She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals
She Makes Us Thud- Reade

We can't help it
We think she's cool
The stuff she does
Really make us drool

Tell you what we've got in mind
Fest is near, we're almost' OUT OF TIME
We're gonna have a huge par-tee
To show the world that we love Scull-ee

She makes us thud
oo oo
Like no one else
oo oo
She makes us thud
And we can't help ourselves

We can't wait for Fest
People say
We're obsessed
We'll get to meet Autumn the wise
She has better sources than the FBI's
And Rev Ma, we'll get to see her too 
And La and Lens, and Pepe lePew 

She makes us thud
oo oo
Like no one else
oo oo
She makes us thud
And we can't help ourselves

One can't make it,
Gotta work he moans
No SRE's
without Dave we groan

She makes us thud
oo oo
Like no one else
oo oo
She makes us thud
And we can't help ourselves

Uh huh huh

She makes us thud
oo oo
Like no one else
oo oo
She makes us thud
And we can't help ourselves

Uh huh huh

She makes us thud
oo oo
Like no one else
oo oo
She makes us thud
And we can't help ourselves
Author: Reade

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