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JESUS Yes Sermon.

JESUS Christ Second Coming is with the Golden Cube as often Preached in this Series, hence Edifyingly hence so to speak in secular speech, a "Golden Cube" was created, manufactured, tossed of the wind together, and such as otherwise manufactured, and the worldly secular after-the-facts of Specific Proofs doesn't care about Pertinent Proofs: so How to Evangelize?: the traditional Christian Way has been in private works behinds closed doors very often; in Christian Faith known as a Personal Relationship With JESUS Christ, and i Agree, among the encounters with the original JESUS Christ Exemplar was that once We met at the Bar Of Judgement and Agreed as He spoke a little [as if to walk past, stopping and saying "Oh, there's someone here"...] and with hands and arms together Our Souls Agreed.

Yet a Better than merely individual encounters in private homes applies [such as online, on radio from home Church, and such as large Masses on TV], consider how a song is broadcast and multitudes listen, sing along, and are moved. People have mutual goodly interests hence are already motivated and if to not Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law [interests in obeying the Law rather than being enslaved in prisons], then to turn to others. The Work is already done, and now at last the legal recognition of the Best Way with Better Guiding Grace exists: the hard part of the work is done already [2,000 years ago, and a little longsuffering Joyous In JESUS Christ work when it became Law in 2020AD] for You to enter in [to enter All of Them in, as many as Broadcast recipients].

So there is a Righteously Ascending Work, and there is the lower level secular worldly works of stuck-in-rut strayed ways works such as to make graven statues and images on coins for to selfishly be called "GOD" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Life Sermon at reveals who worldly secular government worships).

So JESUS Christ Second Coming in His Golden Cube is "a Righteously Ascending Work",

rather than "the lower level secular worldly works", like unto building a radio or TV tower as in the pic in the previous Sermon, and likewise His [Likewise Our: His One Plan including Us Functioning Together to Complete hardly as slaves rather of Grace "Joyous In JESUS Christ work"]

Golden Cube growing is like unto crystal growth automatically (Maintenance) and yet with His Spirit Together of "Grace" rather than forced [many in secular worldly reasons (reference as previously linked) have felt coerced] by "Law", Together His Mass Accomplished More And Better in the sense that in a region a Church was built of hands, and With JESUS Signal also (see previous in this Series)

this JESUS Christ Together Gathering Second Coming Golden Cube, Righteously Prophesying today: Will Be A New Type Of Universal Visual Broadcasting!

Consider the center of New York City with much more than simple billboards. There are 3D and 4D [moving parts such as symbolic of pouring coffee] aspects with giant screen monitors and attention gathering attractive lights added and such as sounds to motivate.

Likewise is Our building the JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Plan Prayerfully starting with JESUS Christ hence currently pertinent is with Us inviting All and much work already accomplished with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, and at this point to Edify a moment: in the next sentence.

Fear JESUS Christ, also be aware i am not looking for to receive Your jewelry nor loot, Friends; as written in Revelation 2:23 applies and this in not to scare You into getting rid of Your stuff nor to melt gold into plowshares; for this "moment" this is merely about the future after the "Test Me" (see previous in this Series) concerning Prayerful "NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN".

So this is to say that the gold and jewels [such as rubies of lasers, and Naysayers after "Proofs" be aware of: rubicon] were involved in the Exodus for more than merely personal reasons, as the previous sentence "not looking for to receive" such applies, though of Grace the Golden Cube is made of materials: not a fictional Golden Cube, not merely unseen Spiritual, not merely seen Spiritual, yet with the Census Seeing: Convincing Power.

So continuing this Flow of Good information Before The Fact of the Future Situation, JESUS Christ like unto resources We already know and accomplish as with the "New York City" "giant screen monitors and attention gathering"...

the JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Planning Will Be Our Highest Tech and Increasingly Better Faith means

Increasingly Better Graceful Participation Motivating [hardly because of me rather of JESUS Spirit In Your Heart] People Will Be Giving Their All.

The JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Will Be Able to shine brighter than the Sun,

and Appear As A Golden Planet and be able to cloak and cast shadows and rainbows and show passwords in billboards in future languages as encountered.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives New Information On Future Sacred Faith Matters that most of this current Civilization denied since the world began including More On The Second Coming Golden Cube 3D and 4D Specifics Over Complexities In Togetherness Of Perfect JESUS Christ Good Planning Solved Before The Fact with how to Be Giving Saving Grace With PRAYERFUL NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, also explaining how the Sun appeared: stopped in the sky!


The JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Will Be Able To Appear as though in the shape of the All Seeing Eye

and it Will Be Strong For Righteous Protection with energies [such as protection from space debris]

and Edifyingly it will be able to leap tall buildings [Victory Over All comic books and Naysayers comments]. Fittingly Preceptingly with Edifying, the dust Will have no bragging rights: no more worries for to have tears merely to wipe away dust from the eyes due to desert dust storms, no more reasons to complain, no more hate, no more need to be selfish hence no more ideas to need to be attractive to reproduce the self Save as much as JESUS Christ Original Plan Gives, hence associated with the above gold and jewels if such as "moment" of truth applies and comes [People have the JESUS Christ Given Gift to opt, yet the Ascending Christians Already Are Leading (like unto the Exodus, and perhaps the politics related land settlement of this generation)]. And no Holy Soul Will Say "I am sick" (Isaiah 33:24).

So Save JESUS Christ One Name Father Spirit, there will be no bragging rights for the Sun nor Moon nor the stars nor galaxies, nor for any under the pertinent Firmament: His coming in ALL HIS GLORY. These Are The Saving, the Broadcasting for to Uplift The Worthy! Broadcast JESUS Christ UN The Best Way Magnifyingly for to Best Lead Them All as written above since as written in 1 Corinthians 15:2 Young's Literal Translation "through which also ye are being saved, in what words I proclaimed good news to you, if ye hold fast, except ye did believe in vain,".

Behold the Good Coming Fast that is Already history such as in the previous Sermon with illustrated Helping JESUS Christ Build His One Best Golden Cube (Mark 4.36), and such as the moot same or similar [as the thread indicated] understanding of how "The Battle of Joshua" Miracle Victory may have happened, also "Correlates to Passover" [like unto a bigger Moon and both Moons during sunset and shining full Moon style, even so rather than about secular proofs] as increasingly proven let Us set our Sight(s) on the Perfect JESUS Christ "Good" "Planning" "Before The Fact".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives New Information On Future Sacred Faith Matters that most of this current Civilization denied since the world began including More On The Second Coming Golden Cube 3D and 4D Specifics Over Complexities In Togetherness Of Perfect JESUS Christ Good Planning Solved Before The Fact with how to Be Giving Saving Grace With PRAYERFUL NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, also explaining how the Sun appeared: stopped in the sky!


22 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB JESUS Spirit Gives New Information On Future Sacred Faith Matters that most of this current Civilization denied since the world began including More On The Second Coming Golden Cube 3D and 4D Specifics Over Complexities In Togetherness Of Perfect JESUS Christ Good Planning Solved Before The Fact with how to Be Giving Saving Grace With PRAYERFUL NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, also explaining how the Sun appeared: stopped in the sky!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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