formerly "Dancing Queen" by ABBA

Faceless guys, plamming too, alien hybrid green goo
Lots of files, Spenders three, listen to CGB

Surgery in an old box car
Doctors get flammed so they don't get far
Spender sucks on the X-Files; Mom's back but just how?
He wants the real truth now
Cassandra is the big success
Her escape makes a nasty mess
Needs to be knocked off soon, secrets will come out
Our agents will save the day
What's going on you say?

Listen to CGB, could there be continuity?
CGB, wonder what those initials mean?
Spender whines, gets slapped twice, Dad says some things that aren't nice
Plam whipped out, go Jeffy, says Mister CGB

Spender heads out, tries to be bold
Stuck in a rebel stranglehold
Krycek goes for the neck (ouch); Jeffy stares in shock
Not pleased to be just a pawn
He knows what's going on

Listen to CGB -- could it be he is with Fowley?
CGB, in real tight with the chickadee
Mulder's place, not much fun, Cassandra begs for a gun
Scully shouts...what will be?...all cause of CGB...
Author: Bryn

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