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JESUS Trinity One Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Guides Best. The Holy Father, Son JESUS Christ in Whom is All Authority Leading In Desperate Love Giving humbly Prayerfully for All, is with the Holy Spirit, and in the Perfect Sense these 3 Agree and are 1; though JESUS Christ would that All beware and rather Ascendingly Be Aware rather than fall into traps of Biblical records, including rather than overly tempting Others to stray.

JESUS Christ Gave This Leadership in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit (as much as the Good and Best For All, as much as stated above) For To Be Giving This Sermon [hence the Father Sense of the Holy Trinity].

With emphasis on the pertinent word "months" for JESUS Christ Precepting, in the previous first sentence of the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Hearing Levels Sermon at stated "JESUS Christ Spirit Preceptingly in this Sermon Righteously In Grace for the Better Helpful Guidance For All Will Be Prophseyingly describing some types of Spirit Levels pertinent for these months.".

Shown here is hardly You, yet Your Spirit when it is said:

when You look in a mirror You see You in the past.

Father JESUS Christ Holy Spirit (Faith amount applies Matthew 9:29 rather Eternal Loyalty)

is "Eternal", JESUS All Seeing Eye can look into past present and future as if Distinct yet rather in Himself 1.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit answers the Profound question JESUS Christ Asked, according to Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began hence defining what the Holy Spirit is and what the Trinity is and what the Heavenly Father is and who JESUS Christ Really is with how to see into the Present Gift into the Future spacetime situation Anewly Better Victoriously in JESUS Spirit Together how to transport People today faster than the speed of light.


As the above Person's hands are in the same pics in various places all at once, likewise JESUS Christ can be many places: JESUS Christ is Everywhere Good yet appears when Best for The Eternal Value for You. Too much appearing is to tempt You to lose Faith (Hebrews 11:1: Ascend), too little appearing is to tempt You to lose Faith also (John 4:48: Tube Parameters): Straight Up, Graceful Opt Straight And Narrow. You can see many pics of Yourself in the past, in this Sermon JESUS Christ Spirit Family One Guides You to also see into the Present,

and into the Future!

As shown in the "Prophetic Time Travel Spirit" mid page Drawing toward the right, the same 1 JESUS Christ is shown in 3 spacetime frames, it is a picture of 3 events in 3 time periods, in photography it is such as to cover 2/3rds part of the film with opaque paper [in x radiography to block with front shielding 2/3rds part of the film with lead], then a pic, then with the same film a pic of the next 1/3rd likewise, then a pic of the next 1/3rd likewise, so JESUS Christ is in 1 pic yet in 3 space situations and in 3 timeframes: yet it is the same 1 JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time Sermon at

There are various ways to state each item of these 3 in this Triadic Flow, yet this arrangement is for You to be Edified as to what the meaning is of: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:

Sent / Gather / Dictionary rather Holy Bible rather Holy Spirit (as stated above).

Sent = Gather x Dictionary rather Holy Bible rather Holy Spirit (as stated above).

The Father Sent JESUS Christ = Gather x Dictionary rather Holy Bible rather Holy Spirit (as stated above).

Sent = JESUS Christ Gathers As Sent x Dictionary [Legion doing all things as if to include Good, but to opt to do bad undoes the Loyal Good Ascending (Luke 10:18)] rather Holy Bible rather Holy Spirit (as stated above).

Sent = Gather x Dictionary rather Holy Bible rather Holy Spirit (as stated above) and since Holy Bible then full repentance with Baptism and Ascending In JESUS Christ [Father Holy Spirit One].

A. The Holy Father Eternal is the Sender.

B. The Son is JESUS Christ, the Sent.

C. The Holy Spirit is The Holy Father With The Son JESUS Christ With As Many As So Doing.

These 3 (A, B, & C) are God.

As written in Luke 8:21 English Standard Version "But he answered them, 'My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.' ".

The Father is the Sender of JESUS Christ, and much more than a Sender yet the Same JESUS Christ;

JESUS Christ is the Gatherer of the People [including 1st Testament Holy Ghost though very many opted graves], and much more than a Gatherer, including "the salt which preserved Israel from decay", see the right column verses and "Pulpit Commentary" at

JESUS Christ (B) Goes To The Father (A) for to be Exemplar for Us hence to enter into His Glory Matthew 16:27 [beyond crucifixion Eternally completed], likewise ["They alone": plural]; and the Holy Spirit (C) was supposed to Do Likewise [as many and much is Likewise though so much Better to be Accomplishing Likewise], going into JESUS Christ to Enter With JESUS Christ Into Eternal Glory Together (with as stated above "much more than" so far: Better unseen awaits: Edifyingly Better Spirit Type(s) Awaits You for to Ascend).

Before Better defining the Holy Spirit, For JESUS Christ Hightest Purpose Preceptingly therefore is this continuing from the previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series as the lower illustration is that for JESUS Christ Best Faith from the Word Of JESUS Christ As You Preach [including typing online, and texting, and such as for the deaf hand signing, and Christian artworks, and Christian music as a Holy Spirit key with these keys]

the Word travels through types of spirits such as air, water, cables, and wireless...[and importantly also through the Spirit], and in so doing "the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience" as it is written in Ephesians 2.2

and of JESUS Christ Better Way Spirit this is Anew Victory Over Ephesians 2.2 and "the ruler of" that "disobedience"

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Covenant / New Logic, Sermon at [such as had been a grave concern of the Amish concerning the "air" and electricity]). The JESUS Christ Good Word Travels though it has been in lower levels with attenuation at distance [for instance] becomes a spirit type [a type of spirits set, there are spirit types according to source and Given situations]. For instance Many think of the fastest speed when talking about light, yet the velocity of light can be slowed such as according to the spirit of a slurry, such as 35 miles per hour, so if You rode the Church Bus this week then perhaps faster than 35 miles per hour, faster than the speed of light, faster than the velocity of light an amount (hence as JESUS Christ explained as above stated "amount" applies to Faith).

