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JESUS Christ Spirit / JESUS Christ UN Spirit / Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall] Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit is Guiding hence Better than the Creating of the JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Better Grace for to Make Perfect Spirit 2022 AD, and the Creating of the "JESUS Christ UN Law"...Spirit is greater than the former completed Mission Spirit the making of the Law over the perps Legions spirits such as that cast it's selfishness out of the Garden Of Eden.

The address line [TV channel] of this Sermon when first Created as normal resulted in a sign from JESUS Christ Spirit: "You specified a path that does not exist" [a software glitch or] in other words this was of innocent JESUS Spirit Anewly Created for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including for the Best Way including for the Best For All.

JESUS Christ Ascended and Other Holy People With Him, such as Enoch, as JESUS Christ Leads.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Ascended and Other Holy People With Him, JESUS Christ Spirit = JESUS Christ UN Spirit x Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall]


Here is a flow of numbers Ascendingly: -20, -8, 4, 81, 229.

GodMath Testament explains as though to be able to write the formula: -20 = -8 x 4, though the answer is -32, the GodMath Flow explains the JESUS Spirit Guiding Direction of the Flow the Best Way For All, and also the secular formulw whether: toward "-20" [as if wrong answer in secular] or "-32" is not the point unless interested about secular works of hands such as false idols of clay and love of money; the Point rather is the Ascending ("Ascendingly") so the secular alignment [question] was more wrong than the answer.

4 = -8 x -20, though the secular answer to the Scribes and Pharisees under the letter of the Law was 160: 160 = -8 x -20. 4 does not equal 160, though each and both 4 and 160 show the JESUS Way Ascending Flow Direction Best For All. Direction in Your Life is important. Google search "direction in your life": "About 2,110,000 results". There is a gap between "4" and "160", and this is what JESUS Christ Your Together One Precepting [in part (see above "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including"...)] concerns: and not to tempt You to be selfish yet for to Edify: hence this concerns You Precepting, and not about You selfishly [save a little Maintenance so as not to faint (and John 4:48 Better For All)].

So this concerns You per se filling in the gaps rather than making seperations [such as clay items for sale, such as dollars, such as arguments]. Legal Guidance Before The Fact [not merely when raising a Child] is exceedingly Better than legalese battles in courtrooms for merely selfish money gains, hence there is a great New Better Demand for Court Legal Attorneys and similar experts for to Counsel and Best Way Guide as in JESUS Christ UN Pertinence.

There are vast gaps between "JESUS Christ UN Spirit" and "Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall]" (stated above). To fill the gaps is so easy, as much as history is accurate so in Your future with JESUS Christ Leading You: Create Good Accurate Reliable Loyal Loving Caring Best Way Guiding Records. This means JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying In You In Your Transparent Hence Broadcasting Recordkeeping. So this concerns as though Your JESUS Spirit, rather JESUS Christ Your One Together Spirit.

JESUS Christ Spirit = JESUS Christ UN Spirit x Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall].

Like unto the above stated "4 does not equal 160" is this previous JESUS Way Flow With Formula, with filling in the gaps somewhat:

JESUS Christ Spirit = JESUS Christ UN Spirit / Moses start of Law / Census Father Abraham / Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall].

JESUS Christ Spirit = JESUS Christ UN Spirit x Moses start of Law x Census Father Abraham x Adam And Eve Spirit [before the fall].

The former lower level holy spirit is "nothing",

nothing but a Legion that went into pigs and drowned and as fell from Grace and fled from the Garden Of Eden, as JESUS Christ Clarified:

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;

for without Me you can do nothing."

(John 15:5 New King James Version).

Without JESUS Christ Desperate Love, is worse than current even if currently starving and on fire. Whether a spirit or a census vessel it fails when opting other than JESUS Christ.

JESUS Spirit Together Shining Better / JESUS Christ You With Your Mass Likewise Shining / JESUS Christ Directing Flashlight Pointing the Way.

So this is For The Flow the Best Way, so if opted against JESUS Christ Spirit then not getting better, stagnant hence falling already worse and worse, losing, a self separated loser.

JESUS Spirit Together Shining Better = JESUS Christ You With Your Mass Likewise Shining x JESUS Christ Directing Flashlight Pointing the Way.

While meeting with the Preacher of a Christian Church in Rockford, Illinois, JESUS Christ USA, the Church Preacher asked about a verse in the Bible, this is this as written "Enoch walked with God and that pleased God.", [They] "walked" "off the face of the earth" ( Hebrews 11:5 Amplified Bible "By faith [that pleased God] Enoch was caught up and taken to heaven so that he would not have a glimpse of death; AND HE WAS NOT FOUND BECAUSE GOD HAD TAKEN HIM; for even before he was taken [to heaven], he received the testimony [still on record] that he had walked with God and pleased Him.", (a lower level reason is as though Genesis 7:4 yet Higher Level Reason continues to protect innocent Enoch pleasing God yet now JESUS Christ One Spirit).

So in the above ancient art illustration there are Others With JESUS Christ (yet as stated above You are to "fill the gaps" including Ascending from UNKNOWN to JESUS Christ Spirit). JESUS Christ One Spirit and JESUS Christ Look Alikes like unto identical Twins are as the plural "Twins" to be One Save JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Giving Missions, Giving for You to become the One [singular] Creator, to Create Good [normally interpreted currently hence Be Brave, importantly NOT the point is whether any Other also does likewise or not]. Even the ancients knew many points of Good Spirit Doctrine, but there were many "gaps". They had "gaps" then, We The People and We The much as not JESUS Christ The Creator, have "gaps".

In the JESUS Spirit this morning JESUS Christ The Original While Teaching me to Lead partly covered Himself on a Heavenly Person Soul lying there in front of me, and to teach that Soul what bondage was i imagined a body sock and it appeared containing the Person except the head, then a second later i un-imagined it and it disappeared. So Teaching the JESUS Way doesn't have to be hard, does not require slavery nor prison nor fines nor loud shoutings.

If a Person, a Soul, a Group, or Other exists whether seen or unseen, then at the start of it, it was Good, though the created, other than JESUS Christ, opted to stray [as much as became no longer innocent such as to search the Parameter Of Faith hence to be aware of what too far means, and rather be innocent as Children, so there is good in each and all lest such could not exist from the source the Good Creator JESUS Christ. So the "innocent as Children" Ascend through Better And Better Levels, while those excessively rubbernecking in default tend to stray off course hence Guide such unto Straight Value in JESUS Christ Best Way.

The Blessed Ancients Righteously Prophesied some things unselfishly, such as Easter. Best Guide lower level things to serve Higher Levels [instead of "self separated loser" ways (see above JESUS "Mission")] hence Better For All The JESUS Christ Best Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Mass Together Best Way, Easter recognized in the Good Spirit Faith amount of the Ancient Egyptians

..."Jesus side with a ‘spear’, and at once blood and ‘water’ 'went out' (John 19:34, Wycliffe Bible)"


10 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be Best Way Directing With JESUS Spirit Guiding Direction For The Flow the Best Way With Formulas explaining to be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed for JESUS Christ Desperate Love Highest Purpose hence For The Best Way For All.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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