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Photos of Brooms Sites in Arkansas

Pictures of the Cemeteries on this page are owned by Nancy Matthews and are taken from NANCY'S LAWRENCE COUNTY CORNER -- Court House Picture is owned by Bridgette Jansen Cohen and was taken from the Randolph County GenWeb Project webpage and was taken from the

Old Austin Cemetery - Walnut Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Buried in this cemetery are: Francis Rosetta Broom Stout, Nancy Broom Wooldridge, her husband Isaac, Louis Broom and his wife Mary A. Garret.

Lawrence County Memorial Cemetery, Walnut Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Buried in this Cemetery are: Luther Broom, son of Lewis Broom, Ollie Mae Broom Kellett, daughter of Francis Rosetta Broom.

Old Randolph County Courthouse

This is where many of the Brooms of Randolph and Lawrence Counties in Arkansas went to get their marriages Licenses.

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