly strayed knowledge options since the Beginning of this Civilization with how to Control Miracles Before The Fact through JESUS Christ Spirit Precepting Loyalty Solving and Flowing Best including in the Practical sense as for Your Family, Your Group, and rather for All such as answering how to fit the Czar Of Propaganda into JESUS Christ Anewly Best For All?

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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