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I am so glad that you stopped by!
It has been a long time since I updated this page.
I haven't had the time to do new graphics, but at least it is no longer spring of '99 in Utah.

I hope you enjoy your stay in my humble little home. Alot has happened here since you last visited.  Well sort of.  The kids are getting bigger, and I am finding I have less time to do what I love, like play with my web pages.   I am no longer promising to make changes every month.  But if you stop by every once in a while, you might find something new.  And something that you might be able to use.

Here are my links.  The next button will take you to my recipe main index page.  My links page contains links to all of my favorite places on the web.  And of course, I love e-mail, but feel free to sign my guest book.  Also, don't forget to visit my husbands pages.
If you like what you see, please tell a friend!

links pagenext pagee-mail

No part of this page may be reproduced.  The graphics on this page are NOT public domain.
©Kellie Smith