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JESUS New Father Sermon.

JESUS Christ was Sent. How hardly could the Father Spirit ever make up for that?: impossible Save through the Grace of JESUS Christ. If You were a Child of 12 years of age and Your Parents [Your Guardian(s)] Sent You away, if They cast You out as the devil but You were innocent, at the Temple hearing and Teaching; and They cast You out into the street because You had no nice clothes and so told You to obey the Law and had the Enforcers tie You with ropes as You had innocently did as invited, then how hardly would You ask Them and Invite Those that had been good but then opted to cast innocent You out bound head and foot; how hardly to forgive Them?

If to be the Original Exemplar and of JESUS Christ Best For Father Spirit One, and so of the Original JESUS Christ Plan in so Saying With Doing being found Good, then let the Sender go through JESUS Christ [and much has been accomplished already]. And the "accomplished already" is already Good, so this speaks to the unbroadcasting multitude balance: for Good Spirit to Broadcast JESUS Christ even if merely after-the-fact so to speak: rather Broadcast JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Righteously and rather Broadcast JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Yet Righteously Prophesyingly.

A Person was invited to a Banquet, and found in normal clothes and the Person was without a speech

so they tied the Person and cast the Person into the

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began explains what Better Heaven is and describes it with a gif, with how to Create Better Heaven as this Sermon explains the 1/3rd of the stars as JESUS Spirit Gives the New Better Bible Translating Way Improvingly Over What JESUS Righteously Taught that the Regal tied and cast out the ordinary, rather to Best Way fly aloft in a rocket as warp drive speed


As Good Innocent Desperately Lovingly JESUS Christ explained as written in Matthew 22:13 New King James Version

"Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' ".

The Heavenly Father cannot be Good nor Ascend without JESUS Christ.

Hence the Heavenly Father too made Himself a little lower than the Angels: JESUS Christ Created the Heavens and the Earth: "the Heavens" including the "Heavenly Father". The "Heavenly Father" did not as the selfish world so was not in the world [Save as much as the world opted Good], so the Father was in Heaven. Then JESUS Christ came into the world and Perfectly Perfecting, JESUS Christ was and is Good rather than merely "selfish". Hence Heaven on Earth, even in the JESUS Christ New World (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Exemplar JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace New Civilization Victory Over Yet With Record of the Law Way Of Moses ["as much as the world opted Good"]).

As written in Habakkuk 1:4 New International Version "Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.", and in New King James Version "Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.". JESUS Christ taught of a Person cast out into the street, just as would happen to Himself, just as stated above that the Heavenly Father Spirit had to descend as though as His Son that the Heavenly Father had Sent, though the word humble means The Heavenly Father Spirit went a little lower than JESUS Christ.

What does JESUS Christ Urging NEEDFUL Desperate Love Mean?: the longer You resist, the more humble You have to be, the lower levels under More And More Few Ascending, means in worldly relativity that You self opt worse and worse sufferings needlessly according to selfishness resisting. Do You Broadcast as the Good Samaritan JESUS Christ Before The Fact, or by default You opted to be as the victim bound head and foot and beaten and cast into the street dark alley where cars might drive and where looters and critters opt Over You Beloved.

Job 11:6 "That He would show you the secrets of wisdom! For they would double your prudence. Know therefore that God exacts from you Less than your iniquity deserves.".

The Heavenly Father was humble under JESUS Christ Father Spirit One, so did no lower Himself Save to Congratulate His Son JESUS, as the Father Spirit Had Hoped. We, in this world as many as opted other than Perfect JESUS Spirit can be like JESUS Spirit and One, like unto as written in 1 Nephi1:12 "And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.", and importantly note the word "filled".

But as naysayers had opted is this example, for selfish regal partying, the naysayers saw a person in plain clothes so tied beat and cast the person into the street but now the naysayers have to go be humble to that same person [in naysayers' confused perspectives] and hope the tied beaten cast out of the party person would forgive and untie the naysayers: the same naysayers that if not fully repentant, might opt to fall from grace and repeat their beastly warmonger insanity.

