"It Just Can't Be" / "Think of Me"
From Phantom of the Opera
by Andrew Lloyd Webber

It just can't be
I can't explain it
The data has no worth.
It doesn't match
Any known protein
or chemical on earth.
Mulder thinks
it's from an EBE
and the government's involved
it's another way-out theory
Can this case be solved?

Think of all the things
we've chased in vain
like UFOs or parasites
which attack the brain...
It just can't be
an alien virus
there's no evidence
Imagining, that's what he's doing
my partner's first defense
No I can't say for sure
what this stuff is
I can't confirm Mulder's theory
Will there ever be an x-file
that makes sense to me?!

Author: Bryn

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