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JESUS Victory Over Act Of God Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit made it clear minutes ago, at 4:04 AM 13 June 2022 AD that the spirits group that had explained it's control over the "Holy Spirit", over the world, over "Spirit of America", over "USA", over "the White House", over Presidents in the spiritual sense and in the census count sense including over the "military";

has not been with the original "JESUS Christ is right here" as the "spirits group" had often bragged, nor for Good The Best Way as it had often bragged, nor the "Holy Spirit" as the "Holy Spirit" as in the past as the "spirits group" had often bragged, nor...even properly over the "military" but for love of money to spend lives and souls and spirit(s); similar to the "Legion" of the 2nd Testament, the "New Testament".

Similarly Biblically in order to kill JESUS Christ the conspirators were in works in secret combinations including works in the Roman Legion that did evil works to kill all infants in order to kill infant JESUS Christ, hence the "anti-Christ".

As written in Weymouth New Testament "Dear children, the last hour has come; and as you once heard that there was to be an anti-Christ, so even now many anti-Christs have appeared. By this we may know that the last hour has come.", (

This previous verse with the words "the last hour has come" explains this situation today already past the "hour" per se as now past at 5:04 AM, this very hour; and the Firmament decision has already been made including as interpreted by the time clock (many Christian Preachers so Preached concerning this as likewise in many previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on the "Desperate Love" "NEED" and "urgency", as Righteously Prophecied of the Righteous Prophets).

JESUS Christ Original Family Father Spirit One Leader Of Leadership decision is already from the Heart with the Head And Heart Of JESUS Christ One New Beginning, aware that the farther a Person falls the worse the crash result as stated below the "anti-Christ" group is not able to otherwise figure it out. As written in Isaiah 34:10 Berean Study Bible "It will not be quenched—day or night. Its smoke will ascend forever. From generation to generation it will lie desolate; no one will ever again pass through it.".

JESUS Spirit In This Sermon is the New Creation Plan having already superseded the lowest levels.

Children Of Ambassadors: "From generation to generation" Save Broadcast as stated.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over the anti-Christ kept secret since the world began with how to understand each has been at the anti-Christ Save JESUS Christ Original Creator One As Agrees With The Creating Plan Hence As Sent


This morning while awake for JESUS Christ Righteousness "the spirits group" as stated ["Edifyingly"] was in typical works for to sift as wheat (Luke 22:31) as with Alerting Better Ascending With JESUS Christ though if opted other than as made aware hence as warned Before The Fact as JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Lightning Sermon including "the start of the New Beginning Big Pulse" and is according to the Original Plan as written in 1 Corinthians 15:54 " 'And when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says, 'DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory (vanquished forever).' ' " at

In JESUS Christ Spirit One, this is how this finding came about today concerning the "anti-Christ", though for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All Edifyingly as in this JESUS Victory Over Act Of God Sermon today:

as written in Revelation 20 at

with as stated above that All might be in JESUS Christ Given New Victory rather Over hence Best For All therefore this Anointing Sermon Of All This Is Of JESUS Christ One Given so Anewly Now Anointed [having in JESUS Christ Spirit dipped fingers into water then onto the online monitor with having said "In the name of JESUS Christ this is so Anointed] complying with JESUS Christ Spirit Best For All including JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Legally Recognizing Higher Level Better Value JESUS Christ Grace As Given for the Worthy;

and so this concerns this morning prior to 4:04 AM when the "anti-Christs" [the "anti-Christ" group, the false as if unknown god(s) group(s) of The Inquisition and Crucifiers fallen ways group(s) as had been opted]

had tortured for years increasingly but JESUS Christ Original And JESUS Spirit Like Unto The First [Like Unto JESUS Christ Original] Straightened into Joy Best For All as many as opted to Agree and Ascend, having asked question after question and having made multitudes of accusations and foul language comments in illegal works, this morning wanted to know how the Better info was revealed concerning an Act Of God:

the answer includes the concern about a factory in a situation for to Say And Do Properly in the name of JESUS Christ was the Christian discussion and so as Hoped for solving over the types of opinions i had Preached for the "factory" Corporation and for All the pertinent Corporations in about a couple minutes solving as All Agreed, and later at that factory, that factory had made an error because of an "Act Of God" as in secular cliche and as All present called it, and thanks to JESUS Christ i pointed to the secular worldly proven formula and explained not merely it was wrong yet also with explaining the correct way to state the formula, and as Witnessed and as Attested Each And All Agreed:

and so this was the JESUS Christ Act Of God Victory Over the lower levels in secular worldliness strayed and fallen ways that was [the JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty And With] the thing that the "anti-Christ" group wanted to know; and the timing was according to the "anti-Christ" group time as allotted in pattern plus like unto Mercy Of The Court an extra Grace Amount was added: hence compliance by the "anti-Christ" group needed to be prior to "4:04 AM 13 June 2022 AD". Hence the "anti-Christ" group was proven wrong since not able to comply as the "anti-Christ" group had bragged as if able.

