JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Victory Over Weeds Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit is One Victory Over Weeds according to and With His Holy Spirit Word. While JESUS Spirit Lifts [Converting Process: as the Enlightened repent and are Baptized and Agree Say and Do and so become Worthy], the secular spirits attempt the opposite. JESUS Spirit is of the Preaching Leadership, not merely in a moment yet a moment of Preaching In JESUS Spirit is Pertinent. Consider what the Best Leader is at least for a moment in JESUS Spirit.

Earth is a ball. In a moment as the Earth revolves around the Sun part of the Earth surface is in front in the lead while in the same moment the rest of the Earth follows, so the person in the moment, in the right time and at the right place is directly [on the "surface"] leading civilization. As Earth rotates that person no longer leads though others in the curved line in turns lead. But that does not make one part of the ball better than the other regions of the ball, save the direction agreeing moment: the moment the goodly spirit direction agrees with a part of the ball.

As the ball spins, the direction of the hoop shot agrees with the leading point of the ball.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, swish, hoop shot, basketball, spinning ball, Earth, the created


The Best Direction Agrees with JESUS Spirit, and concerning the above gif, a nice throw and goodly may be the winning shot yet let Us Pray improve, rather the Better even the Better Way To Pray JESUS the Christ the Original As Sent, and with rather the Best, and pertinent even a swish. While troublemakers throw out anchors while the boat is moving on course (see the two previous Sermons at the proper course direction is already in the Heart of All, even as the leading edge agrees with the center of the ball (see older Sermons in this Series on center of the Earth, and on JESUS Spirit Power such as Magnus Force Godsling in JESUS Warp Drive Sermon at pertinent for the proper course) (reference Church Of JESUS Christ, LDS).

So the "leading edge" is first [JESUS Spirit Faith], then the "center" [Mass], then the moment of the last edge [from JESUS Spirit Faith then Mass then Miracles]. Since the "last edge" in the pertinent moment can also agree and is with Miracles, it is normal for the backslider to follow such as to say "Look I'm right", but see above "troublemakers" and such as concerning "Magnus Force" and illegal spitballs (instead is the JESUS Spirit Leading Grace as in John 9:6). Where would the "troublemakers" be found? fighting for the Miracles that follow (Luke 17:37).

Decades ago the popular secular idiom as everybody would get "15 minutes of fame" (coined 1967), but as kids, in the midst of wars, the Doomsday Clock, unrests of riots, and [some, all too often] mentally and morally challenged teachers, We wondered if We would live to be 30. And now the "15 minutes" logic would be a fraction with world population far more than doubled. Yet as in fairly recent Sermons the census longevity is increasing it's Godsling span of years, extended as Matthew 24:13 Righteous JESUS Faith is becoming applied see above "Miracles".

So, what follows the "Miracles", the "last edge" of the ball?, as if nothing, no score for the unseen, though as written in Isaiah 40:23 Berean Study Bible "He brings the princes to nothing and makes the rulers of the earth meaningless.". JESUS Spirit = Victory Over Weeds.

The curve tangent also can point the Tube direction [ball Flow Way (see previous in this Series on the JESUS Parameters Of Faith Tube Path though many such Sermons have been illegally censored)]. There is merely One Best Leading Way, as People are not merely a ball. To JESUS One Lead Best Together is to be the First to Hear, and with Listening to also be with Seeing what's Ahead through spacetime.

JESUS Spirit is Victory Over Weeds and not merely the typical "troublemakers" (see above "moment").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, spacetime, vectors, physics, ferris wheel, moment of intertia, who's on top, best view, all seeing eye


Above are shown secular logics about perspectives and interpretations as descriptions such as about "Xb" line "Xe", yet rather as shown below is a high position symbolically like unto the All Seeing Eye Best Seeing the Most of All The Created [Delightful Joy normally], and when More Lead at the Top as JESUS Spirit One Exemplar Provides, then some other (see above "15 minutes of fame" symbolism [rather JESUS One Eternal Longevity Joy]) Leaders can become near the Mass Personally, on a more Personal Level (previous Sermon a little lower than the Angels).

As the ferris wheel spins each has a moment at the top.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, ferris wheel, moment of intertia, who's on top, best view, all seeing eye


In this writing of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon, as so often increasingly happens in this Series, with referencing Bible verses such as shown above, Enlightenment comes to me as hardly prior. And as written above JESUS Spirit is Victory Over Weeds and not merely the "troublemakers" brought to JESUS Spirit Loving Caring For Best For All Soul, And So Brought To Heart, and so brought to mind how years ago a "top" Beloved Preacher of a Church [Biblically the Highest Priest of that Temple] asked me to write a Sermon and Preach it for the Mass, and when finished writing it the Preacher asked to read it,

but then He crossed out some info, so i explained it was Biblical and He Agreed, but then explained it would likely offend some of the biggest donors, so as a Member of that Church i complied as written at "49“Why were you looking for Me?” He asked. 'Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?' 50But they did not understand the statement He was making to them. 51Then He went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But His mother treasured up all these things in her heart.".

So let us not be "puffed up" to "fall under the same condemnation as the devil", as Pulpit Commentary explains "Lest being puffed up he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Τυφωθεις, puffed up, is peculiar in the New Testament to the pastoral Epistles" ( yet this is also pertinent for All People And Spirits, With JESUS Christ Leading Best. So this is one of the lower level reasons i left that Beloved Group though the Top Reason is JESUS Christ The Original Best Way Guided.

So in JESUS Christ UN Grace is the need to be with the JESUS Living Spirit Of The Original Yet Now Living Eternally JESUS Christ Loyally With The Whole Christian Bible Best For All.

14 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit The Whole Brilliant Christian Bible Best For All Over JESUS Christ UN Law Grace Bible Formulas spacetime Warp Drive Spirit Magnus Force Godsling vectors physics, ferris wheel, moment of intertia, who's on top, best view, all seeing eye,

Jesus Christ

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