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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Without Price Sermon.

JESUS Christ One Lifting this Civilization now, Anewly as All Hoped, out of wars insanity, out of poverty (JESUS Christ ICCDBB List Of Sermons Page 27 at, out of sense of helplessness, out of stuck-in-a-rut, out of the former pit, to be sprung out of the trap and rather recognized and appreciated for the amount of Good Faith You've done Lovingly Praying JESUS Christ, and even Financially Better With Wealth Greater Than King Solomon Ever Was (ibid.)

and this is possible now Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Ambassadors, Ambassadors, You are invited and strongly encouraged greater than merely strong correlations of passed ages to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN With Us!

for what had not been possible with men is Now Anewly Already Prepared And Made Possible With God In The Name Of JESUS Christ Best For All (Mark 10:27).

There is merely One Best Way as stated above (

Ambassadors, Accountants, Ministers Of Defense, and All be aware, even prior to JESUS Christ UN Law there were proofs such as written in Matthew 15 and a similar story in Mark 8:

in the Matthew 15 story

7 loaves and 3 fish

-4,000 servings and far more as "four thousand men were fed, in addition to women and children"

=7 "basketfuls"


and in the Mark 8 story

7 loaves and 3 fish

-4,000 servings "The people ate and were satisfied"

=7 "basketfuls"


How many "basketfuls" of leftovers took ye up?, rather net Lift Far More Souls even More Excellently!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, obey the Law, JESUS Christ UN Law was legally passed and is the Law though so many do not yet know the very Law that makes things Better For Them, Best For All, JESUS Miracle Blessing and feeding 4,000 Men with Families and the same amount of food left over


Networks, the Internet, texters, Political Campaigners, Churches, Advertisers, Victims, Radio Broadcasters, Marketing Experts, Leaders and talkers, Proclaim these things, these Proofs of Faith formulas. Furthermore obey the Law. JESUS Christ UN Law was legally passed and is the Law though so many do not yet know the very Law that makes things Better For Them, Best For All.

No more being passed over concerning a promotion, no more need to defend the right to exist, no more of Your Children playing with the very same pistols that were bought for to protect Your Children, no more the need to protect assets by shooting People, no longer crunching numbers to the bone for to be fighting over the bid, no longer competing against hence to rather be Desperately Lovingly For Best For All, no longer about class action lawsuits [that often depleted funds to merely pay pennies back to victims], no longer ideas for excessive taxation, no longer government against corporations and corporations against government as the secular had been, no longer even the lower level sources as if fun to wage wars and as if fun to put the competition out of business and as if fun to make budget cuts as if to rid the self of Others And Their Spirits [as much as goodly applies], no more reason to be sick nor addicted and the Better is Come as JESUS Christ UN Proof is Come.

No more deficit concern was stated in the previous Sermon. This is according to JESUS Christ Giving Without Price The Best For All Better And Better such as written "Come up here" (

JESUS Christ Gave Values for Apostles, from Person to Person, and from Church to Church, and now Ambassadors Broadcast JESUS Christ UN With Us since Anewly Better JESUS Christ Gives As Never Before And Without Price as written in the Law hence as Required For You Ambassadors to Say And Do as already signed ("JESUS Christ UN [JESUS Christ United Nations] of JESUS Christ ICCDBB became Law from JESUS Christ USA for to comply with "a more perfect union" hence as We The People Requested." at and as quoted here:

"691. People are not to put God to the test normally, since it is a matter of Faith typically,

692. though in this Enacting situation overcoming a Firmament is involved.

693. JESUS Christ USA enables God to be tested per se (Malachi 3.10 NAS),"

(JESUS Christ UN Law at

Ambassadors if You don't Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law then as You opt You'll be back to begging for funding again [hopefully not buying bazookas again, instead the Better Politics Of Peace instead of examples of how to shed innocent blood: for what are the terrorists than Those who think They have tried every peaceful solution already and have no choice and the lazy People likewise]. You Friends Are Already Given this JESUS Christ UN Law for to be Proclaimed!

Many have not understood what it means as stated above "No more deficit" so first is Given a general idea, and then in greater specifics. If there are three groups of People as They opted then as in this Godsling:

Hard Workers / Lazy Backsliders [whether employed or not] / Perps.

Now consider a machine, such as many of the same type of robot, and some work [burning fuel] and some are idle [burning fuel] and some are with loose connections so making mistakes [burning fuel].

So per se let's say [as if, for the moment] each Person does about the same amount of work in the sense of "burning fuel" such as being lazy and so driving to the grocery store to buy more snacks or going toward crazy cliff climbing, and such as rather than working on their hired job to rather be calling for deliveries and counting monies per se and contracting others for beautifying for employee morale. Hence each of the Godsling burns fuel. So there is a cost in the secular worldly sense such as to tap resources of Earth for to gain for merely some People such as stated above "7 loaves and 3 fish" hence an acquiring cost, and there is an added cost to host and feed the such as "4,000" [or perhaps 15,000 (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on the population explosion] People, and then the cost to count profits [rather Righteous Prophets as One in JESUS Christ Spirit].

