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ready to get fat?

Just kidding.  I know that one of
your resolutions might be to loose
weight this year.  I want to help.

This is an excellent recipe for
Angel food cake.  there are
109 calories and 0 grams of fat
per serving.  It is a very easy
recipe.  Not like the 12 egg recipe
that i have seen in alot of cookbooks.

I hope that you will like this light
and airy cake.  topped with fresh fruit
it makes it even better!


  angelfood cake

mix flour with sugar and salt.  Set aside.  Beat egg whites  until foamy;  add cream of tartar and continue to beat until stiff (but not dry) peaks form.  Gently fold in flour mixture, vanilla and almond.
Pour batter into an ungreased tube pan.  Bake at 375 for about 45 minutes, or until the cake springs back lightly when touched.  Invert the pan on a rack.  Cool completely in the pan before removing.  (variation-One day I didnt have any
 almond extract so I added lemon extract instead.  It was absolutely wonderful.  Give it a try!

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cut a slice of pie and take it with you to another page.
Just don't let your mom know that you are eating
in the living room!

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