[Ed Note: I titled this one, not Bryn, and she should be happy,
cos I was gonna call it "Brain-gel of Music."

Brain-Eating Mutant

to the tune of "Angel of Music" 
(thankyouverymuch, Loa)

Not long ago
I controlled it
I was an every-
day guy

Now when I'm out
I get cravings
though I don't
know why

In the drive-thru
there is a real jerk
Super size this
Snack boy

Self-help and gum
don't fix the problem
I need some gray

Hey, Rob, I know who's
the killer
Wink wink nudge nudge get
my drift

Well, Rob, that ground chuck
is missing
And you were
on shift!

Gosh, I feel hungry
must eat brains now
with my spiked proboscis

Gosh, I feel hungry
cannot fight it
OA cannot help me

And of course, a few acts later, The Hunger of 
Rob Robertson taunts the hero, singing "I am your 
hunger / Go find me fresh cerebellum."

Author: Bryn

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