Only Happy When There's Angst
To the tune of "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage

We're only happy when there's angst
We're only happy when there's Mulder-torture,
When Scully grieves, and there's just no closure,
We're only happy when there's angst

We always love it when Mulder's a PUNK,
Skinner's a turncoat, or the 'Ship is sunk
We're only happy when there's angst

Write your misery down...
Give more misery to Fox-y
Write your misery down...
Give more misery to Scully

We're only happy when there's angst
We like it when CSM puffs some smoke
We wouldn't mind it if Fowley choked
We're only happy when there's angst
We have a craving for the dark
And we're still suckers for the moviewording myth-arc
We even liked it when you chopped Rat Boy's arm
We're only happy when there's angst

We want a monster that is scary like Flukeman
But more Marita and we think we'll puke, man
We're only happy when there's angssssssst

Write your misery down...
Hurt Mulder some more for us, please
Write your misery down...
Give Gillian another Emmy
Write your misery down...
But no more cancer for Scully!
Write your misery down

And we'll still love you, CC,
As we're tearing out our hair

We're only happy when there's angst
Oh, while you're at it can we see the flashlights?
And have Vince write it or there'll be some fist fights!
We're only happy when there's angst

Give us your misery, CC

We're only happy when there's angst
We've already sold our souls to thee
We're really happy when there's angst
Spender's gotta go, pretty please
We're only happy when there's angst
Lay off the Jean-Claude VanDamn bees
We're really happy when there's angst
You gotta lay off the VanDamn bees
Please lay off the VanDamn bees
Just lay off the VanDamn bees
(Repeat & fade)

Author: SpicedRum

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