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Seven Years Bad Luck!!

Marina stood patiently on the out skirts of the crowd in front of the baggage claim area for Noble Airlines. She had learned from frequent flying that everyone rushed at once the minute the conveyer belt whizzed into action.

A well-loaded surfer type walked past her with several packages and suitcases, because of the bulk of his passage the crowd parted and Marina glimpsed the slowly turning luggage belt as her own suitcase popped up seamingly out of no where. She quickly darted into the parted crowd and grabbed her suitcase, banging it against the railing. Marina dragged it bumbling and stumbling through the terminal and the parking lot and then a bit too roughly tossed it into the back of her pickup truck.

When Marina got home and was unpacking she pulled out her makeup bag... her large 9" square mirror was cracked and broken. Marina stared at it for several minutes, the hair on the back of her neck rose and she had goose pimples on her arms that she rubbed at absentmindedly. She knew what this ment. Seven years bad luck!!!

the date was june 30th, 1984


The first month after she broke her mirror she was promoted at work with a large raise.

Six months later she met a wonderful man who was charming and kind and very handsome.

Six months after that she married the wonderful man.

A year after marring the wonderful man she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

She spent six months on maternity leave enjoying the time with her daughter.

Finally her boss had to bribe her with a new raise to get her back to work.

........ two and a half years had gone by and still Marina was plagued with doubts and aprehension about the seven years bad luck.

Six months later Marina and her wonderful husband decided to start their own business.

Six months after that they were already successful and Marina was expecting their second child.

When their second child, a healthy boy was three months old they decided to build their dream home.

After living in the new house awhile, they had thier third and decidely last child.

Marina and her wonderful husband were having nothing but good luck.

Six months before the seven years were up they decided to take the whole family on a month cruise.

When Marina and her family returned she had a lottery winner notification letter in her mail box. She had won 10 million dollars.


As the previous years had passed and Marina had nothing but good luck she stopped trying to look over her shoulder expecting bad luck, so when she won the 10 million dollars she decided to give some to the poor and homeless as a way to pay for her good fortune.

Marina had given some here and there along the water front area of her town and as she gave she stopped to listen to the stories of a few of the homeless.

She met Jason, a man similar to her in age and background, he told her his story. "I had a wonderful job that i loved, and one day for no reason i was fired. Months after that and not being able to find a job to support my family..... my wife left me and took the kids to her parents 1300 miles away. Too far for me to viset them often. Then i was hit by a bus and i spent a year in the hospital and now i have a bum leg. Then i found out my wife had continued to use the credit cards and had forged my name on the checks. The police picked me up and i spent the rest of the time in prison for forgery that my wife committed. I was just released today seven years to the day that i lost my job and the bad luck started." Marina asked where he had worked that his boss could be so unfair and unfeeling. Jason replied, "Seven years ago today i was a baggage handler for Nobile Airlines"

......................... and todays date was june 30, 1991.........


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