JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Up Sermon.

JESUS Christ said after midnight this morning minutes ago words to the effect of "Don't look there under the floorboard" meaning don't stare long at the lower things where the astray down to where the fallen have opted to be and don't look intently for a long time nor times nor half a time [do not stare at the lower levels for perfect hope from them (Revelation 12:14)].

Do not stare toward that which tempts to be astray nor to such as see what the feeling is to fall from JESUS Grace for You and Best For All have already been there at least Once For All as JESUS Christ The Good Leader explained. Do not be about such nor under such: rather consider that if to stare too long [Godsling risk warning: too long can range such as from an hour to merely an instant depending on Viewer Faith type and amount].

Perceiving can lead astray as written in Luke 8:18 Berean Study "Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen. Whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.", likewise do not worship the illustrations on these Sermons and likewise about the words that rather Believing in the unseen Faith in the name JESUS, as JESUS Christ said in JESUS Father Spirit One as written in Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for the sake of My name will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life." even so Hear the JESUS Preachers and Read These JESUS Sermons With The JESUS Highest Purpose Spirit Illustrations for Good and for JESUS Best For All.

JESUS has Given In You Good as He Created, Good Soul for JESUS Name Spirit Power To Give Likewise, though if anyone looks excessively (see above if perhaps "merely an instant" [car drivers can relate to this]) then perhaps to fail. JESUS Gives this safety warning, if driving a car and to turn the gaze to the radio then such as for no apparent reason while seemingly straight You vessel might start at increasing rate go out of control or might instantly swerve.

This applies not merely while driving a car.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, car vessel sliding out of control ice rain


This is a reason for Praying. This is reason to be JESUS Alert! Here is a wrong example for to Edify "It's OK JESUS will protect you" but as stated in the previous verse "will be taken away", instead Righteously Be Loyal In JESUS Christ [liberty rather than freedom such as to do wrong]. For instance JESUS Christ Protects the Faithful, but if a person tells You to hate and kill a person then such is disloyal against JESUS Christ Faith.

Your Soul can go off course in an instant for no apparent reason, or slowly imperceptibly and upon realization already into speeding traffic or off a cliff. As written in Proverbs 23:31 Berean Study Bible "Do not gaze at wine while it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly.". In thinking i asked JESUS Christ "What about the all seeing eye" [note i remember what i said, but confess i did not remember as well about the first sentence in this Sermon about what JESUS Christ said], and JESUS Christ the Original seemed to ignore JESUS me as Baptized and then appreciating His Awareness Giving an assurance feeling, perhaps a minute later brought to me perhaps a handful of Souls, Spiritually seen while awake in bed as People not with clear appearances sort of grayish sort of ghostly though unwavering in JESUS Spirit

and appearing as victimized and some wondering if it was OK to be with me [a level of a value amount for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Leading For Their Sakes Best For All for Them to Lead Others hence to Ascend likewise]. So i Honored [anytime with the JESUS Christ Original] while i felt sorry for them and perhaps feel too much Honored that JESUS Christ so entrusted Their Souls to me. As much as i noticed in the couple seconds They were all men clothed normally, and the vision ended.

This symbolizes JESUS Christ Awareness of the pertinent All Seeing Eye rather than about other.

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Like unto Faith in JESUS Christ, the Love as to be with such Faith in the unseen yet real JESUS Spirit, is toward His Pure Love, even as JESUS Christ One Pure Love may apply. A cliche stateed "Keep your wits about you", so for instance in the TV series Married With Children they joked about a hidden bottle of wine under the neighbors floor, so consider better than to hide it in the first place, and consider the "Don't look there under the floorboard" meaning stated above [for JESUS Better Gird, though if not for JESUS Highest Purpose: to conceal things from others is an addiction concern].

