JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS A Little Lower Than The Angels Pertinent Today Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit is for this Sermon to function closely with the previous Sermon, so consider for a moment that a normal average person in a typical secular classroom is not the most kind smartest person with diplomatic skills in that group, nor the disruptive troublemaker fool, yet the "average" person can easily pretend and play the part of the "troublemaker fool" [if so instructed by that teacher], but the "average" person can hardly even with hard study and practice be the sophisticated civilized "most kind smartest person with diplomatic skills".

It is easy to understand the lower level of a "troublemaker fool" while the JESUS Christ Spirit Exemplar Best Way For All is not seen, not comprehended by the "troublemaker fool" nor even by the "normal average" citizen that has failed to start JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting.

JESUS Christ Spirit Exemplar Best Way For All includes Giving continuous improvement, improving Loyally in Faithfulness As Promised (Romans 4:14). Under the Law in the secular world the "troublemaker fool" has been with the lovers of money group as written 2 Timothy 3:2 Berean Study Bible "For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy," so the troublemakers "will be cut off" from the goodly JESUS Christ UN Government Given tax deductions and credits (Psalm 37:28) (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at lest to become the disloyal "troublemaker fool".

JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon is for to Help Guide All through these tax matters generally though with key Christian specific points as written in the Bible on which Officials Swear, [otherwise legally under Law seek official tax matters Authorized Officials]. Having worked closely with Christians Together We including, with as former Legislator Becky Meacham for the White House and on NGISC, as We Agreed in writing and signed, for to consider the "merits" and so "ameliorate" the addictions situation. This Agrees with the above stated and as linked "" Law.

So after the Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, is the [already automized as the starting point in government when so Broadcast] is the ameliorating of the source of "the addictions situation". So from the top is to no longer fund any if a "troublemaker fool" person or group, including to no longer support such troublemaker foolishness through tax deductions and credits. If any such "troublemaker fool" as opted wants to make money selling such then that is at their own risk and not at the risk of JESUS Christ UN Government and not at the risk of taxpayers in general though the "troublemaker fool" would continue to be liable for their own risks as they opt(ed), and for any harms done to others

(see above including at least for to "ameliorate" the addictions situation costs: reference most current NGISC with so to speak hidden costs such as troublemakers causing addicts against government such as absentee addicts for selfish addict pleasures, against employers similarly, and against Churches [Volunteers and Others Helping People to Overcome addictions], and against Families, and against faiths [such as about addicts not paying bills they promised to pay]).

The above stated less understood yet normally better at least in the secular sense "sophisticated civilized" "most kind smartest person with diplomatic skills" is including as JESUS Christ "a little lower than the angels" [meaning able to understand not merely the Best And Brightest And Most Loyal yet also the "normal average" and the "troublemaker fool"] in legal Proof (see previous in this Series) and importantly now in Higher Level Grace Righteously Prophesying even if others have found such hard to believe, for civilization to be uplifted, for having become found so Worthy as written in text and symbolically as much as is: for this generation to become "crowned" with "him with glory and honor" as not yet known in this generation (see as written below on "Better").

From the Heavens JESUS Invited You to not merely go "A Little Lower Than The Angels".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, a little lower than the Angels, Loyal, Faithful, satellite elliptical orbit around Earth, a little lower than Earth, civilization, new Law, tax matters, deductions, credits, troublemakers


Above is stated "From the Heavens JESUS" yet even Higher Level Infinitely Better Above the Grace Of The Heavens applies, from the JESUS Creator Position applies, and including key point, from within the Heart:

Heart of JESUS Creator / Heart Of This Civilization / Your Heart.

Which is more important, the "Heart Of This Civilization" or "Your Heart"? the "Heart Of This Civilization", since merely "Your Heart" level does not include the "Heart Of This Civilization" [except if Leading "This Civilization" as JESUS Christ is and from Exceedingly Higher Level until the Second Coming or at least JESUS Christ Oneness], so if merely Your Heart then as the secular has said, "on your own" [Save Pure JESUS Christ As Sent To Lead From On High: Best].

