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JESUS Wisdom Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the Wisest Person to ever live, including in Spirit and in the Census. JESUS Christ Knew Everything Eternally though such was merely the lesser part of His Exceeding Wisdom as the 4th Testament Formulated. Security was formerly known as the Conspirators leading the Roman Legion (Luke 8:30) when the Lovingly Righteous should have been Leading (reason for the First Coming of Wise JESUS Christ). And Security for instance, supposed to be protecting me has been the most against me in the unseen nightly even though i headed secular Security for pay such as for CIA interests [while answering to Others conditionally, such as having intentionally locked out the Top Position Officer in the final days of the very large generous [fed over a billion People for free] Kelloggs Bakery Factory in Charlotte including according to following His Instructions [a much Appreciated very kind and busy Person with many kind and busy Employees, delighted with Security].

JESUS Christ calmed the storm and the sea, then and now, secular predicted a storm here now but none though yesterday with a "SECURITY" raincoat Given me from Kelloggs i walked outside in the worst of the wind and rain and checked around picking up small sticks up to perhaps a meter long from the street and saw no People in need, no destruction, Praise The Lord! Spirits that naysay missed the point (JESUS Christ).

For instance Biblically if to mention David, many think of David killing Goliath and Others (starting 1 Samuel 17:23) though David was for the "LORD" Anointed of Samuel (starting 1 Samuel 16:12 & 13, but King David repented of such (2 Samuel 24) for Much Higher Level Purpose In The "LORD": it was Wisdom in David (2 Samuel 24:25 the final Samuel verse): as written Christian Standard Bible "He built an altar to the LORD there and offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. Then the LORD was receptive to prayer for the land, and the plague on Israel ended.".

Naysayers attacking was the "plague".

King David statue in [Bethlehem] the "City of David".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Proves with Current and Pertinent Ongoing Facts Yet Another Righteous Prophesy with $25.25 trillion GDP as Sacred Loyalty For JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting continues to Hang Over Naysayers in secret works as never since the world began, with current 8 Billion People, with how to Wisely Prepare to be a Righteous Prophet and More Proof Of The Quickening Pace Concerning The Second Coming Of JESUS Christ, also discussed are CIA Kelloggs Bakery Factory in Charlotte kind and busy Employees delighted with Security Leadership, Victory Over Hurricane IAN, Samuel King David Harp Statue Bethlehem Altar City Of David Victory Over plague of naysayers.


Many perished due to Hurricane IAN in Florida, millions of homes and businesses without power costing hundreds of billions of dollars, 1% of [JESUS Christ USA] GDP (stated yesterday: secular TV: ACUWTH). "Current-dollar GDP increased 8.5 percent at an annual rate, or $508.0 billion, in the second quarter to a level of $25.25 trillion" ( during this JESUS Christ UN Grace as Righteously Prophesied "Promises 7 years of Good Harvest" even as the opposite was on secular TV. 7 years of "famine" is conditional, reference many Sermons on "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN".

You can read to know if this JESUS Christ UN Work Is Good, such as "7 years of Good Harvest are here now" even Prophesied "as coronavirus plague spreads increasingly" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ [UFO Type Alien] Blood Sermon at

JESUS Christ said "Behold, other scriptures I would that ye should write, that ye have not." (from 3 Nephi 23:6): today this means "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN". What does this have to do with JESUS Christ with His Second Coming, King David, Hurricane IAN, and Samuel, in the Precepting sense of All of these fitting Best Way Together Now?, as JESUS Christ said as written "Verily I say unto you, I commanded my servant Samuel, the Lamanite, that he should testify unto this people, that at the day that the Father should glorify his name in me that there were many saints who should arise from the dead, and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them." (from 3 Nephi 23:9).

In the Godsling of spirit levels, Higher Level and lower level than this Civilization [from my humble perspective, rather as JESUS Christ Lifted for me to so Preach], i confess and attest the witnessing of many Higher Level Spirits both Living And Lively in the Census, and also Passed from Census with witnessing Good Christian Souls as Spirit People that are not asleep and no longer counted in the Census. Also i confess and attest i witness Many in the Census and other in lower levels. For JESUS Christ Best Way For All, Current and Pertinent, to Edify is this Point: Very Many in this Civilization Census of 8 Billion People have been in lower level works than those witnessed suffering in the Lake Of Fire (see previous Sermons with the above of this Sermon: secular is thrilled brag of their secular news broadcastings and show many destructions pics and videos on the Internet and on TV [though not "theirs" rather Give Credit hence JESUS Christ Spares The People]).

