Green Lantern Salaak

Green Lantern Hal Jordan

Green Lantern Larvox of Sector 17

Green Lantern Rori Stroh of Sector 1234

Green Lantern Tahr of Sector 6

Green Lantern Remnant Nod of Sector 1132

Green Lantern Laira

Green Lantern Night Lantern Hal Grayson

Green Lantern Kreon of Sector 2002

Green Lantern Sodam Yat Ion V3.0

Green Lantern Bruun of Sector 83

Green Lantern Bareer Wot of Sector 3014

Green Lantern Superman

Green Lantern Turytt

Green Lantern Kyle Rayner (Original Costume v1.1)

Green Lantern Alan Scott

Green Lantern Voz

Green Lantern Green Man

Movie Concept Hal Jordan

Green Lantern Brik

Green Lantern Vath Sarn

Green Lantern Raker Qarrigat

Green Lantern Torquemada

Green Lantern Hannu

Green Lantern Sodam Yat ION

Alpha Lantern Boodikka

Lost Lantern Tomar Tu

Lost Lantern Kehaan

Lost Lantern Graf Toren

Green Lantern Kilowog

Green Lantern Salaak

Green Lantern Kraken of Sector 38

Green Lantern Guy Gardner

Green Lantern Ash of Sector 650


Green Lantern Boodikka

Green Lantern Princess Iolande

Kyle Rayner(Current Costume)

Green Lantern John Stewart

CSA Power Ring

Green Lantern Soranik Natu

Hal Jordan Spectre

Green Lantern Pre-ION Sodam Yat

Legion of Three Worlds Sodam Yat


Green Lantern John Stewart

Green Lantern Kilowog

Uh-oh... (Arkillo VS. Hal Jordan)

BFFs Forever (Kilowog and Hal Jordan)

Green Lantern Hal Jordan

Green Lantern Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner Old VS Repaint

Kyle Rayner as ION (2nd Costume)

Green Lantern Sodam Yat as ION

Kyle Rayner in his old costume

2005 VS 2008 sculpt comparison

Kyle Rayner as ION repaint

2005 VS 2008 paint comparison


Kyle Rayner v2.0, Sinestro, Kyle Rayner v1.0, and Guy Gardner


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