September Song (Frank Sinatra)
To take my mind off of wondering, I have written
a filk. It's a sing-along, really, to the tune of
that great old classic "September Song." So everyone
now, slow and with feeling ...
Oh, it's a looong, long time
From May to November
And patience grows short
When we reach September.
But when Autumn's trout
Turns our cheeks to flame
We haven't got time
For the RP game.
Ohh, the jokes dwindle down,
To a precious few:
Mulder's haircut,
And Krycek's butt;
But these long Scullynemic days
I will spend with you.
These precious daaaayyyss,
I will speeennnd, wiiiiitthh, yyooouuuu.....
That sounded great, everyone! How 'bout a round-robin
version of "Where Have All The Consortium Gone?"
Wait, come back, where are you all going?
Author: Sunseeker
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