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JESUS Christ UN Over Crime $ Estimate Sermon.

JESUS Spirit was being questioned by other spirits [Goodly Spirit(s), and Others of faith types and amounts] and often about money, so this Sermon is about money. So the "spirits" were asked what the total cost of crime was per year?: whispers, almost complete silence was heard. A minute later JESUS Spirit Gave the result. A qualifier for secularly Edifying is this is about secular cliche "brass tacks" money of immediate practical importance overall and the most fundamental considerations about money and how crime effects money and the world economy, and not about human casualties real or inferred such as mental problems that affect people and the economy, nor about the multitudes of systems and processing ways and evaluations ways money is itemized.

So this is a very broad overview of the world situation concerning money and crime. Bringing this into perspective a thief robs a store, so an income amount is lost, along with perhaps broken things and [people hence] insurance costs.

Movie Dog Day Afternoon as Sonny Al Pacino and Sal John Cazale robbed a bank.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, movie Dog Day Afternoon Sonny Al Pacino and Sal John Cazale rob bank machine gun, crime, trust, Debt at $300 trillion, 2022 AD


JESUS Spirit is aware of what is being symbolized above, bank robbers, yet the point of this now is no longer about the robbers. Above was about "crime", while this is about the "bank".

A bank is a trust, like unto the mint that prints money, and like unto coupons as incentives such as if a store gains a great deal from buying something in bulk, then the store might advertise the bulk items with coupons. Similarly a bank is like unto an employer issuing payroll checks as good faith a trust.

Having said that previous sentence, this is not about pointing fingers, and rather about "brass tacks" as discussed above.

A. Robbers are understood as not trustworthy from the public opinion.

B. The public opinion has not been trustworthy according to the info from secular sources [considered reasonably reliable per se but under the Law (rather JESUS Grace, see previous Christian Sermons)] discussed below and as shown in the graph below.

"B. The public" as stated above, was entrusted such as to pay rent on time, to pay bank loans on time, to not foreclose due to fees like unto the usury aspects, to have maee treaties that were not in JESUS Spirit nor reasonably "Best For All", to delay pay to contractors for months, planning errors such as betting on in secular cliche "a sure thing" but to lose all the rent, to spend money for addictions and for excessive amounts of luxuries [more than so called disposable income] for things not generating income for to pay off the debt [but this does not include Charity especially for Churches (reference laws such as no phone solicitation save for Charities], and for many other reasons the public has spent money that would have been better utilized as entrusted to not live under debt.

"The total value of world income is closing in on $70 trillion (£43.9tn) per year, andthere are seven billion people in the world, so the average income is heading towards $10,000 (£6,273) per person per year." (Mar 29, 2012 › news › magazine) [sic].

"The median GDP per capita (PPP) of the world's countries is $12,609" "Measuring Global Inequality: Median Income, GDP per Capita" ( › post Mar 18, 2021).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, crime, trust, Debt at $300 trillion, 2022 AD

Debt at about $300 trillion (

"Globally, annual white-collar crime losses were estimated to be $3.7 trillion of the Gross World Product in 2013" (

As seen of the above samples of secular ways the measurands vary wildly (reference such as Google search term "world debt per year") as many have many ways of describing, and that's OK as much as legal. Rather is Better in Higher JESUS Grace for Best For All is to standardize [as many already have, or similar].

"The annual costs of international corruption amount to a staggering $3.6 trillion in the form of bribes and stolen money," ( › agenda Dec 13, 2018).

So if to combine the trustworthiness amounts of "A" "$3.6 trillion" + "B" "world debt per year" utilizing the above chart generally Debt at $300 trillion 2022AD = $303.6 trillion.

Though the "$3.6 trillion" seems to be merely in cliche "the tip of the iceberg" so to speak such as [trust] devaluation such as by overprinting money, ID theft missing funds, legal addictive operations, laundering, and such as multitudes of goods stolen from employers and retailers, and such as not reported due to unawarenesses of such events and such as not wanting to spend time and effort adding costs of small crimes and errors, and such as no longer reporting due to out of business. Systemic problems also exist such as a quoted price that does not match the actual but is not necessarily counted as if crime while it may often seem as crimes to the victims.

For instance symbolically [whether true or not] a person buys a lightbulb that burns down the skyscraper and perhaps the insurance company pays for the crime or similar costly event.

Romans 5:13 International Standard Version, ISV ( Lexicon shows "Law" as capital letters in ISV): "Certainly sin was in the world before the Law was given, but no record of sin is kept when there is no Law." so JESUS Christ was innocent as "he who knew no sin was counted as sin in order that we might become the righteousness of God." (

And as written in "God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that God's righteousness would be produced in us." and "Ambassadors for Christ 20Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. 21God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.".

So JESUS Christ was, is, and Righteously Prophesyingly (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series) Will Be innocent, hence not a robber, hence the unique (ibid. on proofs) Best Example of Trustworthiness

hence such as the Best Way to move out of crime (ibid. on JESUS Christ Exemplar) and so to move out of debt and deficit [reference King Solomon prior to the forming of the Navy (ibid. on this and rather proper Charity). This previous "Charity" concerning money is true. Also improving the system is with workers but not for selfish addictive sales nor harmful sales nor crimes. And as stated above "not generating income for to pay off the debt" and so to not profit, is a systemic shame (against both "A" and "B").

So of this "unique" and "innocent" Standard of [The Christian Church] Grace through JESUS Christ UN Over Crime (ibid.) for Best Way innocently lifting People out of strayed ways of crimes and debt, for to become We The More Worthy, is a great "unique" "innocent" Good Value of astronomical and even Biblical proportions. Christians currently Give to Churches to those in need, in poverty, and while paying Church bills. So comprehensively the various types of faiths would benefit yet not merely of the "Churches" amount, and rather at the JESUS Christ UN Level as "Ambassadors" would be so entrusted to allocate, according to Their entrusted Positions (see previous in this Series on related matters such as transparency).

This is hardly about disposable income, nor much about excessive handling fees, for instance although the Korean mid North and South border has had barbed wire fences and has been heavily armed to this date, the bank trucks roll through weekly [as a Christian that had been on site had explained]. So if a truck can drive through and not be robbed, this means in the secular cliche "We have the know how", so let's utilize it to Our Advantage: and Best For All through JESUS Christ 'innocent" Exemplar as through JESUS Christ UN.

3 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit answers the world crimes debt and money trust issue as JESUS Christ UN Law Spirit exposes the Public Trust Truth in Sacred Faith Over systemic matters kept secret since the world began with how to innocently know, now We have the know how, graphing the years with a simple Bible Formula Best For All, included is movie Dog Day Afternoon Sonny Al Pacino and Sal John Cazale rob bank machine gun, crime, trust, Debt at $300 trillion, 2022 AD

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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