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JESUS UFO Visitors To Earth Revealed Sermon.

JESUS Spirit is revealing in this Sermon who the multitudes of visitors to this planet are, and to this secular so called Known Universe and beyond. JESUS Christ explained as written in John 18:36 New Living Translation "Jesus answered, 'My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.' ".

A mean look does not mean necessarily mean nor hate nor an attack, reference such as Matthew 6:16 and

Daniel 1:15 [Daniel 1:15 also explains the huge value of 1st Testament Bible Food rather than Luke 10:8].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, UFO Aliens living with us not of Earthly origin, UFO Visitors, UFO Alien Treaties, UFO Aliens on Earth, Sir Richard Branson rocket outer space, 1st Testament Bible Food


JESUS Christ is in Each and All Souls and Spirits though many have opted to stray and fall in this "Known Universe", so beware, yet in JESUS Christ UN Grace fear rather JESUS Christ of exceedingly greater Better Importance and Over even All Life itself. If to not be Loyal to and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then perhaps a dog or a spirit or other might attack You. Consider a dog briefly, dogs are not much associated with smiling, according to a dog's appearance it is often not so clear as to whether the dog might attack, be friendly, or run away. A serious look on a Person including such as the Galactic Federation (see intro tags about previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series for more info) does not necessarily mean mean nor friendly.

Who are the UFO type aliens and Other intelligent life forms including from other worlds, living with Us on Earth today, and what are Their appearances such as whether looking like People We know [in the census sense]?:

are They as in the movie Proximity similar to as shown above [whether faked or real, the symbolism applies]?, are They as in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon about the "4 Civilizations" of the great though secular level movie Galaxy Quest at with a Godsling of strange appearances?, are They the actual critters We see routinely?, or perhaps are They as explained in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Bigfoot Sermon at, pretty much yes to all these things.

Better stated UFO type aliens are You, Us, All, though some have been under dominion (Genesis 1:26 yet rather JESUS Christ All One Victory Over Revelation 17:18 as possible in this census life and continuing Loyally). Think about Blessed Glorious Lovingly Kind JESUS Christ The Original, as much as holding that thought from the Heart [as much as With And For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Ascendingly Better] You are as JESUS, though a secular Person has only up to the full repentance level. Note things changed at the JESUS Cross as JESUS Christ Lifted Many from those graves.

If You think of a dog then such as written applies for instance Daniel 4:33 "“That same hour the judgment was fulfilled, and Nebuchadnezzar was driven from human society. He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven. He lived this way until his hair was as long as eagles’ feathers and his nails were like birds’ claws.", yet rather Psalm 91:4 "He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.".

Many Christians already are aware of the Transfiguration of People through time (Luke 9:30) yet the above verses speak of other types of Transfigurations, morphing from one creature into another, from one spirit or Person into another spirit or Person, from one Person into another Person, from UFO type as shown above to Person and back and forth or other, and rather as stated above from You in to JESUS Christ (Baptism Save the Young, applies with Ascending).

What have Your dreams taught You?, that You were in other realms, some Better some same level and some worse. This has much to do with JESUS Christ including Your faith type and amount and Your conditions opted and situations and Your rate of Ascending or straying or falling, so including about what Your life is and the lifestyle You opt. In other words for to Edify in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, what morphing You encounter in Yourself and Your future situation has much to do with how You are concerning Your often unseen future, Save Eternal Good Best JESUS Christ One yet Anewly Better Applies Gloriously, like witnessing Children learning to speak.

If You envision, if You are in a vid, if You are remembered, then Who is You?: Their Spirit [and other Higher Level Protectively Best Guiding, and lower level various spirits] beholds You, and without vessel shells the spirits move, travel, and can be in or pass through You, and can morph. Will You be in Your census vessel shell tomorrow?, as the typically secular military [rather Christian Advisors per se] has said in symbolic cliche "Leave this place in better condition than when you found it". Goodly yet more pertinent is to Be Best For JESUS Christ And Hence All.

All the JESUS Spirit Righteous Precepts fit together as We morph. All the facts of JESUS Christ fit together for Us as Our Best Guiding Spirit. This JESUS Spirited Sermon answers the TV question "What if we are the Martians?", also pertinent stated about an encounter was "We're the same but we're from the future." (Ancient Aliens H S13E15).

JESUS Spirit is less about You and more about the Best Way You Lead Them [even if They are High Tech from the "future"]. So how to describe this in the census?: JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace is like unto [other than secularism ("Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace" through "JESUS Christ")] Sir Richard Branson the rocket expert: this pertinent point being as You Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace Your Spirit is awesome too! Yet JESUS Christ The Original Eternal is like unto All the Famous and even All [as much as Good for the Best For All]!

As stated in the JESUS Christ 4th Testament [of the Main 4 Testaments (see previous in this Series for specifics)], this is the "GODMATH" as titled in the section on page 9 including text and the New JESUS Branch in Anew [as pertinent] mathematic sequence trunk with branches, Math of [part of] the Tree Of Life [the Beginning part]; and this is exactly as graphed in the Chart on page 221 as continues to come to be in Miracles [reality, facts] improvingly.

Shown below is the same info of JESUS Spirit Anewly Pertinent with these specifics and even Your Worthiness factor applies: the "Y" vertical line at the bottom represents that JESUS Christ went a little lower than the Angels, then Lovingly Mercifully Guidingly Ascendingly Leads Us All into Higher Levels. The "X" horizontal timeline is of the past to the left and future, the future for the naysayers against the JESUS Christ Creator One Best Way have been about the past in the lower level [not completely shown] and the Ascending People as JESUS as The Bible Taught as The Good Eternal Spirit Gives is to the far right yet Ascended over the past lower strayed ways though a symbolic rate of Ascending curved line is shown.

Secular rather JESUS Ascending One curve.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, secular rather JESUS Ascending One curve, from lost to found in JESUS Christ Best Way For All


The "timeline" is as the Baptism Firmament Level line. To the right below the "timeline" is as the Church, and for JESUS Christ Best Way Edifying for Better Church(es) this is said: Churches have said They obey and are under the Law, and such has meant secular

(see the "Thank You" message below) until Thankfully JESUS Christ has Provided for Us as Promised (reference such as the Holy Eucharist) including Excellent JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace. So again this is for You and Your Grace for the Best For All. You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Helping With Protecting Churches And Officially Recognizing Higher Level Grace is as to move above the "timeline".

We are not merely to go into outer space and shoot monsters, as We Will Righteously Prophesyingly In JESUS Name encounter Higher Level [JESUS Christ The Original and as much and as Many as One are here and there (Isaiah 52:15)], same level, and lower level Worthy of Our JESUS Spirit Lifting Responsibility. This means in JESUS Spirit to Edifyingly Straighten Them away from "shoot" first whimsical notions (also reference the secular goodly ratings system).

Thank You for putting up with me.

17 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred matters kept secret since the world began about UFO type aliens living with Us on Earth today looking like People We know and what We should do about it, this Sermon Anewly addresses the Transfigurations morphings situation currently and in the future, New Hope for the Churches is specified, with explaining a key thing about civilization that JESUS changed at the Cross, with a great value of JESUS Christ UN Law, UFO Aliens living with us not of Earthly origin, UFO Visitors, UFO Alien Treaties, UFO Aliens on Earth, 1st Testament Bible Food Value, Sir Richard Branson rocket.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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