JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Value Sermon.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way Agrees With Best For All, but many in this created civilization level have opted to wrongly disagree. The disagreers have opted to establish their own government, a Good thing, such as to Give perps a second chance, toward JESUS Christ Mercy, but merely if to Give JESUS Christ the Credit and Glory. Even if merely corrections that preps might become better citizens, and such as if to remove a brain tumor and then the perp becomes with less tendency to stray, though again JESUS Christ must be Given the Credit and Glory under Commandment(s) and Law(s), and rather Give the Great Legal Exemplar Best Healer the Credit and Glory Before The Fact toward risk reduction.

Bluntly secular government has not done such much toward rarely, through the millennium. This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series has told the Righteous Truth [and Grace] as JESUS Christ explained, and so has not "picked on" (as spirits often said) any as such have opted and so strayed and so "picked on" themselves. JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is exceedingly more valuable and more important than any created vessels such as groups, though for Edifying any under JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [and For Fellowship With JESUS Christ], this Series has utilized symbols, icons, signs, wonders, and miracles in these Sermons.

Examples of such Edifying include such as China, having instituted atheism and so having had troubles concerning Christian Missionaries and censoring other faiths, China has been accused by others of wrongful expansionism and China has shown plans with focus for expanding but having headed in the wrong direction at times has been less about solving the "wrongful" aspect (reference unfair trade agreements). Similarly the previous Sermon JESUS Planting The Tree Of Life Seed Sermon Sermon at revealed how a nation can battle a [person and/or a] company in another nation.

Today if China decides to take You to court and start proceedings against You such as toward freezing all Your assets, would You rather first have Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All?

JESUS Christ is the Protector. This JESUS Christ "Best Way For All" is Your Defense [if You "first have Broadcast" this]: the end of a court case is judgment satisfaction, this is the court idea of satisfying all parties concerned. "This JESUS Christ 'Best Way For All' " satisfies this, even before any considers whether to accuse You.

As written in Jeremiah 14:20 Berean Study Bible "We acknowledge our wickedness, O LORD, the guilt of our fathers; indeed, we have sinned against You.", Save JESUS Christ.

Now China is exalted in this Sermon except the type and amount of faith and conditions as stated above, as China needs better, not merely secular as in the former millennia. As stated above "JESUS Christ must be Given the Credit and Glory under" "Law" at least. So China cannot ascend higher than the highest secular level except with the previous sentence. Even so, in the iconic secular China with a mighty mass is exalted amidst the secular leadership: (see symbolic linked example: "Countries With Absolute Bans" concerning "cryptocurrency" at secular website

How cryptocurrency is used for money laundering? Cryptocurrencies can make it easier for fraudsters to obscure the source of criminal proceeds and are increasingly becoming the preferred currency of cybercriminals, from purchasing illicit goods using Bitcoin as a payment method to ransomware attacks where payments by Bitcoin are demanded." (Google).

JESUS Christ is the Authority and main point. Under JESUS Christ Value in the secular pertinent point concerns: who is the money printing authority, one government [reference such as secular treaties that bind all the groups], or others that are not government hence "a substitute for real currency" (ibid.)?

Consider for instance concerning "real currency" that "A gift is something of value given without the expectation of return; a bribe is the same thing given in the hope of influence or benefit.Jul 1, 2006" (, and "In scenarios where there is no employer, bribes are incentives that steer you away from your goal or keep you from executing a certain set of actions that would otherwise be beneficial." ( (see above "Google" info).

Concerning the above stated "ransomware" a website for instance, "", speaks of "Public Safety" linking to a site that "loss of life", though Christians are not for holding People for ransom (reference the House Of Bondage and the Exodus).

While this is not in favor of pierced ears nor other body mutilations, the Chosen in Exodus

wore shiny earrings in recordkeeping as reminders of [JESUS] Lord God delivering from slavery as Their ears had drops of sweat.

But since then wrongly much jewelry and it's usage has devolved to proponents of human trafficking, bondage, torture, and death.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, death


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, leash, death


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, cage, death


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, death


If to be with an economy and money per se, then the manufacturers and the crafts people and the artists and the vendors and the perps involved in these illustrations should have no tax deductions nor credits, with rare exceptions such as liberating as indicated in the previous above pic, and such as legal records, and such as reporting for civilization hence against troublemakers, and hence such as excepting this Sermon Series including Over censorship and not to promote crimes and "As stated above 'JESUS Christ must be Given the Credit and Glory under' 'Law' at least".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, death


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB,  new better Bible translations, Bible formulas, China; crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, torture, death


Look how long ibid. is: evidently they clearly know they are intentional troublemakers, and if taught to do so is no excuse as much as aware of better to be saying and doing: Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

Save for JESUS Christ (Philippians 4:7) the Lexicon at applies Over the above stated "tax" matters, hence the Firmament Level limit of Mercy. Money for carelessness has been about the root of all types of evils (1 Timothy 6:10). And this Agrees concerning Tithes: and while many factors apply, generally speaking 90% acceptable [with Tithing 10%] is Better than merely unguided disposable income savings of flip-of-coin 50% wrong.

The wrong way to break a set of Treaties is to break one tiny nearly insignificant part of the set, as for to wrongly say the whole Treaty set no longer counts. Start Better at the Top. Lead together, and to Edify nations are to be for JESUS Christ and civilizing Better, not for attacking smaller nations nor businesses nor individuals. Government be the JESUS One Best Exemplar as stated in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series, for global corporations to be likewise for smaller groups and for them to be for so leading individuals likewise, Broadcast JESUS.

12 April 2020AD

tags: jesusun, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, new better Bible translations, explains How cryptocurrency is used for money laundering and set itself up as government influence peddling taxation without representation and who is the money printing authority China, troublemakers, crypto, bitcoin, banned, illegal, btc, human trafficking, bondage, ransomware, torture, death.

Jesus Christ

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