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JESUS UFO Envelope Sermon, Updated 1 September 2022 "lymphatic" [Matabolic Cleaning].

JESUS Christ Provides for You in this Sermon Victory Over the New UFO Galactic Federation Language, Creating of the Protective Envelope for His [and if likewise Your] Crew And Cargo Mass, for Giving Evangelism and then Giving Loyal Ascending Creation Plans to Others while Bravely Boldly Outreaching, yet also while with increasing Protective Creating Abilities in One with Ascending Together. And this JESUS Christ Original Provides also whether to do so in smaller realms or larger, hot or cold, whether the Way looks easy or complex, whether appearing as though a light burden or heavy.

JESUS Spirit Exposes Better Victory Over Sacred Tech kept secret from the Public since the world began with Evangelism and the Rosewell Artifact as NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN for inside out Charity With New Level Of Protection Control NEEDED, FBI and Respected Top Expert High Tech Leadership concerning Census and mixed spirits level Anewly Better Awareness about a secular Pergatory Level between the living and the dead and a Personal Miracle Victory for a Visitor for Their sake Evangelically Over current perdition as JESUS Christ Already Guides Victoriously, and discussed are gambling, predicting, workplace, vacations, disc readers 2 Larger Circles, cassettes, 8 tracks brakes, Metabolic Rate alcohol and drugs Metabolism pertinence, not merely time.

The previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: JESUS Spirit All Seeing Eye Sermon at Gave You how to speak a New UFO type Language of the stars, with how to build a UFO type vessel such as a flying saucer with Moses Glory concerning the 2 chambered Heart [of JESUS Christ Original Creator Highest Purpose]. Hence not in the lower level sense of desires of the flesh, JESUS Christ Spirit for the Best Way For All In Desperate Love Gave New Better Higher Level Awareness with safety in His Protection Original Plan Victory Anewly Over the body: Over His Body.

As written in this verse Yet the word "took" means "To raise, lift up, take away, remove" as JESUS Christ was not dead, He was asleep rather Prayerfully for Our sakes in Desperate Love doing Maintenance: New American Standard Bible "When his disciples heard about this, they came and carried away his body, and laid it in a tomb.".

The previous Sermon Gave the JESUS Christ Pure Father Holy Ghost Body As One,

this Sermon Likewise Yet Higher Level Preceptingly Gives the JESUS Christ Spirit "Outreaching".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with New Language of the Rosewell Artifact as NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN for inside out Charity With New Level Of Protection Control NEEDED, FBI, Respected Top Expert High Tech Leadership, Census and mixed spirits level Anewly Better Awareness it is a secular Pergatory Level between the living and the dead and a Personal Miracle Victory for a Visitor for Their sake Evangelically Over current perdition as JESUS Christ Already Guides Victoriously, gambling, predicting, workplace, vacations, disc readers 2 Larger Circles, cassettes, 8 tracks brakes, Metabolic Rate alcohol and drugs Metabolism pertinence, not merely time.


The People that opted to be crucifiers [naysayers] took His Robe for temporary secular selfishness.

As written above, "asleep" is Anew JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Over Matthew 8:20 "And Jesus said to him, 'The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head'.": without price JESUS Christ was Given from Disciples and from Government Over All hence from All: a place "to lay His head".

Note the previous Sermon is as an actual "upside down" (see below) Heart [of Soul Flowing {His Spirit} Blood Way Love Hosting Giving Feeding For All Members] [the 2 part fastener clevis as the gate hinge] Fold notch [symbolic, not shown] at the bottom as a furrow of a plow (swords into plowshares) hence the JESUS Heart as a Whole pointing Up, for All to Ascend (yet see above "Evangelism" and "Maintenance" and with brain rest: "a place "to lay His head"). So while parts of a Person's brain do not work, also known as though malfunction, for longer periods than the Heart that continues pulsing. As secular Coaches and Others explain:

"A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness." ( Mine's [His in this vessel] is about 60 pulses / minute, as a teen after a track race about 90: hence alcohol and drugs Metabolism pertinence, not merely as old laws have stated such as if merely a "time" (e.g. page 41)

factor. Another JESUS Spirit factor Over pertinent Metabolism is the lymphatic system pertinent to secretion and excretion (see below "intake A and exhaust" with recent Sermons on All Seeing Eye and fluid delivery system as an eye removes waste). Though the blood is not merely about the pulses yet also the Metabolic Rate of the Members feeding [such as warm body parts warming cold body parts] and being fed, as a Member of the FBI [name withheld] asserted in 2021;

and while not an excuse to drink other than Eucharist, while without drinking in situations i have witnessed such as a Friendly Nice Righteous Christian Well Respected Top Expert [name withheld] with High Tech Leadership in His secular field, staggering from alcohol after lunch and then right away in a workplace explain rightly to other leading Experts [naysayers about the work prior to the explaining] and correcting Them with properly guiding Them to Their surprise and delight, though note very many People have yet to be so diligently studious and applying loyally in work to be able to accomplish such:

one point being to Be Thoroughly Aware of the Words of JESUS Christ and Preceptingly Fitting Together The Precepts Righteously. ( "The average heart pumps 2000 gallons of blood per day! In a 70-year lifetime, an average human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times." ( this is how much the Human Heart is typically on the job. "The average brain needs a break from total focus after about an hour and a half." (

