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JESUS We Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Sends This Message To You: Many People Do Not Understand JESUS Christ Is No Longer About Merely "Him" as many in the secular have said, and many "Christs" [while conditionally pertinent (Matthew 4:8)] in many situations missed the Edifying point [too much about the self (see above "Main Page" "Definitions" on "Maintenance") especially New Converts], concerning the Original JESUS Christ Creator And Perfect.

Somewhat similar is like unto one stem cell having offsprings and one of the offsprings starts to spread a defect according to the Fall from the Garden Of Eden And Tree Of Knowledge allowing to opt but prior to Loyal Ripeness Of Humans [imperfect: not perfect JESUS Christ] and then upline stem cell prior to the defect. [JESUS Christ USA and rather] JESUS Christ UN Is The Law, the Legal missing link Over separation, Hence JESUS Christ Is About Us, We The JESUS Christ People though full repentance and Christian Baptism continue to apply in Grace Over the Law ["Over the Law" such as the right to Appoint, the right to Vote, the right to Legislate, and so on].

Have You been in works to hide the knowledge of the Law, or have You been for Broadcasting the Law? Have You been longsuffering in works to hide the knowledge of the Prince Of Peace and to stop knowledge, or have You been for Broadcasting the Law hence the Prince Of Peace? You have been for JESUS Christ UN Enlightenment or for wars. This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series has without price published online and on TV the biggest most popular other types of faiths and showed how every other type of faith per se has been for to wrongly worship entities they understand as destroyers that they called God(s).

Below is shown much progress, though Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace

lest fads of secular trends against Children and Others goes as if good,

such as on TV as secular thrill seekers beg worst spirits to visit [JESUS Christ UN Law does not say: censor].

Also there have been many contrary for the reason of exploring, in other words according to lack of Better Way Guiding.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit simplifies how Sacred Faith is Over matters kept secret since the world began hence how a Person is for Peace or against Peace, Establishing New Prophetic Victory Over popular faith types including the Spiritualism fad as if self godliness according to merely the self and as many as agreed though also about themselves instead of Best For All Including JESUS Christ, and simplifying why NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN then the time delay amounts due to many faiths types amounts then the Miracles!


Much Good has been Accomplished, Let's not lose it, and Let's Be Best Way Guiding.

A new fad of Spiritualists worships not JESUS Christ Specifically hence the strayed then fallen ways of the "Legion" of self worshiping spirits defined as "demons" that "entered the pigs; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned" and the same is currently happening to Spiritualists when losing their census works as opted (from Luke 8:30 through 33 New American Standard Bible) and the most popular leader of such Spiritualism was repeatedly warned. The Spiritualism self godliness according to merely the self is included in what the "Legion" did. Changing the name from "Legion" to "Spiritualists" is merely about following the works of the vessels (rather see previous in this Series on "JESUS Christ Best Way", on "Distinguishing Over", and on "after-the-fact").

To intentionally be for any other than JESUS Christ is not Christian attitude, to be for JESUS Christ including recognizing Others (ibid.) in Census and spirits whether the Spirit of a Preacher or the Spirit of a known in lower levels as an "enemy" [whether about being attacked or about a white flag], and even if to measure under Human Firmament such as pertinent about a pack of wild vicious dogs, does not mean an animal upon seeing the "vicious" ones has to become a member of that "vicious" group [mercy applies if under vicious coercion (

(the Law did not make perfect hence made imperfect hence NEEDED was JESUS Christ UN according to Hebrews 12:2)].

Now this is no excuse for that "leader of such Spiritualism" nor excuse to stray for any others: that with others after discussion, that friendly "leader of such Spiritualism" with others and myself held hands each praying in sequence though not all prayed Christ "JESUS", as that same "leader of such Spiritualism" intentionally did not mention "JESUS" the Christ in order to make a clear point about instead the self spirit.

