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Selected papers from the Lab:

Acta Paediatr, 1998.
Transfusion Sci, 1998.
Blood, 1999.
Blood, 2000.
Blood, 2002.
Amer J Hematol, 2002.
Blood Reviews, 2002.
Transfusion, 2002.
Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 2003.
Blood, 2003.
J Paed Hem Onc, 2003.
Vox Sanguinus, 2004.
Blood, 2004.
Transfusion, 2004.
Seminars in Hematology, 2005.
Blood, 2006.
Drug Discovery Today, 2006.
Blood, 2007.
Blood online, 2007.
Transfusion, 2007, in press.

TPIG Collaborative Papers:

IVIg and Anti-D review article, 1998.
ITP versus SLE, 2000.
Platelet activation, 2000.
More platelet activation, 2000.
IVIg - mechanism of action, 2001.
Transfusion, 2004.
British J Haematol, 2006.
Blood, 2006.
Blood, 2007.

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