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JESUS Way = Better Than Strayed Ways Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Lifts as the All Seeing Eye, Healthy [for Giving Health: Hosting Ascending Spirits Invitingly], Enlightening, Guiding Leaders As One. This Sermon in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit explains why Enoch was Lifted and walked from the face of the Earth with the Lord into Heaven and how You may be likewise, and how to Lift Others from Evangelism to Catalyst For Mass Leadership Oneness, and answers "Who Will You Be With In The Second Coming?", and specifies: What "The Much NEEDED Improvement" is, while explaining what the new type of "powership" is.

JESUS Name First is with Baptism and if Holy Spirit prior then NEEDFUL is to Ascend into the JESUS Christ Spirit as Christian Leadership is Saying With Doing: Preaching JESUS Christ Best Way including toward "Overcoming" often "horned" creatures as shown on TV as Children have seen. And Many such Preachers have utilized a little salt, salt perks up the flavor; it is an Evangelism Way of speaking Their own language so They Become Aware To Become Christian, yet for to Shepherd [Guide] the Sheep [Mass] to Greener Pastures, for to Be A Catalyst to the Mass that such Lead Likewise.

In JESUS Christ Spirit is written Matthew 25:23 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I shall set you over much; enter the joy of your Lord.' ".

Enoch in the Census was long prior to Abraham. Individuals, Families, and Clans in the Stone Age came into existence and left the place as when They found or worse for lack of hunting and gathering (somewhat more currently reference the Dodo bird), so Civilization started farming and herding and so Members Of this Civilization were specializing such as farmers [or, rather and] herders and shop keepers;

and JESUS Christ Good Lord And Savior Guiding found this New Beginning Of This Civilization Worthy for to Be Founded With Abraham (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS 4th Testament Values Sermon at So this answers: Why was Enoch Chosen to Become Lifted hence to Walk from the face of the Earth with the Lord into Heaven?: Enoch was so much more Loyal to JESUS Christ than the Stone Age People long prior to Abraham, that the Lord Found Enoch to be Worthy to Protect Enoch, and hence Lift: Joy, Praise Be For The Lord the Worthy On Of Israel, JESUS Christ.

Who Will You Be With In The Second Coming?, for instance as written in Jude 1:14 English Standard Version "It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones," and as written in Exodus 34:29 Douay-Rheims Bible "And when Moses came down from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord.",

"horned" hence about 2 (Deuteronomy 34:10) yet Enlightening and of light like sun rays, 2 tablets, the Law Of Moses innocent or guilty, rather Radiant Grace Of JESUS Christ Oneness hence Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing the Better Grace Way Best For All prayerfully humbly thankfully for JESUS Christ Glorifying Victories Precepts Over previous levels of Precepts (also reference such as Transfiguring Appearing More As JESUS Christ Same Face as in Matthew 17:2, and such as the Book Of Revelation rainbow effects) (see "white" pic and Sermon: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 27 List Of Sermons at

This "horned" 2 aspect of Moses is Victory Over the lower level things shown on TV and elsewhere. This is a JESUS Christ Spirit Key for Overcoming such lower level entities, and to dare boldly bravely to say "In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Thank You For Coming To Hear More Concerning JESUS Christ" Edifyingly For Their Sake(s) Better For All then if They are not "fleeing" (as stated below), then They are at least Given this Breath Of Fresh Air and so are at least momentarily interested, hence about: Agreeingly (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on making Assets, Friends, and rather Christian Leaders, rather than enemies and rather than be self opted victimized).

Baking is done in any homes such as for Church Unleavened Eucharist Bread [hard to find in many stores], and so such homes might have a hand cranked flour sifter, Good, Thank You. For to Edify Others that strayed in various ideas ways, to crank is not to Them about sifting wheat nor starting an antique car, but to Them it is looping, loop after loop as has been said in the mixed spirits, hence back and forth similar to a computer software system creating any scenarios and then reviewing to search for the pertinent one, goodly in a secular level amount.

Consider as written in Proverbs 3:5 New American Standard Bible "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.": so You "mixed spirits" [and Others] are not to trust merely Your own ideas as JESUS Christ Came 2,000 years ago to Straighten Things Out [while typing this i even tasted from JESUS Spirit "Unleavened Eucharist Bread" in my mouth, a Delightful Reminder, Thanks Be For All Pertinent]. So do not stray to Your own ideas [and if Good then they belong to JESUS], so also don't stray to perp nor merely secular ideas, and hardly about seeking Counsel with merely the Newbie Level Of Church Members though far Better than asking the strayed.

If not to lean to "secular ideas" then hardly to stray to be under things made of hand, such as software normally made by strangers [and typists as i confess, yet Edifyingly for JESUS Christ Glory Best For All] for their own purposes often (see above "Main Page" on "Maintenance"). The "Eucharist" maker is hardly as a secular "store". Mary at the feet of JESUS Christ is hardly as the Legion fleeing into the pigs that wallowed in and dined on their own garbage.

JESUS Christ is the net [including safety net] for People, for Souls, a nice net, Friendly [without being too freaky, far strayed spirits, as mixed spirits have been] like unto a trampoline. The worse condition spirits have been as often shown on TV, as their lower option instead of JESUS Christ, leads to the fine appearance mesh though roughly sifting away body parts and Soul aspects as wheat (as if merely about excessive selfishness applying to Isaiah 30:28 when rather it concerns Shepherding For JESUS Christ Loyalty Victory Over Such).

A Temple built of hands is hardly the problem, software is hardly the problem (ibid.). The "problem" is not realizing JESUS Christ Victory Already and Prayerfully Giving JESUS Christ The Glory. Shown below is an archway, a large opening through which You, Your Family, Your Friends, and Given Eternity All May [opt to] Pass Through For To Hear And See and "even tasted" Christian Leadership and hence Peace For All [rather than mere talk about peace: Be Christian Ambassadors For Peace for Convincing Strength Amassing Together As One].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit answers Sacred Faith Over specifics kept secret since the world began with why Enoch was Lifted and walked from the face of the Earth with the Lord into Heaven and how You may be likewise, and how to Lift Others from Evangelism to Catalyst For Mass Leadership Oneness, and answers Who Will You Be With In The Second Coming?, and specifies: What The Much NEEDED Improvement is, while explaining what the new type of


Symbolically Anewly exists a new type of vessel is "A powership", a special purpose ship" with it's own "power plant" (wiki).

Likewise Anewly With The Advent Of The New Vessel JESUS Christ USA Law Passed in 2020AD, The Much NEEDED Improvement was Made.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit answers Sacred Faith Over specifics kept secret since the world began with why Enoch was Lifted and walked from the face of the Earth with the Lord into Heaven and how You may be likewise, and how to Lift Others from Evangelism to Catalyst For Mass Leadership Oneness, and answers Who Will You Be With In The Second Coming?, and specifies: What The Much NEEDED Improvement is, while explaining what the new type of


29 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit answers Sacred Faith Over specifics kept secret since the world began with why Enoch was Lifted and walked from the face of the Earth with the Lord into Heaven and how You may be likewise, and how to Lift Others from Evangelism to Catalyst For Mass Leadership Oneness, and answers Who Will You Be With In The Second Coming?, and specifies: What The Much NEEDED Improvement is, while explaining what the new type of "powership" is as The New Vessel JESUS Christ USA Law Passed in 2020AD Yielded The Much NEEDED Improvement hence NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN with specifics for Overcoming other worldly horned creatures as seen on TV.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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