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My favorite links!!
(of course I had to have a links page.  Doesn't everyone?)

amishMy personal pagesamish
I wish that this was my houseMy home page Amish girl-another cute oneMy recipe index QUILTS! QUILTS!This and that-just for fun
Amish boy-cute huh?Pansy Page-my family's story of the pansy's I wish that I could quilt decentlyA little about me I love anything AmishOur Cabin Pages-my husbands pages

I love spring flowersMy Family Links
a flower for my momMy mom's pages-visit all of her pages is it spring yet?My sister Barbara's pages your plants will DIE if you don't water soonMy sister Polly's pages
better give those flowers waterA page for my mom-I did this page to cheer her up YET??? Please say yesRobyn's pages-my talented aunt.  If you want a good laugh visit her pages don't tell me that it isn't spring yet.Sarah's pages-my niece, just a beginning for her
tulips mean SPRING!!!Raegan's page-my cousin have you watered those flowers yet?Cousin Fred's pages- this man is one smart dude This is an important page to visit.A memorial to John-a very important page about suicide

Lots of hearts!My Favorite SitesHEART
heart againSecretWorkshop-wonderful children's fabrics What do you expect? another heartWoolworks-the best knitting site Love one anotherThe official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
another oneLDS midi site-inspirational music HEART! HEART!Laura's Midi Heaven-the best midi site on the web Moms love this site!Moms on the web-a wonderful site for moms
yes you guessed again-HEART!Smile for me-lift your spirits Hamsters love hearts!Hamster Dance-hilarious I just wanted to put another heart here, no reason.

BettyFun Kids SitesHenry
(*for the cooking sites, just follow the links on the pages)
me*Dole Just for Kids-follow the links Brian-he loves hats*Totally Hershey-
Denzel*Kellogg's Clubhouse
LaraK-12 on the Internet My little BeccaMuppets-my personal favorite NellieFun School-a good site
Betty-who is Betty?Kids Domain Henry-isn't he cute?Viki mouse-some fun stuff to do. George-doesn't he look like a George?Pooh links-lots of fun Winnie the Pooh links

My Favorite Cooking sitesSugar Cookies shaped like a heart
flour for breadPenzeys-the best spices available sugar, sugarMastercook-the best cooking software ginger snapJoan's recipe archive-a very good overall site
chocolate chipThat home site Recipe exchange-a very good forum flour for cakeTaste of Home- the best cooking magazine more sugarMortens Recipe Index-a very good site
ok so I like sugarHome canning guide-I love canning and this site is very good OatmealKitchen link-what's cooking on the net flour for cookies-YEAH!San Diego Smoothies-yummy!

tulipFree e-Card Sitestip toe through the tulips
tulipAngelwinks Cards-cute cards. tulipEEEK Mail-cute mouse cards
tulipBlue Mountain Cards-the best card site on the web. tulipVikimouse Cards-yes, the mouse has now added cards.  They are really cute.
tulipLDS Cards tulipHallmark Cards-I hate to spend so much on their cards, but these are free!

All of the links on this page were tested on
February 25, 1999.  Let me know if you have
any problems connecting with any of them.

A lot faster than snail mail!
e-mail me!!!! I love mail!

All of the cute graphics on this page are from Vikimouse