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I Am Divine

I looked in the mirror the other day--
"You are divine" I heard a voice say
My eyes were wide with much surprise,
"Oh no I'm not, just see my eyes.
They're much too small, I wish they were blue."
The voice came again, "You are joyful and true."

I looked at my neighbor with such a sigh,
"You are so thin!" was my weak cry.
She seemed quite stunned, then said to me
"Things aren't always what you see,
I'd give anything if I were you
For you are righteous and truthful too."

I picked a book up off the shelf,
Then knew I couldn't live with myself
I promptly put it in its place,
then felt the Spirit taking place,
"I knew you'd pick the one you should
You thirst for knowledge--That is good!"

I told my brother, "It's not funny,
You are so rich with money!"
He said, "I'm rich, that much is true
But I would rather be like you.
You're honest, good and always kind.
People like you are hard to find."

It took a while but I caught on,
And soon my list of wishes was gone.
How blessed I am from up above
With God and friends and joy and love.
No money can buy these gifts of mine
I'm a daughter of God, and I'm divine!

(Author Unknown, from "Very Valuable Values for Young Women", Vol. 2, pg.17)