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JESUS Explains: How To Prophesy, Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Righteousness Gives this Anew Gift [set of Gifts of a Set Of Firmament Levels] Over: How to Prophesy. As stated in recent Sermons You must make People into JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets, as part of Your Mission from JESUS Christ including JESUS Righteous Spirit.

In a vision an Angel Righteously Prophesied, how did the Angel know?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son John The Baptist, JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying


This previous linked website explains the Angel said "your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son" John The Baptist [and also explained such as about Saint Kolbe, see below]: how did the Angel Prophetically know? This "Angel" is a Righteous Prophet: it came true, Elizabeth Did bear you a son, and the other Good Great things that the Prophet Angel said Did happen. One Way it can happen is if God performs a Miracle and Makes Righteous Prophesyings likewise come out of You mouth, so we can simply wait and see.

Rather now something is said about this "Angel", something unseen is also considered about this "Righteous Prophet" "Angel", though first in JESUS Spirit this sentence Agrees In JESUS Christ One Spirit, and now this Being Given to You for to Give for All [and with Saint Kolbe discussion below] is this JESUS Victory Anewly Over "we can simply wait and see": the "Angel" had the Word Of God JESUS Christ One, You have the Word of JESUS Christ One, You have the Word of JESUS Christ in the Bible; so wherefore do You lack?: [right to left] JESUS Spirit Word And Work / Ascend / Be Worthy.

You lack the Work, You have the Word Already, We have lacked the Best Work, the Uplifting Work, Save JESUS Christ Exemplar is the Word And Work And Righteous (Isaiah 45:8) Spirit and We are entered into such (note: the word "Jehovah" in the American Standard Version, ASV, was corrected in the New American Standard [Version] Bible, NAS, to read "LORD"

We have had the Word, We seeking to be as JESUS Christ have lacked the Work, as many Christian Preachers have said through generations: "Stand up" "Do something" [Good, Better, Christian In His Name] [generally "About 184,000,000 results" (Google)]. Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Better Grace, yet also as stated above Give for Them the Best Way To Become JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets: this is the "Do something" Preacher Work With Sermon On Sermon, JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying In Your Online Sermons On JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying In Your Online Sermons [this on the Internet is a great Way for so many to Best Way Say And Accomplish This.

As Good as Christian Preacher Kolbe was, Kolbe passed from the census, as linked above concerning the "vision", "Maximilian Kolbe has subsequently been honored as a saint & martyr by the Catholic Church.". JESUS Christ is the Protector, Faith without works is dead: in the census this means: You: Work "Broadcasting" "on the Internet" as stated above or Better such as on TV if Better, in Person if Better, though note JESUS Christ The Original found this "on the Internet" the Best Way even as Miracles After This Faith Path Continue Revealing Better! This is Pertinent Now In You, also many on TV, Radio, and other are also with Sermons "on the Internet".

In JESUS Spirit You can Preach, and while true, what have many worked to Preach? They have tried to

remember the words in the Bible JESUS Christ spoke: written [typed] words.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, type JESUS Spirit Words on the Internet to make many JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets


Type JESUS Spirit Words on the Internet to make many Better Preachers including to make JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets. This is not copyrighted. You may copy this formula for instance.

JESUS Spirit Word And Work = Ascend x Be Worthy.

The above formula is You Making Righteous Prophets With Lifting Christians through Firmament Thresholds in JESUS Spirit (Matthew 9:6 [go to JESUS Christ Spirit Work]), and this is how the lower levels have opted (ibid.) such as New Members Baptized and ready for Higher Eucharist Firmament Level:

JESUS Covenant = Ascend [through Eucharist] x Water Baptism [Full Immersion hence forth].

And look at the Grace of Mark 2:27 New Living Translation "Then Jesus said to them, 'The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.' " and JESUS Christ Said "How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." (Matthew 12:12 Berean Study Bible) as JESUS Christ Proved His Name And Grace Are Authority Above And Beyond Over the law. Behold this Prophesying List:

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (Matthew 24:31) (happened 2020AD JESUS Christ UN Law).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "there will not be left here one stone upon another" (Matthew 24:2).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name" (Matthew 21:22).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "he will repay each person according to what he has done" (Matthew 16:27).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:27).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. " (Matthew 24:29).

Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ Exemplar said "many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray" (Matthew 24:5).

JESUS Christ Spoke Righteously Prophesyingly Precept On Precept, but look up there in this "Prophesying List", these Matthew verses are not in order for instance "Matthew 24:2" is listed prior to "Matthew 21:22", so You might find Righteously Prophetically Better than i found, though consider priorities are hardly as the letter of the law of the Pharisees that selfishly conspired against JESUS Christ. So for instance if to arrange the Precepts of this above "Prophesying List" such as for a green planet ecologically for We The People to Live then perhaps put "Matthew 24:29" at the top of this "Prophesying List" [to again miss the point, though]

this point is, arrange the Best Glory For JESUS Christ In His Highest Purpose First Loyally Righteously Prophesyingly Best For All Revealing the Best Way For All, and so to comprehensively be aware of top Priority JESUS Name and Prayerfully, hence with Broadcasting as explained above in this Sermon, and likewise Precepts so describing Will Righteously Prophesyingly fit into place, and lower levels of things Will also Likewise fit, as many as pertinent.

This is how to make Others into JESUS Christ Oneness Ascendingly Righteous Prophets [toward Apostleship, see above on Higher Level than Baptism in the sense of direction and the Best Way With Eucharist]: so this sentence recognizes Baptism In The Name JESUS yet more than the name as JESUS Christ Gave For Us To Do is this Work, Eucharist and an even a more excellent way of Grace "Authority Above And Beyond Over the law" as stated above is rather than about "separatist" finger pointings pursuant to convictions, jail, prison, bondage, electric chair, and guilt until proven innocent at excessive taxpayer costs;

instead Better For All is through JESUS Spirit Guiding, Helping, Uplifting the Worthy, and this is Truth and the Good Truth is found in JESUS Spirit: Righteousness (Matthew 5:6). This is how to be a Prophet, not other strayed ways. They, such as Matthew, wrote Righteous Prophesies for You Preceptingly, Do for Others Now.

Matthew 24:30 ESV "Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.": the separatist naysayer "tribes" "will mourn", it is convincing strength in the Power Of The Name JESUS Christ, yet JESUS Christ One Broadcasters and Righteous Prophets and JESUS Spirit Name One In This One Word And Work Will Rejoice!

10 May 2020AD.

tags: reveals Sacred JESUS Spirit Loyalty Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Become and how to make others into Righteous Prophets, with Anew JESUS Christ UN Grace Victory Over Law of current value amounts, Bible Formulas System Correlate This Best Way For All for to type JESUS Spirit Words on the Internet to make many JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets and to Better Lead Christian Preachers Anewly, also included is a JESUS Christ Prophesying List, and ASV correction New American Standard Version Bible NAS noted.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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