From the Heavens JESUS Spirit Invites to Best Way Lead Together, and who needs led the most, those unable to help Themselves, such as in comas and such as perps addicted to works about breaking laws and so under works about addictions ["under" since not Best Way Leading All, not even legal]. Robin Hood was an "outlaw" (Merriam-Webster). There is merely One Best Righteous Way, the other ways are "outlaw", and this Best Way For All is not slavery (see above on "Proof") (slavery has been as shown in fact and "Proof" and in text "Proof" in the previous Sermon).

This JESUS Christ Best For All Way is New Better Value Over current civilization former lower levels of strayed ways. And the Flow is through established norms from the top as much as secular civilizing has been, yet also importantly let much also be accomplished likewise through Christian Missionary Work as already established, and These inviting more as stated above. For the Faithful the Word of JESUS Christ applies (Philippians 4:19), though "Best For All" includes the less faithful too, so redeeming social value also applies (see previous in this Series).

Therefore one of the important tax matters concerns is to coordinate the above as stated and the previous Sermon, with the Authority Group Over "redeeming social value" (reference such as "The qualifications and personalities of individual members should probably carry more weight than the country they come from." ( so amidst diversities such as if any happens to opt to be a "troublemaker fool" Each and All should be Innocent and Best, Leading Civilization or at least Equal To Such Leadership. Also each formal indictment for the JESUS Christ Best Way For All Civilization including for to Help a "troublemaker" become Aware there is this Better Way than troublemaking, as much as pertinent should apply to the length of time for such troublemaking party to be without tax deductions and credits.

Punishment does not have to be severe as the problem, for instance a corporation might see instantly how to correct their mistake and so become as already time served. Make no mistake, showing the Better Way Effectually is Better than any punishment (reference As normal to Law making is the announcing when the Law will come into effect.

Hark the Herald Angels [sing] Announce,

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN lest if needful about failure and without tax deductions.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Hark the Herald Angels Sing Broadcast Announce, end of tax deductions and credits


So the current ratings system [with Authority] should be mentioned per se in the tax Code (example Isaiah 11:12 & 13). Harassing Civilization should not go unchecked (ibid.). Consider that reasonably every home has some type of entertainment venue and pervasively in virtually every home is their entertainment system, so this is reasonably a comprehensive matter (and so JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon PCS applies) hence this Priority from the Top. If some do not make as much money Harassing Civilization, they would tend to stop Harassing Civilization. Even welfare would be their option but then again hardly to solve, until starting to help civilization.

JESUS Christ The Best Solver is Better than guessing how to help civilization, and such guessing is better than idle which is Better than to fuel rioters in works to harass civilization.

Government becoming with "tax deductions and credits" values [fund amounts not paid to "troublemakers" as many have said including about themselves] then such funds could go to the general fund but that does not likely help guide the [perps and] "troublemakers" to become "Better", and instead would likely make the "troublemakers" feel worse attacked, though if to funnel the funds to Missionaries and Broadcast such as stated above (see many previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on proofs about which is the Best Faith Innocently Best For All, and not for destructive ways).

Hence, so funneling funds with Heralding Before The Fact, to and for Christian Missionaries, Will Agree With The "Word" for Loyal Faith Best For All as stated above, and so would likely Help Guide many to Better Help Guide Civilization in this generation, even starting immediately with Broadcasting as stated above, and concerning others at least there would be the hearing and seeing the funds going to those in need.

Confusion is not the best way, don't degenerate, don't lead back down.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Hark the Herald Angels Sing Broadcast Announce, end of tax deductions and credits, crazy tribes


We Ascended from tribes and nonrecognition of: The Best Way.

The Best Way Most Helpful Guiding Authority Is JESUS.

13 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, how to funnel funds for Best Civilizing, troublemakers without tax deductions nor credits as they opted.

Jesus Christ

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