Color me sleep-deprived, this came to me at, oh, 1 am?
The following is a filk of a Those Darn Accordions!
song called "The Hotsy Totsy Polka." Enjoy....

"The Skanky Bitchy Polka"

She's just a skanky bitchy ho
Looking for a Playtex, not a pal (PLAYTEX!)
Annoying Dana Scully every chance she gets
She's a trashy whore, I just abhor that gal
Doesn't have a job so she took over the X-Files
Plays Mulder like he's a cheap board game
She'd rather flash her bosoms on an afternoon
Or hit on anyone who's game


I thought Foxy boy would just jump up and run
Into my arms and let me "clean his gun"
But I will not give up, oh no I've just begun
I'm a skanky bitchy ho!


She's a skanky bitchy ho (insert yodel here)
She's a skanky bitchy ho (more yodeling)
She's a skanky bitchy ho (lots more yodeling. It's polka, what did you expect? ;))

She's just a skanky bitchy ho
Her face is always frozen in a frown
I tried to tell her that she had her bolts a little tight,
But she rammed my head into the ground
Makin' out with Spender on a Friday night,
How'd she find the lips in that old face?
She's sucking on his Morley, when she blows the smoke away
Boy I really wish I carried mace


I'll do anything because I have no shame
"Cones-of-Doom" is gonna be my middle name
Since I got uplifted, I haven't been the same
I'm a skanky bitchy ho!

repeat Chorus

Author: Exsanguinate

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