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It is Easter time again.  I love Easter.
My mom seems to have instilled in her
children a love of all holidays.  Easter
especially.  We learned that Easter was
for expressing our love to Jesus Christ.
For the sacrifices He made for each of
us.  She taught us that He loves each of
us and is watching over us all.  

We also had fun.  I remember waking up Easter morning, excited to put on my new dress.  My mom always made it.  And it was always beautiful.  
It was fun searching for our Easter baskets.  Our house was large, because there were eight of us kids, so our baskets were well hidden.  

Then it was time for church.  All of us dressed in our new clothes, new shoes, and the girls all had new purses.  Off to church, to learn from our Sunday School teachers all about Jesus, and the resurection.

My mom has just finished her own Easter page.  Please visit her pages.  She has put together a wonderful page.

This background is my first attempt at making my own graphics.  In the future I hope to have my own free graphics to offer.  Keep checking back!  If you like this background, I would be honored to have you use it.  All I ask in return is a link back to my home page.  There is a logo at the bottom of this page, and my url, that you can use.  Also, I would appreciate an e-mail letting me know that you are using it. I would love to see my work in action.

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Wild Rose Designs