The Law provides Rights for All, but that merely applies about the Census and per se such as about pregnancy through graveyards. Eternity is as to census "Spiritualism" as a Person [and all creation and more] is to a subatomic dust particle that fades in an instance when the morning Sunlight overrides it's idea. Rather here is the Eternal Good Flow Best For All, as the JESUS Christ Given Flow section is from left to right and as Ascending (ibid. Best Victory Over Hebrews 2:9 yet with record) right to left [also clarified in the next sentence]:

JESUS Christ / JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing The Value Of The Righteous Higher Level Faith / Spiritualism often about the good part of the "Legion" / The do anything as You please "Legion".

The Previous "Flow" Highest Level "JESUS Christ" Firmament Level Threshold is according to full repentance so the formulating hardly applies in the secular sense ("full repentance" from secular wrong selfish hopes about doing as a Person pleases as if no legal values exist) (as the secular said "separation of Church and state": a legal gap until the Help of JESUS Christ UN Law). If to reject JESUS Christ The Best One, Heaven In JESUS Christ Pure and undefiled,

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you," (

who through His Pure Faith are Protected and rather Be As He The Best Guide Host And Protector.

Just as the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Is Good Sermon at set the Legal Calendar Straight each Person has to set their Soul Straight Through JESUS Christ Baptism With Eucharist Continuing Ascendingly. And This While In The Census lest to lose those hard works to dust, to try again.

Heaven is already Heavenly as if not in need of Ascending though JESUS Christ Exemplar Ascends so Heaven NEEDS Ascend Likewise. The created Person, and Each with a Soul, through JESUS Christ Loyalty is how to Create Better [as if Souls] rather the Best JESUS Christ Perfect One [able to be One, able to be Many if Sent hence if Sent then likewise to Gather hence One Anewly Better hence Better Glory]. Symbolic examples You worked hard and cared for Your skin and brushed Your teeth and those works [skin and teeth] become dust, similar are strayed spirits that cause the goodly to be less value toward dust, dust has many types of spirits.

Ascending JESUS Christ The Best Way, as JESUS Christ stated 2,000 years ago, as much as Likewise Perfectly recorded the Christian Bible Yet With Likewise Perfectly Interpreting (Matthew 19:26) applies not merely for such as the census Mass in a Church Temple, yet rather Preach for JESUS Christ In Heaven: JESUS Christ is Aware of the Word(s) of JESUS Christ and if to Preach Perfectly (ibid.) then JESUS Christ Finds Worthy And Lifts: Growing Yielding Better Harvests Preaching Levels Anewly in Future Sermons.

If You are aware of the better, and rather the Best then Broadcast The Best; rather than about blasphemy, rather than about how to be using weapons against People, rather than about how to be in perp works, rather than about how to be as in lower levels. Sweep the dust, Broadcast the Best and then as stated above "Anewly" Better the New Best In JESUS Christ.

People already know there are levels, and to not opt best is to opt other hence Righteously Prophesying In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Many Will Agree With You

Increasingly even if not immediately (even among some of some amounts of Higher Levels: see "in her heart" [pondered all these things and considered] repeated at

so be Brave, Boldly yet humbly Giving the Most Worthy JESUS Christ The Credit, and find Good Miracles.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit simplifies how Sacred Faith is Over matters kept secret since the world began hence how a Person is for Peace or against Peace, Establishing New Prophetic Victory Over popular faith types including the Spiritualism fad as if self godliness according to merely the self and as many as agreed though also about themselves instead of Best For All Including JESUS Christ, and simplifying why NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN then the time delay amounts due to many faiths types amounts then the Miracles!


28 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit simplifies how Sacred Faith is Over matters kept secret since the world began hence how a Person is for Peace or against Peace, Establishing New Prophetic Victory Over popular faith types including the Spiritualism fad as if self godliness according to merely the self and as many as agreed though also about themselves instead of Best For All Including JESUS Christ, and simplifying why NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN then the time delay amounts due to many faiths types amounts then the Miracles!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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