

Here is the first floor of my tower. Here is where I will tell you what is going on on the battle field(When I get one) and so on. I will also keep history check ups here.




11:55, Friday, May 31, 1999: Got my RPG Started

8:30, Tuesday, April 27: Lady Kefka's Final Fatnasy Tower opened.

2:00, Saterday, January 25, 1999: Lady Kefka's Final Fantasy III Tower of Slaves opened.

11:10, Saterday, January 30, 1999: Lady Kefka's Final Fantasy III Tower of Slaves reached 50 visiters.

6:28, Sunday, January 31, 1999:Got Chett, Dragon, and Amos slaves

Sometime, Febuary 7, 1999:Reached 100 hits

8:50, Tuesday, Febuary 9, 1999:Got new fanfic "My worst nightmare"