In the above Matthew and Mark formulas the deficit and energy fuel cost was nothing greater, zero, since the People were already carrying the Loaves And Fishes, that is, They were not hired to haul such cargo. They ate, Others ate With Their Loved Ones, and counted not cost but Blessing! And the scraps left [could have been Given to the hungry but there were none, hence] could have been given to feed the farm animals and such as to catch fish and such as to make good fertilizer full of nutrients. Note as explained in a secular TV show, many people are sick lacking nutrients for instance people used to throw cooking charcoal [and "leftovers"] into the garden yielding better crops. This point is: this is not merely about quid pro quo status quo, this concerns yielding better lives the best way.

So People count the Benefits, even factories straighten refuse into foods and other benefits. So this is not about getting rid of factories nor the system, rather the Best For All according to as "All hoped" and "as written" as "pertinent": JESUS Christ UN Law: Better Politics, Better Peacemaking, Better Improving. To be led by the worst is to think to plan to lose therefore to lose the ability to think. Lead As "Best".

This Victory Over deficit applies to JESUS Christ UN Law and economically speaking this applies to JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1, like unto as simple as burning fuel to print a $1 bill though to rather print a 5 or $100 dollar bill and issue as much as the $1 bill was issued (previous Sermon), though hardly to the point: as stated in JESUS Christ UN Law the Giving NEEDS be for JESUS Christ Ambassadors Peace And Better Living One Civilization Highest Purpose As Hoped: Best For All,

hence not merely the gifts to the poor, rather Prayerfully first the Giving Of The Better Reason With The Gifts. For instance a Person might celebrate years of Peace and so on an Anniversary Two might opt to Meet Together for a Toast [but not to squabble about petty ancillary differences] as the Toast is for the Higher Level Better For All as much as They Accomplished Together. Consider two gears wearing against each other and yet accomplishing the greater good together, so lubricate. Automate systematically, therefore lubricate the lower levels much more, the Higher Levels in Authority are already with funding.

Automate. Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law hence be with transparency Before The Fact, and such as ISO Compendium agrees: let the Recipients know Before The Fact, if to receive Desperately NEEDED Funds (like unto the above Loaves And Fishes reasoning so as not to faint [also so as not to opt to become perps]) then Before The Fact The Recipients Will Be Aware From Your [Ambassadors] Broadcastings that there Will Be Transparency, not to prevent Them from spending [shopping for groceries, buying stuff for entertainment, buying shelters,...] as They opt, though for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to witness that:

of the groups in Most NEED, to Allocate Funds to such groups [and a little for processing] and then to see which group does Better not to see which is the Better competitor, rather to see more clearly the Better Way For All. Hence Transparency is important for to Enlighten as to the Better Way. One group may imagine to accept the money and continue working as previously, another may opt to be lazy, another group may opt to be perps, yet JESUS Christ said Test Me in this (Malachi 3.10) (Behold the above Loaves And Fishes formulas).

A group of a particular religion might be seen doing the same or worse after funding, this is not about busting them, rather to learn of the Way(s) the funded do Better, as many as Do Better. Truly, truly those in Desperate NEED would [normally] appreciate such Funding especially if recognized as this New Broadcasting For Each And All so as to not offend any hence rather than merely for Each, is the Best For All.

Broadcast as stated above and let the Ambassadors appreciate those [including Lazy and Perps] in NEED and therefore in Their Own Way(s) Explain for the Better Awareness of Those They Represent. If to opt to receive as counted as NEEDED, this Called Charity is hardly Charity at all, it is accounting for having been Longsuffering and now to be Paid for such, that the Longsuffering become Enabled [rates apply] Likewise Better Helping Others, such as so Others don't attack the Longsufferers, that rather Appreciation Applies.

So the deficit does not apply as it Leads the deficit to become an Asset. To Fund without deficit Together is merely to Peaceably Agree as the JESUS Christ UN Law Now Provides.

One team at the lines, another team at the oars, another mending nets,

another rather Guiding at the helm [unseen processing fish onshore, rather Urgent Ambassadors Broadcasting The Law

for the Law to ensue the Funding, for to pursue Before The Fact] All Leading [as JESUS Christ, As All Hoped, As Invited]

as Many Loyal For Better Groups exist and Law Obeyers [Thank You] and so Alert Them, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  Alert Them, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Before The Fact, Host Together, Fund without deficit Together, fishing boat rowing tending the lines


25 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit explains the Sacred Faith Over former deficit matters kept secret since the world began with how to Overcome the former deficit barrier through JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace, and what no more deficit means as All Hoped as Law now requires and with Given precision in detailed specifics, also like unto the JESUS Miracle Blessings such as including the Loaves And Fishes with feeding 4,000 Men With Families with an amount of food and the same amount of food was left over (in this JESUS Christ said "Test Me" Malachi 3.10), Bible Formulas for System Better Improving Guidance Best For All.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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