Kinda Cute

Riley made his way through the crowd. He'd been looking for Buffy for a little over an hour but she was very elusive. He wandered through the mess of tables, hoping to find her.

"Hey Riley," Steve called, "Where'd you go last night. Walsh really needed you."

"Oh, hey," Riley slowed down and let him catch up. "sorry about that. I was at Willow's."

"Willow? Man, I thought you were after Buffy."

"I am, willow's just helping me get her. She's kind of my accomplice."

"Oh, good."


"Yeah," Steve smiled, "let's just say I think Willow's peculiar."

"I get it. So what did Walsh want?"

"We still haven't found hostile 17 and she's pretty pissed about it."

"Don't worry, we'll get him soon. He must have someone hiding him."

"Maybe you should ask Buffy," Steve laughed, "it'd give you something to say."

"Yeah," Riley chuckled, "I can see it now. Hey Buffy! Say, you don't happen to be hiding a 120 year old vampire in you bathtub, do you?"

"She'd probably freak out and never talk to you again."

"She's the one that told me she was getting married to an older man, named Spike."

"That girl is weird. She's hot, but weird."

"Well, I'm glad I have your approval." Riley pointed across the lawn to one of the tables. Buffy, Willow, and Xander were finishing their lunch. "There they are. I'll see you later." Riley walked over just as Buffy and Willow left.

"Um, hi," Riley said nervously as he sat down across from Xander. "You're Xander, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Xander said as he continued to shove his sandwich into his mouth.

"You're a friend of Buffy's and I was wondering if you could tell me a little about her."

"Maybe," Xander looked up, "why do you want to know?"

"It's just that I haven't liked anyone like Buffy in a long time and some help would be appreciated."

"Yeah," Xander smiled at Riley, "Buffy's different form the other girls."

"Oh," Riley looked down at his hands, "I meant that Buffy's a girl and I haven't liked a girl in a while." "Really?" Xander looked a little more interested.

"And I probably shouldn't be telling you this because you look like you're going to run away," Riley stood up to leave.

"Wait," Xander stood up too, "I don't mind. In fact, I only said maybe because I thought you were kinda cute. I also go both ways."

"You thought I was cute?" Riley smirked.

"Yeah. Buffy's lucky," Xander stepped closer to Riley and kissed him gently on the lips. He released the taller man and walked away.

"Wow," Riley muttered. He decided to stop the search for Buffy and went to check in with the evil bitch-monster of death.