JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Traceability Sermon.

JESUS Christ's living blood poured into the Holy Grail, and this Easter, April 17, You may witness the Eucharist wine being poured though normally not seen is the movement in the [Grail or] glass, if poured in the center the liquid would swirl together in an eddy current direction (Northern or Southern, pertinent hemisphere mass), like unto the Chosen People being led of the whirlwind.

The "ICCDBB Sermon For Christian Leader(s) For One Christ JESUS"..."Covenanting" at shows powerful energies and matter flowing of the whirlwind of [JESUS Christ One] God.

The A new Gift from JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ Gyroscope Physics Are Now Unraveled For You Sermon at explains simply and easy to understand eddy currents of Mass and so simply explains how gyroscopes work.

Until this generation, much traceability in public life remained pretty much the same as in the days of the Old Testament, the 1st of the 4 Main Testaments, and what is a "Testament"?, it is like unto situations in which JESUS Spirit Father One God invited with saying "Test Me in this" (Malachi 3:10) hence to prove to Your satisfaction. And how to describe any test as if against God, though if to proclaim that You test God then to admit there is a God, and so a [JESUS Christ] Higher Righteousness Level applies. Yet a Testament is much more than merely a test, as God is much more than a book. In the days of the Old Testament like unto currently much testing and proof concerning the written scrolls, books, and the Best Word, was according to verifiers.

Until more recent decades this civilization relied largely on people verifying what others had written, such as a Head Scribe looking to see if another Scribe copied the information accurately. JESUS Traceability is better today as the Lord Provides (see above "Test Me") including after Faith the Miracles including such as in the JESUS Christ One Leadership directly functioning according to JESUS Spirit, and also including such as the secular levels of Miracles that often more people more easily believe but after-the-fact as shown in part below.

A magnetic flux moving up as shown [or down] forms an eddy current swirl direction (coriolis effect).

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So concerning traceability, a [such as electrical] signal can flow from right to left and be split [of a variety of types of splitters] and then brought together as shown. Hence concerning traceability if there was any hacking, tampering, or other effect such as to one of the flows then often able to detect as the two brought together to the right would not match each other (reference such as the Wheatstone Bridge).

Yet also of this simplicity, easy to understand (reference a light burden) is that as the eddy current flows as shown above, one of the split flows would normally flow faster than the other. So the "Test Me" aspect of matching each other such as Scribe Verifiers applies, and also from this simplicity and ease of understanding the Flow Rate can be applied from this Loyalty Faith in JESUS Spirit. So JESUS Spirit Power can Traceably as You Credit JESUS Christ: Flow through You.

For instance ions are in the air and so a splitter can be a wing, likewise from JESUS Christ a space envelope can be established to fly from star to star.

So the Bible Word can be traced through Scribe Verifiers and likewise through as written in the previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series "these signs Agree in One JESUS Christ throughout the Bible [if You can't find it in one place You may find it in another place in the Bible]." (JESUS Ascending Spirit Sermon at

So if to travel through time, as one Precept was written and then later in time another Precept was written [and perhaps also fitting into another context] in the Living Bible as You Write (and as written above "one of the split flows would normally flow faster than the other" so a time differential and rather a Better Oneness Advantage because of JESUS Spirit), then as discussed above to be able to travel through time. For instance a person in the Old Testament had a Heartfelt thought and wrote, and another person in the Old Testament in another region [perhaps unaware of what the other had written] had a Heartfelt thought and wrote likewise though about another topic, then as to travel through time and space as much as pertinent (reference the JESUS Transfiguring of Elijah and Moses Together in One conversation Mark 9:4).

Be aware a typo while typically bad, might rather be a sign to the writer ("Heartfelt" pertinence in JESUS Spirit) such as to better word the info. And a faster or slower rate might for instance be pertinent concerning which in a situation is Better in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as whether to step or to leap such as concerning Desperate Love The Best Way And Best For All hence for All to so Broadcast. In writer's block a Preacher might start tapping keys rather than merely wonder what to type, therefore to start with "JESUS".

Apply Your JESUS Spirit Power daily, routinely, for instance if sailing on a lake and the wind is blowing a certain direction and if to travel around a mountain island in the lake then without seeing the wind, to travel in one direction when going and the other side of the island when returning, that the wind tend to be at Your back, with Your travel plan [this is not a legal requirement, yet with the Flow of JESUS Spirit Grace].

Biblically identifying the Best is very important throughout life and generations and Eternally for the Best.

