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JESUS Your New Plan Sermon.

JESUS Christ is aware of Your thoughts and what You imagine [Your Path] to plan. So i know what You are planning to do before You do, according to "Your Path" [mainly predictably since:] according to Your faith type and amount and situations, and according to my Faith Amount In JESUS Christ. Is this of interest to You, to the naysayer not much of interest though for instance if their job is security it needs be of tremendous interest.

JESUS Christ put Us into a situation preparing for end time in these years of All Things Becoming Made Known. This is with a fulcrum point, JESUS, the Savior Lord And Master, not merely the Master Key, not merely the Master Password; and not merely to leverage as in previous Sermons in this Series, yet also for balance and steering like unto the needle of a compass (see multitude of keys including "JESUS Design key" and "JESUS Fulcrum key" in JESUS Warp Drive Sermon at

In previous Sermons of many to pass through the eye of the needle meant to go through JESUS Christ [Ascendingly] without selfishly hidden treasures, yet JESUS Spirit Gave me while typing this Sermon that this "eye" also applies as the central fulcrum pin of "the needle of a compass" on which the needle can move properly to direct properly: if to say or do anything then first JESUS Prayerful Proper Direction at least Faithfully rather Loyally and hence the vector sum of Mass velocity Flow amount.

JESUS Christ Gives for You in this "end time in these years" to be aware to prepare now for the New Beginning.

The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints [LDS] symbol of the Liahona:

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, eye of the needle, ball of curious workmanship, guide, directing, Word, food, leverage, Mass velocity

("why did Lehi also receive the Liahona?" is explained at

The "all seeing" Liahona concerns forces unseen by typical census People, such as magnetism, yet the Liahona tapped into greater forces such as for to find [the Word Of Faith Good Eternal, and] food [for the Soul] lest to faint according to if any lack of Best Direction Faith Flow amount.

There was an ancient Tribe that had no rain so planned to relocate. In other words their secular system failed [also concerning the whole of this civilization be aware many Christians have served under the laws in the secular ways]. So their system lost value until They relocate in hope of luck under secularism and logic of knowledge predictions or predict They pass from the census that They suffered so long to do works for to accomplish.

Long range planning before the fact is better, such as the "ancient Tribe" did. Instead Better is to say and do as JESUS Christ Exemplar, the Eternal Best Planner. So now Your are told, so what would You opt to say and do?: it is already as stated above in this Sermon.

And now that You have considered the "above" JESUS Spirit Gives for this to be Given You Anewly [With next sentence Precept] that We are to Plan for JESUS Second Coming And For Our New Better Beginning Even The Best Option: We Plan now for what We Will endure later: JESUS Christ One Graceful Loving Caring Joyous Blessings Givings With Even More Excellent, lest to opt other (see above as much as pertinent "according to Your faith type and amount and situations" as pertinent in as many if any), and above is stated "So i know", how do i know? according to JESUS Christ Convincing Power In Christianity (such as in Acts 18:28) yet the Convinced Already Christian Leadership needs no Convincing and "neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers" can dissuade (Romans 8:38).

"So i know" what You Will Do as much as explained above, and as explained above "not merely" in this "situation preparing for end time in these years" yet also days from now the results or JESUS Way Better Yields Magnifying Multiplying, hence Before The Fact applies and Prophesyingly yet also as stated above, even the Pharisees would have been able to read: this JESUS Spirit Awareness and increasingly Better for the Loyal through JESUS Christ, is aware likewise as within today, even now! And the JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying Increasingly Aware for the morrow ("poetic": (Numbers 21:27).

Above is written "why did Lehi also receive the Liahona?", and now Anewly JESUS Spirit Gives Awareness moreso [if not already with such, and not for to offend though as i have noticed all too often though definitely Heavenly Soul(s) exception(s) does exist] as the JESUS Loyal Leadership starts each day, each situation, each plan, and each moment with JESUS Christ Prayerfully Continuing Givingly and since for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All therefore with Best Way yet with Good Samaritan Grace Level Responsibility [no one left behind] as pertinent in Luke 9:23

though note the word "opisō" at means according to Google Translate "description", as written in International Standard Version [rather than as many other versions said to "take"] "Then he told all of them, "If anyone wants to come with me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross every day, and follow me continuously," so You "must" rather than merely "follow", You "must" describe JESUS Christ Daily All Day Every Day: Be JESUS Exemplar One, and if not then under secular Law and hence measurable (reference for instance the many types and multitudes of measured plans an then the fewer multitudes of actual course corrections of the ways to the Moon).

