AUTHOR: Kate Mulder
TITLE: Moving On
FEEDBACK: Anything but flames.
SUMMARY: After the fire in "The End", Mulder thinks.
CATEGORY: filk, M/S friendship, minor MulderAngst
ARCHIVE: Take it, just send me the link.
NOTES: Filk of "Graduation" by Vitamin C.  I ran it through the Amuse O 
Matic on, and decided that if I rewrote the rewrite, it would be a 
good filk for post-The End.  I'm not sure this one turned out so great, but you 
be the judge.  Some MSR, but NoRoMo friendly.

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 65
I keep thinking that we should
Keep on thinking there are no conspiracies
But when we leave the office tonight it'll be the end of our work.
No more playing Russian Roulette cause Modell's a few bricks short.
And if you've got something, Scully, that you need to say
You better say it right now cause there won't be another day
Cause life's moving on and we can't--oh, shi--
I keep thinking of Samantha and more chances we won't get.
I keep thinking of that dark November day
When the aliens came and took my sister away.
But it came too soon and there was the FBI and you
A case would come in, our outlooks would be renewed.
We'd run around the country chasing things that weren't real.
We'd get so amused, we'd get so confused
Laughing at our tales, thinking life isn't fair.

And this is how it feels.

As we go on, I'll remember
The time spent working X-Files together...
And if our lives suck--sure, fine, whatever.
'Cause we will still be, friends forever

So what if we get an alien virus, our fire will still burn hot.
When we look back, will everything that looked right seem like it's just not?
Will we still have to worry about CSM's goons?
Will they still be trying to break every beaker in the chemistry room?
Will little brainy Pendrell be a Mafia don?
Can we finally find a way to kill Diana Fowley off?
I keep on thinking that this isn't goodbye
Keep on thinking, Scully, it's a time to fly

And this is how it feels

As we go on, I'll remember
The time spent working X-Files together.
And if our lives suck--sure, fine, whatever.
'Cause we will still be, friends forever

La, la, la, la; yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la, we will still be friends forever

Will we think about our cases like we think about now?
Can we run after monsters? Can I shoot Krycek somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're oil and water again.
Will the past be a Mafia don that will forever hunt us down?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town?
 I keep on thinking that this isn't goodbye
Keep on thinking, Scully, it's a time to fly.

As we go on, I'll remember
The time spent working X-Files together...
And if our lives suck--sure, fine, whatever.
'Cause we will still be, friends forever

As we go on, I'll remember
The time spent working the 'Files together.
And if our lives suck--sure, fine, whatever.
'Cause we will still be, friends forever

As we go on, I'll remember
The time spent holding onto forever.
And if our lives suck--sure, fine, whatever.
'Cause we will still be, friends forever

Author: Kate Mulder

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