What is the Proof that JESUS Christ is innocent pure and good?: as written in Matthew 3:17 "And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." ".

Likewise of Law Enforcement as written in Matthew 27:54 "So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God!' ". Likewise [though of the secular worldly] Top Authority of the lands and the People thereof as written in John 19:19 "Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.", and even the lowest levels of Humans the Conspirators and Naysayers and Crucifiers that loved even if to torture and kill for selfish crazy temporary delights proclaimed [Broadcast] as written in Mark 15:18 "and began to salute Him, 'Hail, King of the Jews!' ".

All knowledge as much as worth knowing is already completed in this Civilization (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Civilization End Sermon at Shall We no longer be interested in JESUS Christ, Health, Welfare, UFOs, new technologies, Churches, Families, and such?: rather only as much as "Best Way" fits into the previous sentence applies. This Agrees with ibid., including as linked and stated "to know JESUS Christ as much as the current situation applies", and this Agrees with JESUS Christ Spirit Father One.

So the New Heavenly Father In JESUS Christ Spirit One (also reference Abraham and above stated "filled") is not the same as the Previous Heavenly Father [not yet "filled"] Save as much as Heavenly though as with All Seeing Eye All Knowing JESUS Christ Father Spirit Oneness: this as written applies to JESUS Christ as much as Sent to apply to This Civilization: not the Eternal according to Naysayers, yet Anewly for the fully repentant Anewly Baptized into the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ: see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For One Leadership on the Father so Working and having so Accomplished Completely! Victory Already!

Who then is JESUS Christ?: JESUS Christ The Original Designer Planner And Maker Of It So Can Innocently Proclaim as All Hoped and so Proclaimed: I AM The Father Son And Holy Ghost [The Holy Spirit as Much and as Many as So Applied Successfully], as when JESUS Christ Was Baptized Into His Spirit so Likewise was the Spirit and With The Eternal Good Father! The Ascending including the Eucharist Enters Permanently Likewise. So such as Sermon On Sermon Precepting The Way applies Likewise Yet Wisely in Good Wisdom With And In Father Son Holy Spirit One.

So the Father Son Holy Spirit One is no longer as in former lower levels ways, as Hoped Fulfilled is Come Already [and Naysayers are invited] concerning the New Victory Over [yet as much as Faithfully pertinent with] as written in 2 Peter 3:13 "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.".

Continue to look up Praying to the Heavens symbolically even though Victory Over verses such as Job 25:5 "If even the moon does not shine, And the stars are not pure in His sight," Yet Anewly In This Victory Over as written in Job 35:5 "Look to the heavens and see; And behold the clouds— They are higher than you.". Save as much as Loyal, We no longer turn to God, We Straighten Others that had turned astray: as "Hoped" the New Better Language Translation Interpretation than ever was stated in 1 Thessalonians 1:9 "For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God," Save as written in Matthew 13:52 "Then He said to them, 'Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.' " and merely JESUS Christ Original Exemplar Can Be Victor Over What JESUS Christ said so with and in JESUS Christ Spirit One is this Agreeing as written in Matthew 9:17 "Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." hence Precept On Precept for the Ascending Uplifting The Worthy Glory Of And With For JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All Anewly: Better Heaven!

What is New Better Heaven, and how to describe it?:

it is as to fly in a rocket as warp drive speed and see 1/3rd of the stars fall from the sky.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began explains what Better Heaven is and describes it with a gif, with how to Create Better Heaven as this Sermon explains the 1/3rd of the stars as JESUS Spirit Gives the New Better Bible Translating Way Improvingly Over What JESUS Righteously Taught that the Regal tied and cast out the ordinary, rather to Best Way fly aloft in a rocket as warp drive speed


Thank You from this Civilization, JESUS Christ!

17 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began explains what Better Heaven is and describes it with a gif, with how to Create Better Heaven as this Sermon explains the 1/3rd of the stars as JESUS Spirit Gives the New Better Bible Translating Way Improvingly Over What JESUS Righteously Taught that the Regal tied and cast out the ordinary, rather to Best Way fly aloft in a rocket as warp drive speed.

Jesus Christ

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