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JESUS Victory Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives merely 1 Way to be Victorious through the Bible and through the Spirit Levels and through Precepts: the only Way to Ascend from John 1:8 to John 1:10 at is through JESUS Christ. This same "through" is according to becoming fully repentant and into the NAME of JESUS, the Christ, and if in the NAME of JESUS, the Christ, then in the Work of JESUS, the Christ, hence in the JESUS Family Name, and hence in the JESUS Spirit.

These next sentences are not very hard to understand and are of much JESUS Spirit Good Value.

Google including Google Translate is often very good though JESUS the Christ in John 1:10 translates from Greek "αὐτοῦ" to Hebrew " שֶׁלוֹ" to English word "car".

The problem translating "αὐτοῦ" in all the translations at [typical] and at the more thorough multitude of translations at and at Google Translate has been due to the lack of putting the original JESUS [name of the first Christ] first. The name of JESUS is JESUS in capital letters, not Jesus [nor others] as so many have done systematically, and so from the higher secular levels into the lower levels even

"adjective: systemic 1. relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part." (Google) and rather as an adverb sytemicly.

Leading from the Top, from JESUS Spirit Highest Purpose, JESUS Christ is at the Top Level, His Name is at the Top Level Leading As He Leads With His Name: JESUS. This is true Eternally. So the semantics is to be in discussing the original Christ is to be with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. In other words if to be with precision then be most precise [on target similarly has meaning in the secular] concerning the Very Best such as in order to Best Way in order to Be Giving JESUS Spirit Best For All.

In secular example all that work to build a missile and then to have it hit Friendlies wastes not merely Friendlies as "hit" but also the time, labor, and secular exhaustively complex politics, thinkings, suppliers' concerns and their workforces and the family concerns of those workforces being impacted in all levels of society (see previous in this Series on exhausted People that sleep in the back pews [hence less about the Preacher per se]).

As JESUS Christ said in Mark 9:37 New American Standard Bible "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me.". To receive "Him who sent" JESUS Christ is to receive JESUS Christ, and in the future Prophesyingly Better as JESUS Christ Will Become Better Leading as many as so "receive".

So from the sytemic practice of carelessness to detail in the Bible, the "sytemic practice of carelessness" carried in many from Top Level to the other lower levels. This is a key reason for JESUS Christ UN hence for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

So the "much JESUS Spirit Good Value" as stated above concerns whether a Person new to English and the Bible would translate to Worship a "car" or "JESUS" The Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, the true name of JESUS, real, useful Bible formulas, new Bible translations, car Maserati Ghibli


This JESUS Victory Sermon is hardly about loving cars and waxing them, even though the above appears pretty, and may likely have a functional engine. If You have such a car and wax it, nice. Even so Better is that this JESUS Victory Sermon rather concerns the Best For All. More than about a car, this JESUS Victory Sermon is about JESUS Christ and records with the Proper Name, JESUS, and the future Heaven (as recent Sermon at showed and explained).

So importantly for a better civilization and Heaven On Earth, just as the movie shown below did a great job of showing the contrast in the secular, this JESUS Victory Sermon is for All to realize the Higher Level Value of JESUS Trustworthiness the Best Way, not by secular cliche "hook or crook".

Wall Street movie: Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas with Charlie Sheen, Bud Fox.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Wall Street movie Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas with Charlie Sheen, Bud Fox


22 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law Grace corrects a multitude of translations concerning the name of JESUS Christ lest future civilizations such as whether in Earth in molecules or in outer space reading would worship cars instead of JESUS Christ, included is the movie Wall Street Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas with Charlie Sheen, Bud Fox, car Maserati Ghibli.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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