So the "actual" of the previous sentence applies. In other words if Civilization is off track and the JESUS Spirit Leadership is to plan today, now, JESUS Christ One Best Plan for to course correct, since JESUS = Good, the so Ascended is Aware of the "measurable" amount, even so the word sufficiently applies such as written in 2 Corinthians 12:9 Contemporary English Version "But he replied, "My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am." so in other words as stated above a trip to the Moon was not with a measured course correction until weak enough, similar to broken rather stretched somewhat chain amount enough, the course was not corrected until reason to turn on the course correcting rocketry; if it was a measured deviation but hardly in need of making the astronauts and to change course, and if not yet need to spend fuel as the fabric flow of space time might automatically return the vessel to be on course again, then the plan did not fail per se for to measure to be aware.

Many that have lacked Ascending through JESUS Christ for to Best Lead All have had former interpretations often better but often worse, than the previous as illustrated in the top funnel [likewise triangle] shown here, as if any sensible reason to ascend but then stray left or right, forward or back (see above Romans 8:38) Save if a JESUS Christ Given Special Mission (see above Good Samaritan example, also concerning Experts, Specialists, Bosses, Governance, Counsel, and Children types of Special Mission types of Responsibilities along with the normal JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One Best Ascending Course Best For All).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, New UFO Technologies Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible


The shown above lower "triangle" ["funnel"] like unto an arrowhead pointing the JESUS Way, is as a current moment for through JESUS Christ to find the Best Way the Straight Up Centerline for to Best Proceed for All. Many have interpreted (though see above the gift to opt such as "stray left or right") the Trinity as Father Son Holy Spirit(s) as at each point of the lower "triangle", though Righteously These Three are in One JESUS Christ: if to go from this word, up levels of sentences until the above bottom of the bottom "triangle" then having not yet Ascended into that "triangle" is from the lower perspective to perhaps assume the Trinity is at each point of the "triangle", when actually the lower "triangle" is having reached the Tree Of Knowledge, anewly so far, having overcome [branches] "triangles" likewise along the Ascending Path [and if to fall then to fall as onto thorns and verses on broken in pieces and dust apply.

If the Tree "triangle" falls on You then to crush, if to run into the Threshold without JESUS [pretendingly] then to crash and [bounce] fall back down in works to try again. If to enter into the Triangle as JESUS Eternally Is Everywhere then [of Law rather] of Grace is the unseen Mercy Guiding Funneling into the JESUS Godhead Leadership Name ["Leadership" as many as so Ascended to that Level].

To crash and fall and burn is a very real very harsh reworking Longsuffering thing and worse if to repeat, hence the urgency to Broadcast for Their sakes hence the Better for this Civilization as a Whole: Praise and Glory Be to and For JESUS Christ One Grace. This above top and bottom funneling and triangles [and triangulation in this Series] is already explained, see the "Firmaments and levels" Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB New UFO Technologies: Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible Sermon at If to enter from below up into the bottom triangle to the extreme right or left then so to speak without option available, though obeying the Law to enter Centerline Straight And Narrow is On Course The Best Way Flowing With Velocity Straight Up Through The Best Leading Faith Guiding Eye Of The Needle The JESUS Door.

As written in Romans 8:39 Berean Study Bible "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

12 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over system matters kept secret since the world began with how to live longer, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas System Correlation Best For All explains why a Person Ascending is as JESUS Christ and Faithfully and scientifically explains what it means to be with weak value to become Perfect, eye of the needle, ball of curious workmanship, guide, directing, Word, food, leverage, Mass velocity course correcting rocketry; measured deviation astronauts cosmonauts change course, spend fuel as the fabric flow of space time can automatically return Civilization vessel to be on course again but to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Now for to Best Way Measure.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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