"God is described as that between two lovers." in the ancient Jewish Zohar ( but no mention of JESUS Christ was at that website first in the title nor in the content: a secular website or toward such somewhat. Yesterday on TV an Ancient Aliens episode mentioned the "Jewish" "Zohar" and as written in it "God actually had parents, a Mother and a Father" (also reference rather the Christian Faith as written in Luke 2:16 [hence a Proof); and an Ancient Aliens episode mentioned that according to eons ago and to locations where the North Pole had resided as at Northwest "Greenland" secularly correlated to the alignments of ancient structures worldwide, the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is evidently "50,000 years old".

As Planned of the Original Design for to Give JESUS Christ The Exemplar for Best For All, the Plan was to Love, hence to Do Good, so to Give, counted as if to separate but not so, rather of JESUS Grace Continues Faithful Loyal Oneness In His Highest Purpose, so Pure JESUS Christ was counted as if the Son Of Perdition and is Righteously True since Pure as written at "Christ Jesus is the Son Of Perdition" (see older in this Series Your Position Christ Jesus Missions in the name of Jesus ICCDBB Sermon at hence Best For All Purely Loyally Ascending In JESUS Spirit And In JESUS Name [as Baptized hence "And In" flesh, vessel, as Exemplar and rather than self hence JESUS Spirit Together One hence JESUS Spirit Including JESUS Father One Spirit Best Way Leading JESUS Pure Ascending Vessels].

What is a Follower is not in the name JESUS, then as the above strayed car vessel pic. What is to wonder about the above pertinence and the All Seeing Eye or other excuse, then as the above strayed car vessel pic. Hence this Godsling of Faith: it is Good to receive JESUS Christ and as much as He explains, and to talk with Him, though Better to already know from His Soul and then to talk if Best, for instance if JESUS Christ Asks You a question; this is not about interrogation, the Inquistion, cross examinations in all too often strayed bias machinations, nor about torture.

When JESUS Christ asks You [it is Lovingly Mild and Caring for Your Sake] the answer is: Yes. And so when would You ask Others, when You find Them already so Doing Good Best hence Worthy for Uplifting, Promoting, Receiving The Better JESUS Christ Mission.

So as discussed above [including JESUS Spirit With JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Foremost], from Heaven the Good was Sent, so counted as if separation in the lower levels than this current level [Save in JESUS Christ such as "Your Position" linked above, so Loyal or with recordkeeping for to [Broadcast and to] remind Yourself]. What is the All Seeing Eye?, it is but merely about a way to Edify from JESUS Christ into the lower levels that relied heavily on perceiving: sound, sight, and such. The secular known of senses has been problematic since Save JESUS Christ, all in the census strayed (1 Corinthians 6:5) save the innocent that died young evidently though JESUS Christ is Authority Over such Creation Parameters (jealous Exodus 20:5 yet merciful 1 Corinthians 6:5).

JESUS Best Way is found more in the more pure higher levels: Lead All.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


Note many bands show skulls, for the Better Grace don't do such Save if for JESUS Christ Best Way Edifying (example above Sermon with above "car").

JESUS Christ Grace in Leaders continues with Praying [mostly in Heartfelt mindfulness, JESUS Love] and notes such as in the Bible and on other paper and in computerized notes Preceptingly for Sermons. Watching some of the above Def Leppard performance on huge monitors not shown in the above pic were words such as "ENOUGH" and "CHANGE THE WORLD", and with one of the best light shows i've seen on TV was included as shown above reminding of the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind as the band sang "Believe Higher!" "Action!" (see below "JESUS Christ UN Law")!

This JESUS Given Life is not about waiting around for to get the self out of a rut, not to wait for others to make it better [rather Best].

12 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Gave me Souls, Pray Up, Ascend, Jesus is the Son Of Perdition, Kind JESUS Christ UN Law, specifications concerning JESUS will protect you Before The Risk explains going out of control, Jewish Zohar "God actually had parents, a Mother and a Father", Wailing Wall Jerusalem 50000 years old North Pole Northwest Greenland alignments of ancient structures, Save JESUS: to conceal things from others is an addiction concern Don't look there under the floorboard skulls TV Ancient Aliens, Def Leppard movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Jesus Christ

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