The "anti-Christ" group was not able to overcome an "Act Of God" as stated above. To further explain, things made by the works of hands that We at the "factory" had no part in constructing, things made by hands of other People in the secular and concerning automating machinery not merely failed but also formulated the opposite from proper answer as this concerns a machine that had been functioning properly a long time since purchased but then gave the opposite hence wrong result [even though it worked properly afterward] involving very precise electronic hardware equipment considered reliable in the secular but for that instance did the opposite. If that mistake had not been caught as it had been, the results could have had widespread disastrous results concerning that large processing factory and the resultant costs and works including about products sold to other large factories.

The electronic hardware equipment included a proof, a printout, but wrong [according to the very same electronic hardware equipment that made the mistake (reference the secular movie WarGames such as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Sex Love Marriage And Signing Into Law Sermon at

JESUS Christ Spirit One Ascendingly Best For All Now explains, yet for to be Edifying You, that none be left behind nor lost as written at "Context The Betrayal of Jesus …8 'I told you that I am He,' Jesus replied. 'So if you are looking for Me, let these men go.' 9 This was to fulfill the word He had spoken: 'I have not lost one of those You have given Me.' " (, so this in this "Context" this is Now Pertinent hence Anewly Now asked [for You to consider though rather than about "The Inquisition" as stated above this tough question is asked as rhetorically for Your sake]: what does this above stated "vanquished forever" mean and so how is that "Best For All"?

and this answer is as already written above including "This was to fulfill the word He had spoken", so this is with the above stated fact Pertinent to the Act Of God situation that the already above stated "anti-Christ" group was not able to figure out and had opted to miss the point [JESUS Christ Name including JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Legally Recognizing Higher Level Better Value JESUS Christ Grace Best For All Broadcasting Loyalty [hence "anti-Christ" group opted to continue to be that "anti-Christ" group],

and with the already above stated "proof" printout [multiple printouts were made of the event situation along with a thorough equipment check as All the Pertinent Parties were present and Witnessed as having revealed no reason for such anomaly much less able to consider how to fix it: Save as stated above: JESUS Christ]: prepare hence Loyally Ascend through JESUS Christ for the Strategy To Best Guide, so that with the Straight And Narrow (see illustration below)

then deviation from that can be corrected the Best Way: hence Best For All and the "anti-Christ" group has no power over such even as already written hence fact in history, and already previously as was told in the JESUS Spirit to the "anti-Christ" group for such to instead opt to improve "the Best Way". This previous sentence answered about "vanquished forever" since this is as the Christian Leaders Have Been Warning With Preaching as with the "anti-Christ" group Will "burn in their souls" as repeated as some fire warms and the same fire can scorch and burn worse and catch surroundings on fire as in "When the Fire of God begins to burn in their souls they no longer will deny or resist the power of God" ( from this point "4:04" on so They opt worse heaped on the "anti-Christ" group increasingly eternally until as Properly Ascending Best For All as stated above.

JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon with convincing Power Proof is as to go Better than the symbolic arrow shows.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, rocket flight path margin of error, course corrections, landing zone course corrections, reveals Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over the anti-Christ kept secret since the world began with how to understand each has been at the anti-Christ Save JESUS Christ Original Creator One As Agrees With The Creating Plan Hence As Sent


You can use a seat belt but if in a car that falls without parachute out of a soaring plane, the seat belt and safety glass windshield, and the list goes on, miss the point: there are many exceptions but not to answer all things save JESUS Christ. This JESUS Christ Original Plan including for the Glory Of Heaven, and for to Protect The Innocent, and for to Protect The Best For All Ascending, and for the Best Way, and for Good Faith, and for Best Loyalty humbly mercifully Upliftingly For The Worthy, continues Better And Better.

This Sermon reveals Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over the anti-Christ kept secret since the world began with how to understand each has been at the anti-Christ Save JESUS Christ Original Creator One As Agrees With The Creating Plan Hence As Sent and rather than to persecute, hence Ascend Loyally in JESUS Christ Spirit.

13 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over the anti-Christ kept secret since the world began with how to understand each has been at the anti-Christ Save JESUS Christ Original Creator One As Agrees With The Creating Plan Hence As Sent with factory pertinence such as Giving Better rocket flight path margin of error course corrections solving things unable to be previously solved by Ambassadors as proven: Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law In Mainstream News Prayerfully hence Best For All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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