Here are some current Population statistics:

1. China Population 1,410,539,758

2. India Population 1,389,637,446

3. JESUS Christ USA Population 332,838,183

(Population totals from JESUS Christ USA Federal Government).

The confused naysayer litigious ways have been a plague against the Judicial System including Enforcement, as if We The Public are supposed to sue the users of Our watersheds, such as for operating power generation dams and nuclear power plants and water purification, for the same watersheds We The Public Own on which We The Public are taxed as Proof Of Ownership [understand by far the value of a property such as water from Your watershed is far more than the taxed amount]?, if a Class Action Suit is with Yes, then i gain money, We The Public gain money; though then they raise the price for power generation and close their water purification plants: no more water on dry days.

Charlotte for instance purifies an average of 79.8 million gallons of water each day (Charlotte Water), though that is merely a fraction of the water used such as for to cool nuclear reactors, and there are others that use other than potable water such as to mix with waste such as million of parts per gallon (reference pertinent though secular "million parts per gallon" such as at

Florida said in the midst of tons of water raining down that they were out of bottled water. So do We The Public want to Own a Mint [a money making machine: buying up watersheds], or do We prefer a cup of cool water when thirsty? Sanity is not the enemy. JESUS Christ Heart Giving Desperate Love is the Wise Clear Thinking with more importantly His Desperate Love: He is the Source of All Good.

Learn from Acts 13:10 through 12 "and said, 'O child of the devil and enemy of all righteousness, you are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery! Will you never stop perverting the straight ways of the Lord? Now look, the hand of the Lord is against you, and for a time you will be blind and unable to see the light of the sun.' Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was astonished at the teaching about the Lord.".

As the above Bible and Census stories fit Preceptingly Together, so too likewise [note "wise" in the word likewise] the Ascending Good Christian BROADCASTING PERTINENT JESUS CHRIST UN is also the humble "Me" in: "But even if I do judge, My judgment is true, because I am not alone; I am with the Father who sent Me." (John 8:16).

The above Proves Righteous Prophesying Continuing, such as "7 years" and in a Sermon earlier this year the Proven Prophesy came true prior to "mid summer 2022": so this is speaking of "7 years" and of months. Look at the "Prophecy" Chart and the "Years in Advance" in Hundreds Of Years at When End Time of this Civilization comes, the Righteous Prophesyings are for not so many years in advance.

2 days ago the Sermon Righteously spoke of Victory Over "Hurricane IAN" "headed for Charlotte" in that "the original JESUS Christ Plan protects His." (Revelation 22:20).

JESUS Christ Gives Righteous Prophesying Through His Spirit [into the Loyal Listening Soul though] for Pertinent Level Of The Worthy Faithful, example if You consider the number 10 You might think it is a lot, a little, or mid way, depending on Your Situation, Your Interpretation of the situation, Your putting it into context at a Level of Wise Lovingly Caring Understanding. So it is a Miracle yet of the Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ.

Likewise Preceptingly are the Eternal words of JESUS Christ already written.

If to be A Righteous Prophet In JESUS Christ Leadership, this is [at least part of] The Way, the Living Bible, the Wise with so Preparing Christian.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Proves with Current and Pertinent Ongoing Facts Yet Another Righteous Prophesy with $25.25 trillion GDP as Sacred Loyalty For JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting continues to Hang Over Naysayers in secret works as never since the world began, with current 8 Billion People, with how to Wisely Prepare to be a Righteous Prophet and More Proof Of The Quickening Pace Concerning The Second Coming Of JESUS Christ, also discussed are CIA Kelloggs Bakery Factory in Charlotte kind and busy Employees delighted with Security Leadership, Victory Over Hurricane IAN, Samuel King David Harp Statue Bethlehem Altar City Of David Victory Over plague of naysayers.


1 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Proves with Current and Pertinent Ongoing Facts Yet Another Righteous Prophesy with $25.25 trillion GDP as Sacred Loyalty For JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting continues to Hang Over Naysayers in secret works as never since the world began, with current 8 Billion People, with how to Wisely Prepare to be a Righteous Prophet and More Proof Of The Quickening Pace Concerning The Second Coming Of JESUS Christ, also discussed are CIA Kelloggs Bakery Factory in Charlotte kind and busy Employees delighted with Security Leadership, Victory Over Hurricane IAN, Samuel and the Real King David Harp Statue Bethlehem Altar City Of David Victory Over plague of naysayers.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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