As written "if to gather light such as in a slurry (slow light) then to be able to transport that light to family (or other destination)" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Step Leap Fly Sermon at hence to transport People light speed so to speak (see previous in this Series on Warp, Warp Drive, Transfiguring, Tractor Beam, Repulsor Beam, and Likewise).

To be with the Name of JESUS Christ through Baptism, was as if done, in the minds of Many, hence allowed to do "junk" [in secular vernacular yet rather for Edifying in JESUS Christ Spirit], so some People did "junk", including spiritual matters, and how to explain?, it is as a Preacher stopping mid Sermon and going to sit with the Ushers until the Ushers are needed such as for Guiding Visitors and such as for distributing the Eucharist: the Ushers are Doing their Job though symbolically in this sentence the Preacher is not.

What is the Holy Spirit?, a Good example [humbly Prayerfully as i with Another Goodly Guiding]: in Holy Heavenly Music while Awakening this morning about 2AM i found myself saying "and/or" [i think it was the word "and", and with the word "or"], for to Guide me into the Holy Spirit Better: Thank You and as Many As Were so Good Likewise previously for years. Yet Anewly for All (see previous in this Series on Pertinent Now Desperately NEEDFUL JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting for All) is accordingly [not counting the 2 Souls i hear now, a naysayer Soul against a Good Soul defending this typing] this defining of the Holy Spirit:

the above discusses Flow, and a formula is likewise the answer of the parts multiplied together, another example is 6 = 3 x 2 hence 6 = 3/2 though not fitting the secular ways as "3/2" = 1.5; even so of JESUS Christ Grace Spirit the Flow has Good Value Ascendingly and Likewise the Formula though like unto "1.5" that did not fit per se, Precepting NEEDS Best Fit [the Best You can, rather as JESUS Christ Original Guides],

so this defining point is as "and/or" was sung, the "and" was a higher note than the "or" [similar to the "3" ranking higher level than the "2" normally, as in 1, 2, 3, 4,...]. Now do You know everything about the Holy Spirit?, more perhaps, yet there are many more numbers and also letters, and with greater value words often, and so on Ascendingly; so You are Better Aware Now [at least more aware of what is typed] as written in Matthew 21:42 American Standard Version "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, The same was made the head of the corner; This was from the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes?", for me for JESUS Christ Original Highest Purpose Plan: Yes.

Now beware the Purgatory Group that called itself the "Holy Spirit" separated itself from JESUS Christ to say such as "JESUS Christ is not the Holy Spirit" and far worse things very often daily for years [likely 2,000 years] though it is time to Ascend, already so late as wheat that ripened and is now on the ground as Manna: DO TODAY. The Father does not exist without JESUS Christ similar to how JESUS drank from the same wine vessel as His Disciples: 1 wine, entering Many [entering All though Few Do Notice Loyally, Perpetually]. Like unto One Wine Vessel Given to Many.

The Host of the Holy Father and of the Holy Spirit is JESUS Christ, without which neither the Father nor Holy Spirit could exist: these are without reason to exist if with any missing part, like unto a container is a vessel.

Also be aware the word "or" is rather through JESUS Christ Spirit as in this translation, from the Hebrew "שֶׁמָא" meaning various things such as "or" yet as JESUS Christ Taught in Precepts Hebrew "שֶׁמָא" rather means "perhaps" (שֶׁמָא&op=translate) and Biblically rather meaning "rather" and likewise is this meaning: "Better" as for All.

To separate under laws has been with unjust laws, illegal laws against the Faith Unity, yet of Father Innocence Perfectly Perfecting Faith able to Send though rather for Better [not for to separate]. And to Gather for Better and Holy Spirit for Best For All is rather the Known Name hence for All [rather than for selfish] to Be Aware hence JESUS Christ Known Name With Baptism And Likewise as

His Holy Father Spirit One, His Holy Spirit, applies lest such as Legion spirits "or" such as return to grave dust spirits;

rather the Gift [rather than stolen / Eve and Adam] of All Knowing is with His Holy Spirit and a Bounteous Beautifully Blessed Gift for to JESUS Christ Exemplar Guidingly Hosting Best Way One: Giving!

This defining Edifyingly, Friends, is also that Each NEEDS to be Better than merely selfish.

This Sermon For JESUS Christ Higher Level Better Glory answers His question "Why callest thou me good" (Matthew 19:17)?.

Now Behold the Good of JESUS Christ Exemplar, in JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Father One Authority now is stated: JESUS is Good.

So if JESUS Christ asks "Why callest thou me good"?, then the answer is: it is written.

So if JESUS Christ asks "Why was it written?, the the answer according to the Christian Bible 2 Corinthians 1:19 is: Yes.

29 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit answers the Profound question JESUS Christ Asked, according to Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began hence defining what the Holy Spirit is and what the Trinity is and what the Heavenly Father is and who JESUS Christ Really is with how to see into the Present Gift into the Future spacetime situation Anewly Better Victoriously in JESUS Spirit Together how to transport People today faster than the speed of light.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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