Signing of Grace is Better than signing as required.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, sign herejesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, signing as told

Above left often people sign [or click to sign] seemingly routine things ( Above right "Government agencies work like this all the time" ( (

There was a Congressional Hearing on TV and a letter was shown and the person being questioned about it said it was his but someone else had changed it, they had put their own letterhead on it hence the one that had changed it to have entered into a possible crime for having been selfish, when rather they could have stated their own company and their own name while with referencing JESUS Christ and the Congressionally pertinent source [also having changed it, what else in the letter might have been changed: a huge credibility issue].

Signing of JESUS Grace is to write pertinent info and sign, though concerning the "seemingly routine things" if there is any variance from the public norm then the "info" should so state and highlight. The "public norm" had been as the dictionary, the most popular opinion of the meaning as a dictionary publisher or similar authority or similar that the signer respects; though since JESUS Christ UN became Law, the Higher Level Traceability applies.

JESUS Spirit Grace is not merely in Higher Levels, it is also in Hopes of the yet to become realized in the secular such as in the funny movie Big "She spent the last three months writing down her married name. Mrs. Judy Hicks. Mrs. Donald Hicks. Mrs. Judy Mitchleson Hicks. Sometimes with a hyphen, sometimes without a hyphen. Sometimes she spells the hyphen!" (

A Bible Precept in a context + the same Bible Precept in another context = a Bible Precept with multiple applications (see above traceability and reference multitasking, and reference such as one tool able to do many tasks). A Preacher has many types of workers of many backgrounds in the Listening Mass, and so a Bible Precept with multiple applications can fit many Listeners, normally more than a precept merely about something that hardly applies to any at least on the surface, at least concerning grabbing their attention [Giving Them The JESUS Christ Advantage for to Give that All Benefit].

For instance if to mention "Numbers 22:16", few people know who those people are nor the context, yet many people went fishing and saw fishing on TV and in videos so can better relate such as to Mark 1:16 as many are aware of the Gospels of the New Testament 2nd Testament hence that Mark 1:16 more likely relates more directly to JESUS Christ and so to the many Good things JESUS Christ Did in that Testament hence with many things pertinent to All in the Mass.

So to measure some Precept values is such as in the above formula and so Godsling + Godsling [the sum of all Godslings = Absolutivity (the GodMath Testament 4th Testament)]: so a realm of Precept Pertinence With a realm of Precept Pertinence.

Consider the grid lines of a football field as measured in yards, and the Godsling range of the digital according to [see above "the public norm"] sweep (physics definition) or other such as compressed digital or such as a curved line on a graph or such as a circle on a graph encompassing (see above envelope) or such as a crescent shape like unto a beach, and so a Bible Precept Pattern might be graphed and might also relate to more as more is fitted together Best Way Precept On Precept and such as a Precept on bone and another on muscle, and so to form JESUS Christ and many relate.

A star shape might fit one Precept Set, while another crescent shape might fit another Precept Set; and these Traceably in JESUS Christ. Here are some secular Godsling Sets of Definitions in Pertinent Traceability.

Traceability: "the quality of having an origin or course of development that may be found or followed" (Oxford / Google).

"Traceability is the ability to trace all processes from procurement of raw materials to production, consumption and disposal to clarify 'when and where the product was produced by whom.' " (

Key to the previous Definition is often concerning "whom": importantly the Authorized Person Signing: the Authority, hence Pertinent In JESUS Christ as explained above for the Listeners, hence Say and Do properly the Best Way in the NAME OF JESUS The Original The Christ.

Traceability: "in supply chain traceability, is the ability to identify, track and trace elements of a product or substance as it moves along the supply chain" (techtarget / Google).

"Requirements traceability is the tracking of requirements throughout the product development lifecycle. It is a documented thread that provides forward and backward visibility into all activity surrounding each requirement (including design, development, testing, and support)." (

So the Church Standard Spirit importantly includes Traceability to and for JESUS Christ for to be in His Highest Purpose and Best For All Traceably [Giving JESUS the Credit].

31 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas Proofs, Holy Grail, name pertinent Congressional Hearing on TV credibility issue due to selfishness about giving due credit, beam splitter, Traceability, truth, Righteousness, flying, flight, aerospace, firewall, eddy current direction whirlwind, how to move wing ions outerspace envelope to fly from star to star to travel through time and space how to Best travel around a mountain, how gyroscopes work, hackers, movie Big.

Jesus Christ

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