Concerning above stated "a place 'to lay His head' " and the previous Sermon New Language of the Rosewell Artifact, the Members above and below the "2 Larger Circles" that "spin" are as Serving Preceptingly for Us "2" (previous Sermon on Moses Glory) purposes [A & B]:

A. serving as a chain [around the "2 Larger Circles" that "spin"] or belt, though rather of JESUS Christ Blood Flow Spirit Hosting Food Info into the Members hence Preceptingly as disc readers such as to automatically monitor and change spin timing [or perhaps like unto "chain" and "belt"] even perhaps tape reading more of previous decades [cassettes, 8 tracks], and with

B. brakes for the "2 Larger Circles": a place "to lay His head".

Above stated "upside down" (see "Trammel Net" and "Hall of Records" disc, and a yesterday concern of a visiting Spirit to what i had called the mixed spirits level, similar to the Census, is with rather this Anewly JESUS Christ Spirit Miracle Over the pertinent lower right engraving in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: "JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon (updated above the large pic March 14, 2021AD and again updated September 17, 2021AD)" at pertinent to the Specific Soul that reported it Personally: a Personal Miracle Victory Over such for Their sake, and had likewise been previously Victory for me because of Ascending in JESUS Christ The Best Way.

Like unto much goodly helpful guiding instruction even if merely in the secular Perdition, see above "time" reference [with a multitude of goodly info though in legalese jargon when better concise work is recommended], NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN FOR HIS HIGHEST PURPOSE PRAYERFULLY FIRST including for Your [With Mass] New Higher Level Safety. Now not from JESUS Christ Grace but from secular has come the word "pergatory": "its not just hell see the children are reaching for heaven but there souls are traped in "pergatory" it is when your soul is caught between the living and the dead!" (

Perdition (Pertinent Over see above "pergatory") is as written in Revelation 17:8 New King James Version "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.".

We are to Go to Ascend to Evangelize and Better without ceasing ( so as to operate a motor vehicle to obey the physics of braking, though to Minimize such Maintenance in JESUS Christ Best Way Planning Before The Fact. So if to brake, then (see above "safety") applies to brake externally [be Girded Up, minimize above taking the exterior Robe selfishly; not the same as legal gambling nor predicting though a pertinent amount applies] "Protective" outer invisible shell "Envelope" and how to better explain is like unto hardly as if to build a house under where loose rocks are that tend to landslide, hardly build on quicksand, hardly to build where floods happen: though such might not be illegal, also some Experts might do such, for instance to study floods somewhat safely, and such as those that build at the cold poles for studies, and vacationers might apply.

Shown below is a flow from A to D and from tap C to F according to the Flow aperture, Tube Diameter, at the point tapped E. And other tap points apply, even intake A and exhaust (reference rocket power) D. So now You are Aware in JESUS Spirit, to gird Thyself, yet to Give (Acts 19:12) or count as such if above Robe pic type of situation Ascending Worthy One, hence to gird with also the Robe: similar to the opposite of desending Save JESUS Christ Spirit Robe (ibid.) hence for Good, so like unto turning rather Converting [rather Leading Evangelizing] Them, as with the girding to be Giving as inside out: Protective Envelope In JESUS One.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with New Language of the Rosewell Artifact as NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN for inside out Charity With New Level Of Protection Control NEEDED, FBI, Respected Top Expert High Tech Leadership, Census and mixed spirits level Anewly Better Awareness it is a secular Pergatory Level between the living and the dead and a Personal Miracle Victory for a Visitor for Their sake Evangelically Over current perdition as JESUS Christ Already Guides Victoriously, gambling, predicting, workplace, vacations, disc readers 2 Larger Circles, cassettes, 8 tracks brakes, Metabolic Rate alcohol and drugs Metabolism pertinence, not merely time.


31 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with New Language of the Rosewell Artifact as NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN for inside out Charity With New Level Of Protection Control NEEDED, FBI, Respected Top Expert High Tech Leadership, Census and mixed spirits level Anewly Better Awareness it is a secular Pergatory Level between the living and the dead and a Personal Miracle Victory for a Visitor for Their sake Evangelically Over current perdition as JESUS Christ Already Guides Victoriously, gambling, predicting, workplace, vacations, disc readers 2 Larger Circles, cassettes, 8 tracks brakes, Metabolic Rate alcohol and drugs Metabolism pertinence, not merely "time".

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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